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[SUGGESTION] Player models

Since I could not find a topic , I open one. Tongue

These did not come with Nexuiz but you could use them:

I think there are not so much models yet and they look not that bad for Xonotic. So.. use them?
I have the pk3 files also.

Oi, they might be small.

I think they (or their animations) are not gpl.


Soldier is not, topic:

Could not find the other one.

Well, we have a dude here (Yoda) who have re-worked the animations for Xonotic, perhaps he could do something about it. Technically, it's just taking the player model, attach the current rig to it, skin it (no I don't mean texture, I mean skin) and that should be it. No need to do any animations.
[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

In that case they should rather work on this, which was also done for Nexuiz, but never included because of the lack of animations:

(09-06-2010, 03:29 PM)poVoq Wrote: In that case they should rather work on this, which was also done for Nexuiz, but never included because of the lack of animations:

As stupid as it is, I think they decided not to put that one in Xonotic because of something to do with the hit boxes or the visibility with the player model (forgot which). As for the soldier model, it wasn't GPL because the animation part of it was done with 3DS Max, but that's the only part that was. It in theory could be made GPL if it has it's animations are replaced.

Oh wait.

I think both soldier and robot are mediocre, UBot can go both ways but it's definitely not oblivion's most "thematic" work, though it seems like a well designed model.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

(09-06-2010, 04:33 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: As for the soldier model, it wasn't GPL because the animation part of it was done with 3DS Max, but that's the only part that was. It in theory could be made GPL if it has it's animations are replaced.

I assume the model wasn't included because whoever did those animations didn't release them under GPL. This has nothing to do with the application they were made in.
[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

(09-07-2010, 04:28 AM)Seijiro Wrote:
(09-06-2010, 04:33 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: As for the soldier model, it wasn't GPL because the animation part of it was done with 3DS Max, but that's the only part that was. It in theory could be made GPL if it has it's animations are replaced.

I assume the model wasn't included because whoever did those animations didn't release them under GPL. This has nothing to do with the application they were made in.

They didn't release it GPL because the version of 3DS Max that they used wouldn't allow them to do that and doing so would make their use of that software illegal (I got bored and read further into the thread).

Oh wait.

The only thing I can think of is if it was a PLU (personal learning edition) or similar. Cause any other method would require people giving up money for. And there is no such version of 3DS Max that restricts what you do with the work you create if you payed money for it.

But I thought such a version of 3DS Max was gone years ago. Do they still have an old copy or have Autodesk invented something new?
[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

The Solider would be nice...
It would fit to the Xonotic Futuristic theme ... but if it's not GPL Sad

there's also a video by morphed about it:
[Image: 788.png]

If I recall correctly, didn't Morphed use some motion captures for that model, and that's why they weren't GPL, not because of 3DS Max right?
I could be wrong, could be a total different model I'm thinking about.
[Image: duck.gif]
ai am ai.

Fix the avatar size limit please! I want my avatar gifs back! DISCRIMINATION!
Also, change my name to 'ai', these forums sucks which can't have 2 letters in the nick!

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