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[Duel] Fe26 b4

Hah, srkdy beat me to it, but anyway, I finally managed to play a couple duels on it, so far this is a lot of fun! This map is going to kick so much ass, can definitely be a great duel map (and those are rare) with some tweaks. I'm posting some comments/suggestions, some of which are very specific, but they're just suggestions. I'll do my best to explain the issues that my suggestions would "fix", but in the end you might have better ideas.

The teleporters issue has been mentionned, BUT, before changing those I think you should look at item placement first (tho the tele that spawns directly in front of megahealth is definitely a bit much, but I'll get back to that) because the teleporters currently are a lot of fun, would be a shame to ruin that. I think some changes to item placement would do the trick, also making the map more balanced in the process (player in control vs. player who is not, in terms of competitive play)

Nearly all weapons are either in megaarmor or megahealth room, and there are no health packs anywhere and no medium armor. That means, a freshly spawned player has nowhere to go but try to go to the main rooms to get a good weapon, most likely getting killed or badly hurt in the process since the player in control is probably hanging out in those rooms (no reason not to, other than controlling nex). Even if he manages to get out alive, there is no health packs or small armor to retreat to. So it's nearly impossible for a player who lost control to make a comeback. Player in control doesn't really need to leave those rooms either, he can just move between the two using the teles constantly to pickup almost everything, even keep an eye on nex without needing to pick it up.

If you added some health packs in some of the middle paths (the shards are definitely not enough, they should be considered as "extras"), as well as a 50a somewhere in the middle to allow a player who lost control to stack up a little, the closeness of the megas (due to teles) wouldn't be as problematic.

As for weapons, you should keep in mind that in duel the "main" weapons are Mortar/Nex/Rocketlauncher and the others are "situational" weapons. By that I mean that the main weapons are safe to use for almost any situation, the others are better for defensive use or setting up traps. Right now, like I said before, almost everything is in the big rooms.

What I would suggest:
Moving RL to where Machinegun is -- This would place one of the main weapon to be easier for the roaming player to get safely, with some cover.

Moving Machinegun to where Hagar is + Moving Hagar to where RL is -- This would move same ammotype weapons (mortar+hagar) to not be so close to each other, tho that's not really a big issue.

I still think there would be too many weapons in the rooms with megas, but the map seems to be designed to have good items in those places, so I wouldnt just remove weapons from the spots without replacing them with something else (health packs maybe?). But anyway, just having RL at machinegun would be a good, maybe good enough.

I love the teles, I wouldn't really change them except the spawn location at megahealth because you are almost spawning directly on it. What I would suggest, is moving that spawn location close to where mortar is, under the lamp. That would leave more space for a player already in the room to fight a player coming from the tele, and harder to pickup both megas very quickly. Of course going from mega health to mega armor is still quite fast but player has to fall down or laserjump up to get armor after coming out of either teleporter, I think that is fine, both are risky if opponent has nex or spamming the armor.

The layout is fantastic, the only thing to mention is the hallways to get to nex. I understand that you wanted to make it risky to get, but in my opinion it's a bit too easy to trap someone there using the teles and more often than not, it's the player in control who will trap it's opponent. I also find it a bit boring compared to everything else on the map. I'm not sure how that could be fixed, the only "simple" solution I can think of would be to do something like this, instead of the L-shaped corridor:

[Image: xhtrkqgkxxwpalwwylij.jpg]

Would still allow the nex to be used as a trap, but would at least give some cover for the trapped player.

That's it for now, looking forward to next release. Keep up the good work, sir!

Thanks for the feedback. Also, thank Cortez666 for fixing the mapinfo.

I've fixed a couple of things and I'm going to make another quick release with different item placement (and the megahealth teleporter). I'm not an expert at it so if you don't agree with my changes feel free to suggest how to fix.

Also, any idea for a better map name?

(05-27-2012, 04:29 PM)monad Wrote: Also, any idea for a better map name?

fe26 is a good name, and rather unique
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

(05-28-2012, 02:14 PM)Justin Wrote:
(05-27-2012, 05:38 PM)Cortez666 Wrote:
(05-27-2012, 04:29 PM)monad Wrote: Also, any idea for a better map name?

fe26 is a good name, and rather unique


I agree with Nifrek. This guy has an experience and gives good pieces of advice.

