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Just want to stop by and say hello, and say that you guys have my support.

I like the ideas here, and especially where it seems the game will be more artistically refined. The new player models are very nice, and provide a good start to a cohesive theme. I'm looking forward to see how this all evolves Smile

Hi Irritant, thanks and i hope you enjoy Xonotic.
Real signature is still in production!

Hey there! Welcome to Xonotic!
4m038105 - Be the change.

Just to let you know, using IE8, the forums screw up pretty badly, to the point you cannot read threads. It only occurs when logged in though. As guest, everything is fine.

I don't have any problems on IE8.

Hello and welcome to Xonotic =)

Hi Irritant, thanks for your support. I alerted the ppl responsible for keeping the site running so the ie problem should be addressed shortly.

I will look into this ie8 issue.


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