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FREE Invasion mapping contest

The reason is... uh... there's an unused exist gametype "Invashion" (and it is official!) and also there are 5 monsters (unused and official too), but there's no maps (expect for unofficial ones), so, i desided to make this contest for mapping...

There's no official maps for Invashion, so, let's create them!!!
  • There are monsters (from 0.8)
  • There is an unused gametype Invashion (from 0.8)
  • There's no official maps for it, expect for unofficial maps
  • People even don't know about it and haven't played it
  • Killing monsters is fun
How to name:
Important one is red
name -> author -> description -> title -> link to dowload(e.g. mediafire) -> some notes -> screenshots -> who helped -> gametypes (if there more than invasion)...

Maps MUST  be or have(or something):
  • look official (it is like the default maps you have, e.g. afterslime)
  • be for both types of players (for casual ones and for professional ones)
  • have at least five monster respawn in a map
  • health(can be replaced by healing trigger on some place) and armor on the whole map
  • ONLY BUILD SO: Final (Xonotic default)
  • monsters must see and attack you, unless it is hunting...
  • at least 4 weapons on a whole map
  • have a level screenshot, a mapinfo(fully edited)
  • ... more and more...
Maps, that can have it, but NOT RECOMMENDED:
  • look simple (there's no official maps that look simple, expect for early version) 
  • one type of all the monsters (one type of a monster will be a little bored, expect for you want a zombie "apocalipcys", then OK)
  • not flat (monsters can't climb by ladders, jump, to solve it you need stairs, plats, jumpads, ...)
  • secrets (a little cheat, but OK)
  • powerups, superweapons (the same OK)
  • elevators, portals, warpzones, etc... (it is ok too)
  • no base (more harder for casual players)
  • there's no place where monsters appear and go to the general map (less realistic and maybe harder, that with it)
  • linear type (-> 1) -> 2) -> 3) ... )
  • own music (it must go very well, but i recommend using official ones)
  • own textures (must look official)
  • effect "WOW!!!" (that very interesting or very nice, i recommend it, because it'll have a chance to be official)
  • teamplay invasion (g_invashion_teams , it will make teamplay gamemode, i don't recommend using it)
  • other gametypes (dm, tdm, ca, lms + inv, but must go well)
  • remake or remix of exist map (unless it is much better and look official)
  • remake or remix of official maps(that you already have them)
  • ... more and more...
Maps, that MUST !!!NOT!!! have:
  • the places that monster can't climb there, expect for it is a player's spawn
  • be too big (there won't enough monsters) or too small(there will be too much monsters)
  • confusing (player will be lost, e.g. maze-like, should be easy to learn even for casual players)
  • one player spawn (at least five)
  • one monster spawn (at least five)
  • turrets (will attack even in warmup, i didn't test)
  • vehicles (monsters won't attack you)
  • no weapons (at least four)
  • space maps, which have the holes where you and monters can fall (monsters will fall and it will be bored a lot)
  • ... more and more...
  • there must be 50-20 maps for it or during a long time...
  • I'd like someone to make an AD for it...
  • this contest should be important
  • contact: Discord: Kotangens#5322 , post an email to me in the forums.
  • Dangerous, but a winner's map will be put  to official maps
  • It is a free contest
  • can be a few winners
  • there will be posted polls, so, there are rules for them
  • everybody can vote a map or maps that likes it
  • there won't be listed who voted
  • if a map will have the most votes, it will be a winner
  • if a map will have many votes, but not enough to be a winner, will be in a next poll with more maps
  • if a map will have the least votes, it will fail the contest and won't be accepted anymore, expect for its remake or remix
  • there's no maps yet

I think that's all... do you like the idea about it?  - I hope yes.
My maps:
CTF: Trident_ctf, Moon terror;
DM: Checkfriend, Landing hedge;
Duel: tempullit, X air walker;
Kota-dooM: Kota-dooM, Kota-dooM4 (-2);
Race: Map packs;
Special: Triangle, Mid space 'em.

You can check out my other maps here.

How is the situation regarding mapping for Xonotic in Trenchbroom? I would really not want to touch GTKRadiant ever again Sad

Hah franken mapped some of those invasion maps. I was working on some arcade like ones. One was using the Double Mini Man map with just one room. You would stand on the window sill and the monsters would spawn randomly at the other end of the room and run towards you. You had to hit them before they got to the teleports and jump pads which would spend them towards you or teleport randomly on the window sill area. Brainstormed lots of ideas with Mario years ago about Invasion maps. Most were to be more for fun and arcade play like.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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