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Electronic Arts is officially the worst company in America

Congratulations to them for managing to piss off their customer base bad enough to beat a crooked bank establishment in the race for the almighty golden poo!

Oh wait.

I Heart EA. The feeling when a fool (or maybe just a really rich person) throws $60 at a EA game only to find a carbon copy sequel released a few months later is oh so satisfying.

The company which makes the best games in the world has also the most expensive products. Logical for me, Expenditures are so high that I 'd not be able to afford anything from their stock.
The worst company or not; they are relesing the best stuff and everyone knows that, It won't loose popularity. Moreover: it will gain even more and more.

PS: I enjoy watching walkthrougs in the internet, It's incomprehensible how the people overpays for this.
There was Mass Effect 3 where player had to spend $60 for game its self, but he wouldn't have full game if he hadn't bought previous part (Mass Effect 2) and also few additional things: like new player's model outlook, few extra missions, etc. This is bullshit.

Thats why I love free software and open source. Conclusion - Xonotic for the win!

(04-05-2012, 04:45 AM)Justin Wrote: they are relesing the best stuff and everyone knows that

[Image: eb6.jpg?1307463786]

(04-05-2012, 04:50 AM)Loafers Wrote:
(04-05-2012, 04:45 AM)Justin Wrote: they are relesing the best stuff and everyone knows that

[Image: eb6.jpg?1307463786]

Maybe Justin is using the very simple rule - the more an item costs the better it is? Thus Ferrari's are better than most cars.

1 thing you CAN NOT say:
EA creates the worst bullshit ever.

If you think so, just remeber the C&C serial (exelt the newest)
Or bf1942?

But they creating alot of bullshit, too, specialy in the last 3 years...

I would fire the boss.
[Image: nemxonsig.png]

(04-05-2012, 04:50 AM)Loafers Wrote:
(04-05-2012, 04:45 AM)Justin Wrote: they are relesing the best stuff and everyone knows that

[Image: eb6.jpg?1307463786]

FYI, Electronic Arts releases mediocre at best titles as flag ship games, produce more shovelware than almost any other company, nickel and dime the hell out of customers, AND they have been busted time and time again (I believe it was Kotaku that exposed them for trying to pressure Battlefield 3 reviewers) pressuring review sites like IGN (who tried to do damage control after a Mass Effect 3 review by making an additional article after getting hammered by pissed off readers) and even bribing them to get inflated scores. Their shares have also been going down regularly for years now and they are over 1 billion in debt. They also haven't produced anything decent over the last few years save an odd title here or there like the original Mass Effect (the other two sucked), Hot Pursuit 3 (which should've been better and is horribly supported on PC), Bad Company 2 (which was good, but not great), and the Dead Space games (which from what I've heard will take a nose dive with 3). Don't get me started on what's happened to Bioware, I can type a damn page on big screwups like Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age II, The Old Republic (aka ToRtanic), and Mass Effect 3. Their customer base is also so angry with them that they have to censor them on their forums, oh and speaking of said forums it should also be noted that on the last day of The Old Republic's free month that they made the unsubscribe button disappear and banned someone who posted the page it linked to and removed his post. I'm too lazy for links right now, but google searches will produce quite some results if your looking for a source on all of that.

If your looking for a commercial developer/publisher that releases the best stuff and treats their fanbase nicely, then Sega is probably the best out of the big ones that are out there and in my opinion that's who EA should be taking notes from.

Oh wait.

So many people say that they hate EA, yet they don't think twice about buying their games. It's like the hatred for Walmart: people hate them because they kill smaller businesses, yet they still shop there because they get good deals.

Personally, I know how EA operates but I'm not going to bitch about them because I'm probably going to buy more of their games. I have no problem with anyone complaining about something just so long as they don't continue to support it. That's the problem here, EA might be ranked the worst company in customer satisfaction, but that won't slow their momentum at all. Many of those people that complain about EA will buy another EA game.

Quote:I would fire the boss.

Source of problem detected.

(04-07-2012, 04:45 AM)W4RP1G Wrote: So many people say that they hate EA, yet they don't think twice about buying their games. It's like the hatred for Walmart: people hate them because they kill smaller businesses, yet they still shop there because they get good deals.

Personally, I know how EA operates but I'm not going to bitch about them because I'm probably going to buy more of their games. I have no problem with anyone complaining about something just so long as they don't continue to support it. That's the problem here, EA might be ranked the worst company in customer satisfaction, but that won't slow their momentum at all. Many of those people that complain about EA will buy another EA game.

I don't personally hate EA because I make absolutely no business at all with them. Who will hate EA, if not the customers?

I consider 90% of EA's product line junk. I spend VERY little money on games, and most of that goes to Blizzard, followed by PopCap, not EA.
Programming is a branch of mathematics.

I can't say much for about the same reason as Mr. Bougo

lets see ... last/only (i think) eagame i bought was ... spore ...
it was fun for a while ... but i can't run it since i started using linux

the only other games i've bought since then were world-of-goo and used gamecube and N64 games

... yeah i'm very out of the game loop ...

