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Git version server crashing

Couple of things.

I didn't copy the console errors but twice the xonotic server crashed and had to be restarted.

Where is the server.log file located? I uncommented that line and named the file xonotic-server.log but its not being created. Is it suppose to be in the Xonotic dir or in my home dir?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Ok redid the git setup and now the server.log file is there. Don't know what happened will report back if it crashes again.

Ok so it played for a while and I believe its crashing on capturecity_xon map

Here part of the log file

^7Server spawned.
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Player^7 has changed from ^1Red Team^7^7 to ^4Blue Team^7
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7^7Player^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Player connected
^7^7Player^4 is now spectating
^7^7Player^4 is now playing
^7^7DeadDred^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7DeadDred connected
^7^7DeadDred^4 is now spectating
^7^7DeadDred^4 is now playing
^7^1NOTE^7 to Player^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7^1NOTE^7 to DeadDred^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7^7DeadDred^1 got caught in the blast when ^7Player^1's Raptor exploded, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^1 picked up a Superweapon
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7DeadDred^1 was cluster bombed by ^7Player^1's Raptor, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 captured the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^1 shot themself to hell with their Laser, losing their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^7 captured the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7EntityFrame5_WriteFrame: packetlog overflow for a client, resetting
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1213 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Client connected
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7^7Player^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Client "маx супер" connection timed out
^7Client "маx супер" dropped
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Unstuck player entity 1229 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Client connected
^7Authenticated connection to has been established: client is RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=@Xon//Ks, I am 5M9Arq0@Xon//Ks
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Downloading csprogs.dat to SoldierLT
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Download of csprogs.dat by SoldierLT has finished
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7SoldierLT^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7SoldierLT connected
^7^7SoldierLT^4 is now spectating
^7^7SoldierLT^4 is now playing
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^1NOTE^7 to SoldierLT^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: 1410, classname: spiderbot_rocket, origin: '-2487.0 -231.0 574.2')
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: 1369, classname: spiderbot_rocket, origin: '-2756.1 -304.1 496.8')
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7DeadDred^1 got shredded by ^7Player^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7SoldierLT^1 got caught in the blast of a Raptor explosion, losing their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^1 was pummeled by ^7Player^1's Hagar rockets, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^1 picked up a Superweapon
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^1 was riddled full of holes by ^7DeadDred^1's Machine Gun, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 returned the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^1 got too close to ^7Player^1's Electro plasma, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7SoldierLT^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7SoldierLT^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7SoldierLT^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7SoldierLT^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7pickup_dropped_score is 1
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Client connected
^7Authenticated connection to has been established: client is f2WJcnzO5EXrbW89YRwayvfQairgntMvhRq93j5XCB4=@Xon//Ks, I am 5M9Arq0@Xon//Ks
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Downloading csprogs.dat to ^x02C^7
^7^7Player^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Download of csprogs.dat by ^x02C^7 has finished
^7^7SoldierLT^1 got caught in the blast of a Raptor explosion, losing their 2 frag spree
^7--- CUT HERE ---
^7WARNING: Adding score to unknown player!
^7VM_remove: tried to remove the null entity or a reserved entity!
^7s69246: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^6FIELD_S    GLOBAL27864, classname (=.classname), GLOBAL27846
^7s69247: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^2EQ_S       GLOBAL27846, GLOBAL20561, GLOBAL27846
^7s69248: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^5IFNOT      GLOBAL27846, statement 69251
^7s69249: miscfunctions.qc:1544: STORE_S    GLOBAL20562, GLOBAL4
^7s69250: miscfunctions.qc:1544: ^3CALL1      error (=error())
^7s69251: miscfunctions.qc:1545: STORE_ENT  GLOBAL27864, GLOBAL4
^7s69252: miscfunctions.qc:1545: ^3CALL1      builtin_remove (=builtin_remove())
^7miscfunctions.qc:1545 : remove_unsafely : statement 6
^7../common/util.qc:2525 : backtrace : statement 19
^7   scores.qc:341 : PlayerScore_Add : statement 44
^7   scores.qc:355 : PlayerTeamScore_Add : statement 3
^7mutators/gamemode_ctf.qc:1785 : HOOKFUNCTION_ctf_PlayerDies : statement 15
