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Xonotic video (6mins long)

Hey guys, well here;'s something I wanted to finish, but due to uncontrollable software problems/errors I was never able to be able to finish it even though I wanted too it was just impossible in the end to stop the errors..lesson learnt..never use Premiere Pro 2.0!

Made this like in December 2010, used 50fps and no motion blur for this one.

First 2 minutes is intro, just me running round the map so I suggest you fast-forward to the 1:30-40ish mark.

6 mins long, with CTF/DM/Assault footage, most of it is early xonotic pickups and some public stuff, every frag by me except the freezetag scene (thanks Mirio).

Only reason I show it, is because hopefully can look back and see how much of a change Xonotic has been/gone through since it's first release.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Nice one. Wink

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Awesome video, though not looking up and down the stairs when you were free-running Stormkeep at the beginning kinda makes you look like a noob Tongue Where'd you get the kick ass music? Also this is exactly the kind of stuff we need to see in an official promotion of the game, though whoever puts together a teaser for the game may want to consider replacing or ditching the hit sounds as they do sound a bit ridiculous (I turn them off when I play, the only hit confirmation I need is a player screaming or making a mess all over the wall hehe) .

Oh wait.

The music is by Hybrid Sound System, PM me if you want to know what track it is, I can link you to some of there music they do some amazing tracks Smile
As for hitsounds your correct, my new video I am working on I removed them - as for the noob free-running Big Grin

Anyway, hopefully it'll give some people some idea's like you said Lee, would like to see more video's out.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Remove also the beep sound of the chat. Tongue

Already done Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Very good video kojn.
The song you picked, once more, makes the video very very enjoyable to watch. The frags as well of course Smile
The running round is maybe a bit long, but probably induces by the song intro itself.
The deformation effect you used during the song breaks is just perfect.

Lee is probably right: some part of the movie could be used as official promotion. Or at least, this level of quality.

Edit: please kojn PM me the link you were talking about.

They do some awesome music and are not very well known in general considering they've worked on some big films helping with movie scores, I PM'ed you Rage Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


can't you upload it @youtube please??? will promote xonotic! so please do!

... ok and i don't want to download that big file with my d/l speed
[Image: 788.png]

So, a very nice video Smile

It has kickass music and would do a great job for promoting xonotic, probably upload it to youtube^^
I would suggest con_chatsound 0 and turning on the "You fragged ... " message (ok, no motion blur, but its not essential Tongue)

Unfortunately it has a quite abrubt ending, but anyway, its a great movie Wink

I'll upload it tonight Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


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