The reason is... uh... there's an unused exist gametype "Invashion" (and it is official!) and also there are 5 monsters (unused and official too), but there's no maps (expect for unofficial ones), so, i desided to make this contest for mapping...
There's no official maps for Invashion, so, let's create them!!!
How to name:
Important one is red
name -> author -> description -> title -> link to dowload(e.g. mediafire) -> some notes -> screenshots -> who helped -> gametypes (if there more than invasion)...
Maps MUST be or have(or something):
I think that's all... do you like the idea about it? - I hope yes.
There's no official maps for Invashion, so, let's create them!!!
- There are monsters (from 0.8)
- There is an unused gametype Invashion (from 0.8)
- There's no official maps for it, expect for unofficial maps
- People even don't know about it and haven't played it
- Killing monsters is fun
How to name:
Important one is red
name -> author -> description -> title -> link to dowload(e.g. mediafire) -> some notes -> screenshots -> who helped -> gametypes (if there more than invasion)...
Maps MUST be or have(or something):
- look official (it is like the default maps you have, e.g. afterslime)
- be for both types of players (for casual ones and for professional ones)
- have at least five monster respawn in a map
- health(can be replaced by healing trigger on some place) and armor on the whole map
- ONLY BUILD SO: Final (Xonotic default)
- monsters must see and attack you, unless it is hunting...
- at least 4 weapons on a whole map
- have a level screenshot, a mapinfo(fully edited)
- ... more and more...
- look simple (there's no official maps that look simple, expect for early version)
- one type of all the monsters (one type of a monster will be a little bored, expect for you want a zombie "apocalipcys", then OK)
- not flat (monsters can't climb by ladders, jump, to solve it you need stairs, plats, jumpads, ...)
- secrets (a little cheat, but OK)
- powerups, superweapons (the same OK)
- elevators, portals, warpzones, etc... (it is ok too)
- no base (more harder for casual players)
- there's no place where monsters appear and go to the general map (less realistic and maybe harder, that with it)
- linear type (-> 1) -> 2) -> 3) ... )
- own music (it must go very well, but i recommend using official ones)
- own textures (must look official)
- effect "WOW!!!" (that very interesting or very nice, i recommend it, because it'll have a chance to be official)
- teamplay invasion (g_invashion_teams , it will make teamplay gamemode, i don't recommend using it)
- other gametypes (dm, tdm, ca, lms + inv, but must go well)
- remake or remix of exist map (unless it is much better and look official)
- remake or remix of official maps(that you already have them)
- ... more and more...
- the places that monster can't climb there, expect for it is a player's spawn
- be too big (there won't enough monsters) or too small(there will be too much monsters)
- confusing (player will be lost, e.g. maze-like, should be easy to learn even for casual players)
- one player spawn (at least five)
- one monster spawn (at least five)
- turrets (will attack even in warmup, i didn't test)
- vehicles (monsters won't attack you)
- no weapons (at least four)
- space maps, which have the holes where you and monters can fall (monsters will fall and it will be bored a lot)
- ... more and more...
- there must be 50-20 maps for it or during a long time...
- I'd like someone to make an AD for it...
- this contest should be important
- contact: Discord: Kotangens#5322 , post an email to me in the forums.
- Dangerous, but a winner's map will be put to official maps
- It is a free contest
- can be a few winners
- there will be posted polls, so, there are rules for them
- everybody can vote a map or maps that likes it
- there won't be listed who voted
- if a map will have the most votes, it will be a winner
- if a map will have many votes, but not enough to be a winner, will be in a next poll with more maps
- if a map will have the least votes, it will fail the contest and won't be accepted anymore, expect for its remake or remix
- there's no maps yet
I think that's all... do you like the idea about it? - I hope yes.
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remix, Kota-dooM4-2, landinghedge, midairem, lavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.
You can check out my other maps here.