^7mutators/base.qc:89 : CallbackChain_Call : statement 6
^7cl_player.qc:582 : PlayerDamage : statement 303
^7 g_damage.qc:800 : Damage : statement 137
^7 g_damage.qc:1027 : RadiusDamage : statement 297
^7   raptor.qc:693 : raptor_blowup : statement 14
^7--- CUT UNTIL HERE ---
^7======server ERROR in TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7server EDICT 3:
^7modelindex     64
^7absmin         '431 1719 2855.03125'
^7absmax         '465 1753 2926.03125'
^7movetype       3
^7solid          3
^7origin         '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7oldorigin      '544.085388 1828.50122 2930.95264'
^7velocity       '-0.624067545 -70.4235306 769.867737'
^7classname      player
^7model          models/player/megaerebus.iqm
^7mins           '-16 -16 -24'
^7maxs           '16 16 45'
^7size           '32 32 69'
^7weapon         14
^7ammo_shells    14
^7ammo_nails     320
^7ammo_rockets   160
^7ammo_cells     180
^7items          428032
^7takedamage     2
^7chain          entity 2
^7view_ofs       '0 0 35'
^7button2        1
^7v_angle        '3.46861744 -310.89856 0'
^7netname        SoldierLT
^7flags          4104
^7colormap       3
^7team           5
^7watertype      -1
^7dmg_take       90.0672226
^7dmg_save       1
^7dmg_inflictor  entity 1245
^7alpha          1
^7clientcolors   68
^7ping           99.9755859
^7movement       '0 0 56.6666107'
^7clientstatus   0
^7dphitcontentsmask 289
^7playermodel    models/player/megaerebus.iqm
^7playerskin     0
^7cursor_trace_start '501.839172 1704.2749 2913.27417'
^7cursor_trace_endpos '-2714.63184 -3839.96851 1900.83203'
^7crypto_keyfp   Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=
^7crypto_mykeyfp Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=
^7crypto_idfp    RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=
^7crypto_signmethod HMAC-SHA256
^7WarpZone_findradius_nearest '448 1736 2915.03125'
^7WarpZone_findradius_findorigin '448 1736 2915.03125'
^7WarpZone_findradius_findradius 266
^7_WS_weapons    8743
^7anim_time      912.599243
^7anim_lower_action -1
^7anim_lower_time 996.065796
^7anim_upper_action 2
^7anim_upper_time 999.732483
^7anim_implicit_state 1
^7anim_implicit_time 999.299133
^7anim_lower_implicit_action -1
^7anim_lower_implicit_time 988.099182
^7totalfrags     -2
^7event_damage   PlayerDamage()
^7speed          360
^7pain_finished  1000.23248
^7statdraintime  917.599243
^7cnt            10
^7play_time      741.540283
^7fade_rate      1
^7anim_idle      '7 1 0.121951222'
^7damageforcescale 2
^7dmg            2
^7air_finished   1009.63251
^7iscreature     1
^7damagedbycontents 1
^7teleportable   1
^7oldvelocity    '-0.624067545 -70.4235306 769.867737'
^7pauseregen_finished 1004.73248
^7pauserothealth_finished 973.932495
^7pauserotarmor_finished 977.199158
^7pauserotfuel_finished 922.599243
^7weaponentity   entity 1285
^7exteriorweaponentity entity 1360
^7weaponentity_glowmod '2 0 0'
^7switchweapon   14
^7switchingweapon 14
^7weaponname     hlac
^7autoswitch     1
^7weapon_nextthink 1000950.25
^7weapon_think   w_ready()
^7version        600
^7nextstep       988.40332
^7spectatortime  623.432861
^7jointime       623.432861
^7spawnshieldtime 913.599243
^7flagcarried    entity 952
^7playerid       3
^7spawnorigin    '-3712 2688 89'
^7death_origin   '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7cvar_cl_handicap 1
^7cvar_cl_clippedspectating 1
^7cvar_cl_autoscreenshot 1
^7cvar_g_xonoticversion 0.6.0
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriority 12 8 17 4 3 9 16 6 10 7 5 2 14 15 1 11 18 13
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities 10 4 9 18 17
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[1] 12 8 7 14 6 1
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[2] 12 8 16
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[3] 12 8 16 3 2
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[4] 4 5 14 9 7 18 2
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[5] 1 13 11
^7cvar_cl_gunalign 3
^7weaponorder_byimpulse 11 13 17 10 9 18 12 8 16 7 14 6 4 5 3 2 15 1
^7cvar_cl_allow_uid2name 1
^7cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking 1
^7jumppadcount   5
^7jumppadsused   entity 705
^7jumppadsused[1] entity 709
^7jumppadsused[2] entity 703
^7respawn_countdown -1
^7attack_finished_for 945.199219
^7attack_finished_for[1] 921.232544
^7parm_idlesince 997.632507
^7SendFlags      4096
^7SendEntity     CSQCModel_Send()
^7playersound_death sound/player/soldier/player/death 3
^7playersound_drown sound/player/soldier/player/drown 0
^7playersound_fall sound/player/soldier/player/fall 0
^7playersound_falling sound/player/soldier/player/falling 0
^7playersound_gasp sound/player/soldier/player/gasp 0
^7playersound_jump sound/player/soldier/player/jump 0
^7playersound_pain100 sound/player/soldier/player/pain100 0
^7playersound_pain25 sound/player/soldier/player/pain25 0
^7playersound_pain50 sound/player/soldier/player/pain50 0
^7playersound_pain75 sound/player/soldier/player/pain75 0
^7playersound_attack sound/player/soldier/coms/attack 0
^7playersound_attackinfive sound/player/soldier/coms/attackinfive 0
^7playersound_coverme sound/player/soldier/coms/coverme 0
^7playersound_defend sound/player/soldier/coms/defend 0
^7playersound_freelance sound/player/soldier/coms/freelance 2
^7playersound_incoming sound/player/soldier/coms/incoming 0
^7playersound_meet sound/player/soldier/coms/meet 0
^7playersound_needhelp sound/player/soldier/coms/needhelp 2
^7playersound_seenflag sound/player/soldier/coms/seenflag 0
^7playersound_taunt sound/player/soldier/coms/taunt 3
^7playersound_teamshoot sound/player/soldier/coms/teamshoot 3
^7cvar_cl_voice_directional 1
^7cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation 0.5
^7pressedkeys    16
^7stat_game_starttime 16
