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[SUGGESTION] Pre-determined Player models based on Map

With the idea of implementing factions instead of individual player models, what if mappers were able to select which factions would be the default used in a map.

Say there is a map for the XYZ faction based on their home planet. And so that XYZ player models would automatically be used instead of two different factions from other planets?

How many factions are being planned to be made? I thought only two. I didn't know we were going to have that many factions.

Two factions doesn't work because gamemodes like keyhunt have more than two teams.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that.

(03-29-2010, 01:15 PM)DiaboliK Wrote: Two factions doesn't work because gamemodes like keyhunt have more than two teams.

Not necessarily; many games ignore any sort of backstory whatsoever in gamemodes that would otherwise conflict. Modern Warfare 2, for example, might pit the player as a Spetsnaz soldier fighting against Navy Seals on one map in when playing team deathmatch but might outfit the player as any of a number of factions in free-for-all -- so a game of keyhunt, for example, might feature one team as faction 'A' versus another team as faction 'A' and a third as faction 'B'.

That's not to say that Xonotic would have to follow their example, of course, but that would be a viable means of implementing some kind of (normally) faction-based play.

I would imagine that most users might object to being forced to play as a given faction on a given map, but the only true way of gauging user's desires is by polls, and even then the results can be (and often are) skewed.

I have always thought at least 4 factions. Humans, aliens, robots and mercenaries or pirates or whatever.
[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

Me too. But I think 4-5 factions would be optimal.

i think it is rather silly to force multiplayer to coincide with the story.
Master of mysterious geometries

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(04-02-2010, 10:50 AM)theShadow Wrote: i think it is rather silly to force multiplayer to coincide with the story.

Agreed. I dont understand why people want it all to be stuck together.

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