There seem to be multiple oddities with calculating accuracies for different weapons:
-Shotgun and Crylink apparently have acc calculated for every single pellet fired, so you can have less than 100% acc after a single shot fired (that hit), and you can even lower your accuracy with hits. No other game, that I know of, did it like that, so now numbers are pretty misleading.
-Sometimes I got less than 100% (anywhere from 60 to 90%) after a single hit from a weapon NOT firing pellets (like mortar, nex, electro or rockets), which can't even be explained as above. Also, detonation of rocket mid-air lowered my acc a few times (checked that), even if enemy WAS hit.
-Hagar's secondary can quickly rise to 100% even with some missed shots previously, and even more oddly, it doesn't fall down for a while with a few consecutive missed shots (and certainly not because there were so many of them fired)
-Hitting turrets/vehicles and assault objects is not accounted in a number. Hitting assault object doesn't even produce a hit indicator sound.
-[HARD] taking into account electro combos somehow. Given many possibilities to use combo, this is very complicated.
-Shotgun and Crylink apparently have acc calculated for every single pellet fired, so you can have less than 100% acc after a single shot fired (that hit), and you can even lower your accuracy with hits. No other game, that I know of, did it like that, so now numbers are pretty misleading.
-Sometimes I got less than 100% (anywhere from 60 to 90%) after a single hit from a weapon NOT firing pellets (like mortar, nex, electro or rockets), which can't even be explained as above. Also, detonation of rocket mid-air lowered my acc a few times (checked that), even if enemy WAS hit.
-Hagar's secondary can quickly rise to 100% even with some missed shots previously, and even more oddly, it doesn't fall down for a while with a few consecutive missed shots (and certainly not because there were so many of them fired)
-Hitting turrets/vehicles and assault objects is not accounted in a number. Hitting assault object doesn't even produce a hit indicator sound.
-[HARD] taking into account electro combos somehow. Given many possibilities to use combo, this is very complicated.