^7stat_sv_airaccel_qw -0.800000012
^7stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw -0.949999988
^7stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw 800
^7stat_sv_maxspeed 360
^7wasplayer      1
^7prevorigin     '448 1736 2912.03125'
^7stat_shotorg   4482144
^7hitplotfh      -1
^7last_pickup    986.932495
^7typehit_time   802.732666
^7current_ammo   .ammo_cells
^7weapon_load[1] -1
^7weapon_load[3] 60
^7weapon_load[16] 80
^7nex_charge     0.5
^7clientdata     entity 1329
^7selectweapon   14
^7ballistics_density 0.5
^7wps_flagcarrier entity 1371
^7wps_enemyflagcarrier entity 1346
^7wps_helpme_time 999.732483
^7throw_antispam 912.565918
^7vehicle_health 100
^7vehicle_energy 50.8332596
^7vehicle_shield 100
^7vehicle_reload2 41.3330078
^7allowed_timeouts 2
^7cmd_floodtime  623.732849
^7cmd_floodcount 1
^7csqcmodel_modelindex 64
^7csqcmodel_colormap 3
^7csqcmodel_anim_time 912.599243
^7csqcmodel_anim_upper_action 2
^7csqcmodel_anim_upper_time 986.232483
^7race_movetime  213.286133
^7race_movetime_frac 0.286126614
^7race_movetime_count 213
^7nextplayer     entity 2
^7bot_attack     1
^7lastteleporttime 964.96582
^7teamkill_complain 807.732666
^7teamkill_soundsource entity 1
^7pusher         entity 2
^7fire_endtime   -1
^7restart_jump   -1
^7lastflags      4104
^7lastground     988.099182
^7wasFlying      1
^7spectatorspeed 1.5
^7multijump_count -2
^7v_angle_old    '33.1347656 -149.661255 0'
^7lastclassname  player
^7specialcommand_pos 1
^7latency_sum    3269.65332
^7latency_cnt    34
^7latency_time   997.082825
^7weapon_frametime 0.0333333015
^7prevstrengthsoundattempt 944.499207
^7hasweapon_complain_spam 950.065857
^7reload_time    2
^7reload_sound   weapons/reload.wav
^7shotgun_primarytime 921.782532
^7electro_secondarytime 912.599243
^7rl_release     1
^7hook_refire    912.599243
^7rifle_accumulator 912.599243
^7fireball_primarytime 912.599243
^7entcs          entity 1338
^7accuracy       entity 1330
^7modelindex_for_playersound 64
^7netname_previous SoldierLT
^7model_randomizer 0.715130091
^7antilag_origins '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[1] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[2] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[3] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[4] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[5] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[6] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[7] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[8] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[9] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[10] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[11] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[12] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[13] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[14] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[15] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[16] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[17] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[18] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[19] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[20] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[21] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[22] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[23] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[24] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[25] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[26] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[27] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[28] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[29] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[30] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[31] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[32] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[33] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[34] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[35] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[36] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[37] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[38] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[39] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[40] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[41] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[42] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[43] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[44] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[45] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[46] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[47] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[48] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[49] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[50] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[51] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[52] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[53] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[54] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[55] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[56] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[57] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[58] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[59] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[60] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[61] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[62] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[63] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_times  -2342
^7antilag_times[1] -2342
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^7antilag_times[63] -2342
