I jumped around in the map a bunch ...
I like the large amount of detail, but it could use some color ...
I cant really comment on layout cause I keep getting lost (landmarks maybe?) (but then It could be just me ... it took me a year to not get lost in stormkeep .... )
overall the map is pretty good ... I would need to play on it more to give more detailed feedback ...
I decided to add a color to the map. I clrealry see thats a major problem of the map: Players get lost/confused, no landmarks, no color lighting. Im working on final version with main color as blue (as in SpaceDeath) but this time it has more depth and bigger variety.
The good example of color system was Silent Siege where I took my time to improve lighting and I took some time to adjust good texture set. In imprisoned I was so focused on layout that I didn't pay much attention to the visability and colors. I hope that layout is fine now. I ask you, community to play the map when you have some spare time and share in short comment your general feelings about major stuff. I always do appreciate this kind of help.
Samual: What happened? Did you forget to move the topic? What about comment? I can't wait!
I will take a look at this again tonight. The layout looked really good before so want to see what it is like now with the weapons and such.
#deathmatchers @ irc.quakenet.org
10-29-2012, 02:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 05:16 AM by Justin.)
Improved details and colors and lights.
And no skybox, map is completly closed now (just like a prison)
Nex is in the corridor.
Great thanks to Majki for opening my eyes and letting me see colors.
I like this map very much. It is balanced, well made and candfull. It is very easy to move around the map, and i think even did somthing called trickjump a few times. I could also call it very competitive.
Love it! It's on my fave list now!
It looks great, even in picmip! Just two things...
* The jumppad near RL is wierd, it feels like it's more sensitive(sorry for my lack of good words) on the left than the right, so one of those ramps there aren't useable
*The MH room gives me FPS drops, I understand if you want to keep the water but I would be glad without it.
10-29-2012, 08:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2012, 08:15 PM by Majki.)
Bring back skybox ASAP. This is very precious ORIENTATION POINT and NATURAL SOURCE OF LIGHT.
Music is lauder than Xonotic's SFX (I've used factory settings for sound). It needs to have lowered Db.
Use more lamps instead of light coming from thin air. Fire up Gimp and create them. If they glow too weak, write custom shaders and give them more power. Lights must have sources! You have 74 light ents, while for example cityy's map (with great design) has only 11. And it looks astonishing in terms of lights.
I agree with with what Majki said EXCEPT i like it without a skybox.
I like to imagine the facility was accidentally teleported into a meteorite
11-01-2012, 09:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 05:17 AM by Justin.)
I made ramps into stairs,
I removed one teleport and changed destination of one of them,
I added HLAC,
Made cool lights logos and some details,
'Fixed' jumppad,
Added some nicely shaped rock and skybox in the middle (first and second screenshot)
PS: Samual: No need for moving the thread now. This is final and ready to play version!
=o no words, can't wait to play it!
(11-01-2012, 09:12 AM)Justin Wrote: I added HLAC,
Congratulations, now the map won't work when 0.7 comes out.
(11-01-2012, 12:27 PM)s1lencer Wrote: (11-01-2012, 09:12 AM)Justin Wrote: I added HLAC,
Congratulations, now the map won't work when 0.7 comes out.
0.7 is far away!
11-01-2012, 02:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2012, 02:50 PM by hutty.)
(11-01-2012, 09:12 AM)Justin Wrote: I added HLAC,
s1lencer ... wtf are you talking about ....
of course the map will still work ... because xonotic is suposed to be fully compatable with all old nexuiz maps .... many of which have halcs in them
IF the hlac is not included in the silly concept of "core weapon set" the hlac would be swapped out for another gun on the servers that dont have the "newtoys" mutator on ... ... which wouldn't really change anything anyways ... most duel servers already swap rifle for nex ... with the exception of the ps server ...
(seriously ... ALL weapons are core unless they tailor to a very specific use (like tag is anti-vehicle only now ...))
so ... thanks for adding a HLAC ...
11-01-2012, 03:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2012, 03:20 PM by s1lence.)
It looks like you'll have to fix some stuff justin.
Missing Texture
also that pipes texture with the lights is ugly, it's better without the lights.
11-01-2012, 06:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2012, 06:51 PM by hutty.)
the lights are build into the texture ... unless he makes a custom shader ... or uses a different pipes texture ... its not really fixable ...
which leads to another question ... what are lights doing inside a wall like that anyways? ... seems like a waste of energy to me ...
I'm a HUGE fan, this is a great map. Little adjustments here and there, but all in all a great map. Lots of fun.
(11-01-2012, 06:50 PM)hutty Wrote: the lights are build into the texture ... unless he makes a custom shader ... or uses a different pipes texture ... its not really fixable ...
which leads to another question ... what are lights doing inside a wall like that anyways? ... seems like a waste of energy to me ...
I agree, having lights poke out like that is strange...
My Feedback:
Why add the HLAC? The map already has a hagar, I don't think the hlac is needed at all. I suggest that it is removed.
I found a bug while playing on this map with mudkip, so I recorded this for you. This is the doorway by the electro.
haha! Point for you, srkdy! I hoped you won't notice that (joking of course)! Thank you: Silencer, Hutty, BitBomb, Machine! I will replace HLAC with crylink and fix bugs.
Ccccc.... crylink? Y U MAD?!?!?!?
Quote:I found a bug while playing ...
Sry - but I can confirm the bug too ....
GreetZ Su
Quote: I will replace HLAC with crylink
no no no no no ....
but crylink where the hlac was ... then put the hlac where the hagar was ...
and trash the hagar ...
hlac is depricated, it won't be in 0.7. sorry.
What are you serious s1lencer? Will port-o-luanch and other such kinds of models be gobe too?!???
11-13-2012, 08:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2013, 03:11 PM by Justin.)
Here it is:
- Fixed bugs
- Added details and fixed some textures
- Removed HLAC (sorry Hutty!) and replaced it with crylink
PS: If there are any bugs or problems, please post it.