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Screenshots of what you're doing.

It's a good-looking arch Smile

I'm back from holidays and started doing the last fixes. Unfortunatly I still have not found a skybox which fits.

I'm currently working on the moving platform in the middle.
It is not finished yet and also the light is missing.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Very nice!
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

I do like Smile

I think it's finished now!

Just a dark skybox is missing (that one I used is not perfect because the earth is too bright).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

[Image: surprised]

Looks good, I'am dying to be in this map and walk around.

Mepper, is that a screenshot of what you're doing? o.O

uhm, nice mug.
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(10-22-2011, 03:51 PM)Halogene Wrote: Mepper, is that a screenshot of what you're doing? o.O

uhm, nice mug.

Yes, that's me on that picture. Got that new mug for my first birthday yesterday.

A new skybox and everything is done (if you don't find mistakes).

EDIT: Okey I found a good skybox!

Now I just need to compile it final and to put everything needed into a .pk3

great Big Grin looking forward to have insane matches on that map Big Grin
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?

Xonocraft? Tongue

[Image: bbagge215555uf06lu_thumb.jpg]

Dude that is awesome, what kind of stuff can do you with Xonocraft? lol Big Grin

Hehe. What's the goal of this?

(10-24-2011, 09:18 AM)[CCC]KINGSHOT[CCC] Wrote: Hehe. What's the goal of this?

Expand our playerbase by stealing minecraft players.
Big Grin

Great idea.

player placeable destructible boxes? hehe

Cubemap reflections for all metal textures. Currently done for the exX package. Note that this cannot be merged until per-map cubemaps are implemented, which has been discussed on IRC. My test uses a temporary cubemap, intended to show how reflections can improve quality in Xonotic.

[Image: 1ho97usqpcucq00zhd_thumb.jpg] [Image: pdsld7noqhasc34vmeth_thumb.jpg] [Image: q8jx22t7j7wc4fg1zjdk_thumb.jpg] [Image: m0v6m95guy27gir7rjj5_thumb.jpg] [Image: o0okv44xlqynt6697c_thumb.jpg] [Image: bzs1w49wgufy820j_thumb.jpg] [Image: 1xpihx7x4w7zdd4j2cd_thumb.jpg] [Image: 3xrtmx843o1114t5lr9z_thumb.jpg] [Image: k1ih9079k2v1jbltta96_thumb.jpg] [Image: m9pbjz3xhh34dzuh86av_thumb.jpg] [Image: lpnhuqux8uihm9qls45_thumb.jpg] [Image: rbn8dtlql81gp5b6oplc_thumb.jpg]


It's nice, but to strong. Also, the cubemap you would want would depend on what skybox you have; the purple on Red Planet is wrong for example, but might be nice on a map that used the tex you used for cubemap as skybox too.

It should be really weak on flat but rusty textures, as it looks wet when it's as strong as it is in the video.

@ nowego4

I agree.

I decreased the intensity a lot on many textures, so it's much better and weaker now. Also, I'm waiting for the darkplaces devs to implement map-specific cubemap. Till then, this change cannot be accepted in master... though this shouldn't be hard to do (for someone who knows DP code).

I like it, it definitely improves the looks of the map Big Grin

Some snapshots from a video that I'm working on (thumbnails à 400x225).

[Image: line7r2n.png]

[Image: thumb179cgi.png]

[Image: thumb282e9m.png]

[Image: thumb3y9dl2.png]

[Image: thumb4qadgp.png]

...I do not recall using that skybox for that map. any specific reason you changed it?
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

Those look amazing. I wish there was a way to have graphics like that in real time. Maybe implementing depth-of-field in DP would help Smile

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