^7antilag_index  63
^7antilag_saved_origin '448 1736 2913.92017'
^7ban_checked    1
^7AuxiliaryXhair entity 1365
^7AuxiliaryXhair[1] entity 1331
^7scorekeeper    entity 1328
^7csqcmodel_nextforcedupdate 999.950562
^7anticheat_jointime 623.399536
^7anticheat_div0_evade_v_angle '33.1347656 -149.661255 0'
^7anticheat_div0_evade_forward_initial '-0.72271055 -0.422973782 -0.546610177'
^7anticheat_div0_evade_count 6952
^7anticheat_div0_evade_accumulator 0.00126353302
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_old_count 6952
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_forward_prev '-0.72271055 -0.422973782 -0.546610177'
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_new_count 6951
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_new_accumulator 0.704924405
^7anticheat_speedhack_offset -784.333374
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime 213.286133
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime_count 213
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime_frac 0.286126614
^7anticheat_speedhack_count 6951
^7anticheat_speedhack_accumulator 2.88917795e-06
^7playerstats_id RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=
^7anim_die1      '0 1 0.833333313'
^7anim_die2      '1 1 1.25'
^7anim_draw      '2 1 2'
^7anim_duckwalk  '4 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckjump  '5 1 0.93749994'
^7anim_duckidle  '6 1 0.666666687'
^7anim_jump      '8 1 0.15625'
^7anim_pain1     '9 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_pain2     '10 1 2'
^7anim_shoot     '11 1 0.00100000005'
^7anim_taunt     '12 1 0.714285731'
^7anim_run       '13 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_runbackwards '14 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_strafeleft '15 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_straferight '16 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_forwardright '19 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_forwardleft '20 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_backright '21 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_backleft  '22 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_melee     '23 1 0.00100000005'
^7anim_duckwalkbackwards '24 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkstrafeleft '25 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkstraferight '26 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkforwardright '27 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkforwardleft '28 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkbackright '29 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkbackleft '30 1 1.60000002'
^7animdecide_modelindex 64
^7Host_Error: server: Program error in function TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7Tip: read above for entity information
^7QuakeC crash report for server:
^7s63956: scores.qc:102: STORE_F    GLOBAL27846, GLOBAL27847
^7s63957: scores.qc:102: ^5IFNOT      GLOBAL27846, statement 63992
^7s63958: scores.qc:102: ^2AND        GLOBAL27847, GLOBAL27847, GLOBAL27846
^7s63959: scores.qc:102: ^5IFNOT      GLOBAL27846, statement 63964
^7s63960: scores.qc:104: ^5IFNOT      gameover (=0), statement 63962
^7s63961: scores.qc:105: ^5RETURN     GLOBAL17224
^7s63962: scores.qc:106: STORE_S    GLOBAL23461, GLOBAL4
^7s63963: scores.qc:106: ^3CALL1      error (=error())
^7   scores.qc:106 : TeamScore_AddToTeam : statement 11
^7   scores.qc:123 : TeamScore_Add : statement 3
^7   scores.qc:357 : PlayerTeamScore_Add : statement 9
^7mutators/gamemode_ctf.qc:1785 : HOOKFUNCTION_ctf_PlayerDies : statement 15
^7mutators/base.qc:89 : CallbackChain_Call : statement 6
^7cl_player.qc:582 : PlayerDamage : statement 303
^7 g_damage.qc:800 : Damage : statement 137
^7 g_damage.qc:1027 : RadiusDamage : statement 297
^7   raptor.qc:693 : raptor_blowup : statement 14
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Client "Player" dropped
^7^7Player^4 disconnected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "DeadDred" dropped
^7^7DeadDred^4 disconnected
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "SoldierLT" dropped
^7^7SoldierLT^4 disconnected
^7^7SoldierLT^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "^x02C^7" dropped
^7Quake Error: Host_Error: server: Program error in function TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7Tip: read above for entity information
====== Log stopped (Sat May 11 10:15:07 2013) ======
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

This is caused by CTF not checking if the attacker was a player before giving score to them in the PlayerDies mutator hook.
I found this yesterday & notified the devs, it will probably be fixed soon.
[Image: 230.jpg]

(05-11-2013, 05:36 AM)Mario Wrote: This is caused by CTF not checking if the attacker was a player before giving score to them in the PlayerDies mutator hook.
I found this yesterday & notified the devs, it will probably be fixed soon.

Thanks its happening with Autobuild too.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(05-11-2013, 10:39 AM)end user Wrote: Thanks its happening with Autobuild too.

Well, autobuild is at most one day late compared to git, so that's no surprise.

Well I'm still having crashing problems with git.

I'm not sure if I did the update correctly

./all update
./all compile dedicated
then run ./all run dedicated


I attached the log file.

Attached Files
.txt   vehicle-server.txt (Size: 100.76 KB / Downloads: 2)
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

This issue has been fixed today in Git, try updating again.
[Image: 230.jpg]

Good news everyone no crash yet with the new update.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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