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Xonotic Defrag World Championship 2020

Hello Xonoticians!
We proudly present you the Xonotic Defrag World Championship 2020! XDWC is a CTS tournament where we invite everyone to join and have some fun.


What is Defrag?
In Xonotic it is played in the CTS (Complete the Stage) mode using the XDF physics set. The goal is to complete a map as fast as possible.

How does XDWC work? (detailed rules further down below)
- Every player can join it at any time!
- 5 (or 6) unique and unreleased maps will be played
- Your time and ranking will be converted into a score for each map
- Player with the highest score after all maps will be crowned as the Winner

How do I get better?
There are two tutorial streams available as VODs:

Don't be afraid to even ask other players directly! Usually, they can tell you where you can improve or what you're doing wrong.
A good server to practise is " | Relaxed Running | CTS/XDF". Detailed results here:
Records from "Xonotic DeFrag - Join/Run now! - balance changes [XDF]" server can be found here:

IRC: QuakeNet, #xdwc -

  • Each Map (aka. Round) will be played for 1 week (see Schedule) on special servers, which are going to run 24/7.
  • You do not need to register beforehand to take part in XDWC!
  • You automatically join the tournament by setting a time on one of the servers listed below.
  • You do not have to take part in every Round, you can join each Round seperately as you like it. However, you won't be able to submit a time for a round that has already passed.
  • Your best time in the server rankings will be your time for the Round. The time must be set on an official server (see the list below)! You can NOT run a map locally and submit a time.
  • Weapon projectiles may not affect any runs other than the one they were fired in. Violating this rule makes your run invalid.
  • By joining the tournament you agree that we store your username and your results in our databases.
  • Points calculation formula: SCORE = 1000 * (time_of_the_fastest_competitor/your_time) * 0.988 ^ (pos - 1)


This year we're open to take donations via PayPal to cover server costs. This way we can make sure to run a smooth event with the best servers possible. Thanks in advance.

[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]
(Click me)


Each Round starts at 21:00 UTC! See this page ( ) to figure out what it means for your timezone.

18th October 21:00 UTC - 25th October 20:59 UTC - Round 1: xdwc2020-1 by [Image: 139.gif] t0uYK8Ne
25th October 21:00 UTC - 1st November 20:59 UTC - Round 2: xdwc2020-2 by [Image: 107.gif] proraide
1st November 21:00 UTC - 8th November 20:59 UTC - Round 3: xdwc2020-3 by [Image: 55.gif] Mirio
8th November 21:00 UTC - 15th November 20:59 UTC - Round 4: xdwc2020-4 by [Image: 55.gif] Freddy
15th November 21:00 UTC - 22nd November 20:59 UTC - Round 5: xdwc2020-5 by [Image: 153.gif] Winsssalot

Note: We might add a 6th Round if the map gets finished in time.
22nd November 21:00 UTC - 29th November 20:59 UTC - Round 6: xdwc2020-6 by [Image: 124.gif] Juhu

2020's XDWC logos are provided by [Image: 55.gif] sinety!

[Image: 112.gif] Dekry; [Image: 55.gif] Mirio; [Image: 137.gif] morosophos; [Image: 55.gif] packer; [Image: 55.gif] sinety; [Image: 52.gif] SpiKe; [Image: 139.gif] -z-


>>> <<<

Awesome Smile
formerly known as lda17h

in any xdwc level always has some secret
how to dowload?
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

I plan to win this, so if everybody could please just not participate, that would make things a lot easier for me.

Looking forward to the maps! The last XDWCs were really a lot of fun!
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


(09-14-2020, 11:13 AM)Kotangens Wrote: in any xdwc level always has some secret
how to dowload?

each map will be kept secret until its round starts.

Nice - looking forward to the maps ....

GreetZ Su

Out of curiosity:
Are the Maps used in this made especially for Xonotic? I know that Xonotic often uses just Quake Defrag maps. Is that the case here as well?

All the maps used in this cup are made especially for this cup. So yes, they are only made with Xonotic in mind.

XDWC starts in less than 3 hours!! Join us and run. Big Grin

[Image: 97.gif] PinkRobot donated 25 EUR to cover server costs. Thanks a lot!

Joa - Xonotic Defrag World Championship 2020 is done Big Grin 
The 5th map was my favorite one - pretty long run - but even for noobs like me runable.

All in all one of my xonotic highlight this year - had a lot of fun ...
And achieved my goal of being in the top 100 - at least 86th from 337 participants - noobish enough  [Image: icon_geek.png]

GreetZ Su

Thanks to all the runners and of course more than anything else: The admins! It was great fun again this year!
formerly known as lda17h







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