(04-07-2012, 07:17 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(04-07-2012, 04:45 AM)W4RP1G Wrote: So many people say that they hate EA, yet they don't think twice about buying their games. It's like the hatred for Walmart: people hate them because they kill smaller businesses, yet they still shop there because they get good deals.

Personally, I know how EA operates but I'm not going to bitch about them because I'm probably going to buy more of their games. I have no problem with anyone complaining about something just so long as they don't continue to support it. That's the problem here, EA might be ranked the worst company in customer satisfaction, but that won't slow their momentum at all. Many of those people that complain about EA will buy another EA game.

I don't personally hate EA because I make absolutely no business at all with them. Who will hate EA, if not the customers?
lol yeah. I was just talking about repeat customers. But I'm sure there are hipsters out there that will hate on EA just because they are hated.

(04-07-2012, 08:59 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: lol yeah. I was just talking about repeat customers. But I'm sure there are hipsters out there that will hate on EA just because they are hated.

Caring about things that don't concern you isn't that bad, though. I just don't know enough about this EA situation to give a serious opinion is what I meant. But I do know a bit about DRM, enough to have a strong dislike for their business model.

Would be interesting to see how the amount of customers correlates with the ranking on that list.
Logically why would you rate a company as bad if you don't like their products while having a free choice of buying them?

I haven't purchased a single EA game in over a year and the last time I purchased something from them, it was because it dipped down to about $10 on Steam and was one of VERY FEW games put out by them that I actually had interest in. Unfortunately said game (Ultimate Edition of the first Dragon Age) was over-hyped trash with bad writing. As for DRM, I dislike it but won't bitch about it unless it gets in my way and cripples my ability to play a game. With that said, I generally dodge anything that has SecuROM, TAGES, (those two in particular may be illegal and are in the court system right now) and Games for Windows Live. Steamworks or something else like that I don't care too much about, especially since Steam for the most part more resembles a service than a DRM mechanism as I can grab my stuff from any given computer whenever I want and only need to remember my account credential to do so. The only "horror stories" I've heard about it were people getting their accounts restricted in cases of credit card fraud. It should also be noted that you can potentially lose your stuff (if you don't back it up) if Valve goes under, but the likely hood of that happening is slim. As for the whole piracy argument... Really piracy can go either way in that it can help or hurt a developer. Two cases of piracy that I know of that HELPED the developer were the beta leak of Deus Ex: Human Revolution (most of /v/ on 4chan to my knowledge got their hands on it and immediately placed pre-orders) whose developers have been all but confirmed to have lurked boards where people talked about it and probably used them for datamining to fix bugs. Another one to my knowledge is STALKER which likely wouldn't have gained any popularity if it wasn't for pirates telling everyone to pick it up before anybody really acknowledged it's existence. One instance I know of that HURT a developer was the original StarSiege: Tribes which was pirated to hell and back, but then again almost every PC gamer who played it bought a copy of Tribes 2 when it hit the streets. It should also be noted that the real cause of developer-harming piracy is either bad customer faith or pirates offering a better service than the developer themself. One instance of this is with the games Ys: Oath in Felghana and Ys: Origin that didn't get localizations when they first came out in Japan (which was in 2005 and 2006) and wouldn't get official localizations until less than a month ago when Oath in Felghana became a top seller on Steam with Origin's localization still being worked on. I think Gabe Newell from Valve summed it up pretty well as did the guys at CroTeam (Serious Sam developers) when they called out Ubisoft for talking down on their customers. In fact, I have a video of Gabe Newell right here.

(04-08-2012, 03:51 AM)asy7um Wrote: Would be interesting to see how the amount of customers correlates with the ranking on that list.
Logically why would you rate a company as bad if you don't like their products while having a free choice of buying them?

There are rare instances where EA will put together an interesting game, but utterly destroy it by removing content and then selling it off later or making it Origin exclusive or other bullshit such as that. They also have rail roaded customers onto products as well (just take a look at the Mass Effect trilogy) only to have later products in said series be total letdowns.

Oh wait.

(04-08-2012, 01:18 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(04-07-2012, 08:59 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: lol yeah. I was just talking about repeat customers. But I'm sure there are hipsters out there that will hate on EA just because they are hated.

Caring about things that don't concern you isn't that bad, though. I just don't know enough about this EA situation to give a serious opinion is what I meant. But I do know a bit about DRM, enough to have a strong dislike for their business model.
Caring about things that don't concern me is 100% ok in my book, as long as any decision comes from relative information. I just hate it when people jump on a bandwagon because they want to be part of something, or because they have a strong opinion based on almost nothing of importance(and also usually swayed by others).

[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(04-11-2012, 12:35 PM)kojn^ Wrote: TL;DR

I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

(04-16-2012, 04:14 AM)unfa Wrote: +1


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