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Mapping assets: 30 space skyboxes

I've made 30 space skyboxes for my space game, which can be of use to mappers.
The image files are 1024x1024 PNG quake3 style environments and were made with Alex Peterson's Spacescape.
The source XML files are included, you can use them to render higher resolution versions or create your own.

Space skyboxes means there are only stars and nebulae, no mountains or other scenery.
You can use them as-is, or use them as a base and merge them with your own landscapes.
I also wrote a Spacescape tutorial which could help you to create your own space vistas.

Note: to convert Spacescape output to quake3 you need to swap left and right images,
rotate the up image 90 degrees and rotate the down image -90 degrees.


CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GPLv2





2013-11-03 Release 02
- Added 10 new skies.
- Updated sky01, sky04, sky05, sky09, sky10 and sky12.
- Converted images to JPEG for smaller files.

2012-12-14 Release 01
- Initial public release


Unvanquished forum

Great-- You even clarified them as GPLv2 in the readme ^_^

I'll talk to the other guys about getting these in ASAP.

Absolutely beautiful!

[Image: 4LHtsUrRmBM9O9elMyBAKg]

yay ... skyboxes Big Grin ....

I'll look through them later ...

Good job! Big Grin

BTW are you this Ingar: ?

Oh great!
Unfortunately I lost Xolourspace when I updated Xonotic many month ago.

(12-15-2012, 03:32 AM)machine! Wrote: Good job! Big Grin

BTW are you this Ingar: ?

Thanks! Yes, I am that Ingar.

Cool, welcome!

Release 2: more skies for the masses, some updates. Read the top post for more information.

Okt 14 06:49:19 <Samual>    Mirio: do they work though?
Okt 14 06:49:31 <Samual>    Mirio: btw debugger already added them, but broken
Okt 14 06:49:36 <Mirio>    oh?
Okt 14 06:49:41 <Mirio>    how broken?
Okt 14 06:49:48 <Samual>    shaders aren't made for Xonotic
Okt 14 06:49:54 <Samual>    so we have to fix them I guess
Okt 14 06:50:02 <Samual>    I don't know how to shader
Okt 14 06:50:04 <Samual>    so
Okt 14 06:50:05 <Samual>    :D

Please? *dog eyes*

the shader seem to be made for quake.
the same for all skyboxes no individual stuff.

i think they will work in xonotic.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

The shaders themselves do work, they're standard sky shaders without fluff,
mappers are encouraged to write their own shaders Smile

I did setup netradiant manually though, and I added osirion.shader
to scripts/shaderlist.txt

Screenshot is a testbox with sky30.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

The link in the first post is unfortunately dead.

Thankfully Mario kept a copy of Ingar's skyboxes (release 02)! They're available HERE for those who are interested.

(I tried to add them as an attachment to this post but the zip is too big)

(02-04-2023, 05:45 AM)SpiKe Wrote: The link in the first post is unfortunately dead.

I moved my stuff to a new host, fixed the first post. Added a link to the Spacescape sources.

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