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[SUGGESTION] Compilation of ideas I think are good

As the thread says, I'm taking all the ideas I saw on this forum and post the ones I think are good. They placed in the categories of Realistic, Semi Realistic, Not Very Realistic.

EDIT: ArgeadGER gave me a really bad ass idea for damage animations. It is placed at the bottom of this post.

Realistic (can probably be done mostly with what is already available in Nexuiz)
[GAMEPLAY/WEAPON MODIFICATION] Defensive secondary mode for laser: Secondary fires a pulse that does no damage, but is capable of stopping a projectile from hitting the player when timed correctly.

[AESTHETICS/PREFORMANCE] Subtle decals and decal limits: Instead of having decals immediately disappear, put an option in the GUI to set them to fade. Allow the player to place a limit on decal count so that if they go over a certain amount, the oldest ones disappear as new ones are drawn. (the fading can already be done in the current version of Nexuiz through the advanced options)

[AESTHETICS/PERFORMANCE] Corpses and gibs that disappear on player respawn: This could in theory DRASTICALLY improve performance. This will also tell players that opponents don't die, but are actually pieced back together and thrown back in the arena.

[AESTHETICS] Near-death effects: A slight blur (but nothing ridiculous) and drastically reduced saturation on colors would be really cool for near-death health count if it's doable.

[GAMEPLAY] Rock/Paper/Scissors Balance: Self explanatory

Semi Realistic (Modeling, texturing, and other work besides tweaking needed)
[GAMEPLAY/WEAPON ADDITION] Super Shotgun: Flak Cannon primary fire/Skedar Reaper secondary fire. Devastating at close range, but useless in just about any other situation. Holding the secondary will proceed to unload the weapon at an alarming rate, making it useful for breaking out of crowds. The longer the secondary is held, the more screwed up the accuracy. A single secondary shot does less damage than a primary shot.

[PERFORMANCE] Damn Small Xonotic: Make a stripped-down version of the game with low-res textures and low detail models to make the game playable on older hardware.

[AESTHETICS/GAMEPLAY] Spine deform animation: This will show whether a player is looking up or down.

[GAMEPLAY/WEAPON ADDITION] Off-hand melee weapon or mighty boot: Used to push opponents away.

Cool, not very realistic at this time, but doable in theory
[GAMEPLAY] Story mode using standard gametypes: Using the stock multiplayer modes, set up bot matches that tell a story in a similar (but better) fashion to what UT3 did. Assault maps and onslaught maps would make up huge chunks of the campaign and most deathmatches will be played with mutators and last man standing rules.

[ANIMATION/FEEL/AESTHETICS] Damage animations: I don't really think it's doable at the moment (unless we have some really bad ass animators), but this would SERIOUSLY improve the look of the game. See below this line.

Tripping can be done in a believable way that has no gameplay impact: Someone gets blasted in the lower part of their hit box and the model will fall and land on their off hand while keeping their weapon raised and the only movement penalty done to the player is the same penalty you would normally experience if the animation weren't in the game.

An upper body hit that's devastating could make the players upper body jerk back or forward depending if their hitbox is struck from in front or behind while their head kinda looks away.

Isn't shooting projectiles already possible? I remember making rockets explode by shooting them with the nex.
[Image: di-712770583645.png]

I think so.. however IIRC the rockets are currently the only projectiles that have a size, meaning all others (grenades, electro blobs..) can only be triggered by an explosion. Those however NEED a zero size as otherwise the bouncing would be rather bad and erratic.
Real signature is still in production!

I like the idea of the secondary fire of the laser being defensive fire.

I think a simple light flash similar to what you would see when the laser hits a surface would be the only thing needed to make the pulse effect I was talking about. The gibs thing can kinda be done using the advanced options in Nexuiz just by setting their time to like 2 seconds so that they fade just as they fly.

I like the idea with seeing if the player looks up or down, but i guess the models would then have to be completely animated (which would be cool Smile ), which AFAIK they arent yet.
It would then also be cool for example to shoot a model into the knee so it cant walk anymore, but i guess thats not doable for some time.

I like all the other ideas too Smile

(03-25-2010, 10:27 AM)ArgeadGER Wrote: I like the idea with seeing if the player looks up or down, but i guess the models would then have to be completely animated (which would be cool Smile ), which AFAIK they arent yet.
It would then also be cool for example to shoot a model into the knee so it cant walk anymore, but i guess thats not doable for some time.

I like all the other ideas too Smile

I don't think it's really be doable, but that gives me a cool idea for animation additions:

The tripping can be done in a believable way that has no gameplay impact: Someone gets blasted in the lower part of their hit box and the model will fall and land on their off hand while keeping their weapon raised and the only movement penalty done to the player is the same penalty you would normally experience if the animation weren't in the game.

An upper body hit that's devastating could make the players upper body jerk back or forward depending if their hitbox is struck from in front or behind while their head kinda looks away.


Please.. close your eyes! Now imagine a player moving with the typical Nex/soon-to-be-Xonotic speed, gets hit in the legs, trips over and slides 20m on his off hand (having a lower profile due to the "duck" pose, being harder to hit thus), he then stands up again, his hand shredded to parts due to sliding on the floor...
Now please open your eye and tell me you were just joking? Tongue
Real signature is still in production!

Wow, that type of animation would number 1: Be extreeeeemely hard to implement, number 2: Be very demanding on the GPU.

While sounding amazingly beautiful, it just isn't practical.

(03-26-2010, 03:23 AM)Erusavion Wrote: Wow, that type of animation would number 1: Be extreeeeemely hard to implement, number 2: Be very demanding on the GPU.

While sounding amazingly beautiful, it just isn't practical.

That's why it's in the unrealistic category Tongue

Demanding on the GPU? Not more then other animations... Leaving out that ripping apart of the hand ofcourse.

Sounds beautiful? OMG now you are really spamming. Can we please get back to USEFUL ideas?
Real signature is still in production!

(03-26-2010, 03:38 AM)esteel Wrote: Demanding on the GPU? Not more then other animations... Leaving out that ripping apart of the hand ofcourse.

Sounds beautiful? OMG now you are really spamming. Can we please get back to USEFUL ideas?

Useful ideas that are realistic. I got a few of them in the upper part of the list and some of it can be implemented just by tying stuff in the GUI to stuff you typically would only see in advanced options.

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