06-17-2012, 05:34 AM
Typo fixed, thanks. Argh the HMG crosshairlessness bug
i keep forgetting abt it as it only happen with per-weapon crosshairs turned on, and i never use that xD Thanks for the reminder. As for grenades, they will get some update for sure, im just not sure what yet. Removing them is not really an option at this point and besides hitting someone across the map with a nex-nade is just to much fun
Smoke grenades have the obvious problem of being easy to deafest with a "toggle cl_particles 0 0.5" bind. Napalm could work, tough making it decently liquid-like and still react to things touching it does sound like quite a challenge.

Smoke grenades have the obvious problem of being easy to deafest with a "toggle cl_particles 0 0.5" bind. Napalm could work, tough making it decently liquid-like and still react to things touching it does sound like quite a challenge.