Woah, you inferring that Cortez doesn't?

i think this "bullshit" is refering to the name suggestion and agreeing with nifrek is unrelated.

I hope so anyway...
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

Damn, I knew I made a mistake writing that post. It is deleted right now

Ofc my intentions weren't to offend anybody's feelings, if I did - Im sorry.
What I meant is that I disagree with what Cortezz said (that the map name doesn't require changes) and I mostly agree with what Nifrek said. I don't compare and I don't undermine Cortez's logic, I just express my opinion (that time mabye in a bad way).

Very good map, we gona put in mappool for future tournament Smile
metsu ZeRoQL (Stats) - <@nifrek> true, I guess in tdm you also dont always have your perfect choice of weapon, especially when ZeRoQL is controlling nex Dodgy
KILLING X ZONE - Xonotic community movie


(05-29-2012, 11:24 AM)Justin Wrote: Damn, I knew I made a mistake writing that post. It is deleted right now

Ofc my intentions weren't to offend anybody's feelings, if I did - Im sorry.
What I meant is that I disagree with what Cortezz said (that the map name doesn't require changes) and I mostly agree with what Nifrek said. I don't compare and I don't undermine Cortez's logic, I just express my opinion (that time mabye in a bad way).

Well, I saw it and took offense as well, Justin. I now hate you.

Good day.


fe26 b2

Now with more items.


It's similar but:
  • No more "instateleporter to the MH". Now you need to jump.
  • Swapped weapons (nifrek's second suggestion)
  • Changed the "trap hallway". It's somewhat shorter and you can't directly see the nex.
  • More health and armor.

If the items placement is still discouraging feel free to make a "fixed items" version.

[Image: 6S8Rhl.jpg]

I also want to change the name because I didn't take in count that fe means faith in Spanish.

New version is up on both of my servers ([0.6] San Jose/Washington D.C.).

I look forward to playing some games on it Smile

Massive bump and sorry for the absence.
Still I don't know if those shadows (mostly in hallways) are annoying or not but I left them.


[Image: 92bwn2emqf0rkfzeojzw_thumb.jpg]
[Image: nxnl9a7frhgv4m6o1zei_thumb.jpg]
[Image: xdsfy2jjqnfj7ko0f71x_thumb.jpg]

(09-05-2012, 04:48 PM)monad Wrote: Still I don't know if those shadows (mostly in hallways) are annoying or not but I left them.

in case you're still not sure what to do with those shadows, don't you dare removing them!! They look great.
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

They're ugly as fuck, especially in videos.

Thanks god I never noticed them on lower effects. Tongue

Pretty damn awesome Big Grin
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?

if you remove the shadows the map will look plain and boring because of the general lack of visual detail and boring textures on the map.
if you put some work into making the map pretty then it would be OK to remove.

Beta 4

Download: fe_b4.pk3


- New lights (no shadows)
- Player clips
- Some details

It should be more playable without the anoying shadows. It's not the prettiest map ever but I'm not going to improve/fix the visuals more.

Although I wasn't present, I know that it was played in a couple of tournaments so duelers must know what are the weaknesses of the map. So, if there is something to improve (gameplay, not visuals) say ASAP. For example, I think that Antibody said in his video that is easy to control the teleporter destination from MH ledge. Things like that. You know better than me.

I plan to release the final version after those changes. I want to say that the map is finished and move along.

[Image: KrPLY.jpg]
[Image: G15Os.jpg]
[Image: Tkfhj.jpg]
[Image: 1tG5d.jpg]

Changed lightmapscale
That's all


So is it a submission for the duel mapping contest or not?

Most of the map was built before the contest, so no.

Sweet layout with generous tricking oppurtunities.
I'm supposed to be able to get up here?


You should upload your images as jpg, tga is way too heavy and can't be embedded Tongue

Fixed that for you.

ty Big Grin

Hmmm... the download links in the first posting are dead.

We don't happen to have a map repository for Xonotic, do we?


Mirror for anyone looking for the map now:
[Image: 230.jpg]

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