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[SUGGESTION] Forum cyan color.


Um, just a suggestion about this bright cyan color on the forums. Is there any way that it could be changed? Or if there are other themes which can be installed. This bright cyan color against this dark background really messes with my eyes, strains them and all.
Kinda have to blink a lot and look a way for a while.
Lighter gray or, like a bit darker orange or something could work. But basically just any other color which doesn't hurt the eyes I'm ok with.

I love the cyan color -_^ But only if used tastefully, heh.
Otherwise it's a good layout for the forums.

[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

+1 to this.... the cyan is really not nice for the eyes... -.-

I oppose against the usage of the MyBB platform and would strongly recommend phpBB (or vBullentin if the funds required existed) with a greater variety of themes.

I have to agree with Seijiro! The themes makes everything quite hard to read. But then again maybe we should flame the website. [OT] We all know what can happen: [/OT]
[Image: 10676.png]

I'm sure (I hope?) this is a temporary theme. Why this is using myBB, I don't know, but I hope there's a reason for it.

I'm okay with cyan, but personally it's really hard to concentrate on the actual postings, due to the low contrast text and the extremely high contrast surrounding elements (e.g. white text fields on a black page). I swear, the postings must have the tiniest and hardest to read text out of everything on the page. Also, it's hard to distinguish quoted text.

it all looks fine to me in safari on a mac…everything is readable and looks great (although i dont particularly like cyan..)

Yeah I don't want to pick this apart either maybe the cyan is a little bright and the post text a little to grey but aside from that its all good here.
<[-z-]> have you seen the documentary "happy"?
<Samual_> no
<Samual_> it sounds horrible

How about getting the logo in the header?
Latest obsession.

I'm sure things will come.. Xonotic is still totally work in progress :-) but hey its already more fun then Nexuiz was a few days ago Cool
Real signature is still in production!

think 2
[Image: 788.png]

Well if the webprogrammers (whoever they are) need some help, I'd be willing to do so. I've got experience with a variety of BB-systems and wordpress (what we use) and obviously the basic HTML/CSS stuff that alaways comes in handy...
[Image: 10676.png]

I'm pretty sure -z- has plans on tweaking the forum theme when he returns, but for those of you who use the Stylish plug-in with Firefox, the following is what I use for

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {
#wrapper { width: auto !important; }
a:link,a:visited { color: #417FCB !important; }
a:hover { color: #1111FF !important; }

Which makes the forum fully extend the width of the page, and makes all links darker blue. It still leaves cyan images, but it is far less noticable.

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