08-21-2011, 07:58 AM
The result of the poll is:
We got a total of 177 votes from 24 people. On average, each person voted for 7
of these 24 tracks.
And indeed, this voting result does indicate that we have a quality problem. I
do think that the previous polls contained more good quality music.
However, do consider the fact that commercial sample banks usually
cannot be used to make GPL compatible music. All you really have, is your own
recordings, synths, and stuff where you explicitly have a license to do this.
However, the trick is to configure the synths right... and that is absolutely
not easy. Also unfa's and Rage's comments about mastering apply. You cannot
compare this to e.g. CC music, which can use commercial sample banks without
any problems.
We got a total of 177 votes from 24 people. On average, each person voted for 7
of these 24 tracks.
kojinsmokin 15
Heavy Metal 15
The laws of physics 13
also t 13
# anything below this: got votes from less than half of the voters. Will be
# postponed for next poll.
The wall 11
indivverent 10
NonBeast 8
Stone Hard (Xonotic) 8
# anything below this: got votes from less than a third of the voters. These
# are out.
three point fourteen 7
Waves 7
prideroar 7
Analogish 7
Afterlife 7
Experial May 6
23 (v. 8) 6
Draswa 6
29 (v. 04) 6
nospeek 5
No more 5
Mummy 4
36 (v. 1) 4
35 (v. 5) 3
Loopy-Schwoopy Tune 2
Hamster 2
And indeed, this voting result does indicate that we have a quality problem. I
do think that the previous polls contained more good quality music.
However, do consider the fact that commercial sample banks usually
cannot be used to make GPL compatible music. All you really have, is your own
recordings, synths, and stuff where you explicitly have a license to do this.
However, the trick is to configure the synths right... and that is absolutely
not easy. Also unfa's and Rage's comments about mastering apply. You cannot
compare this to e.g. CC music, which can use commercial sample banks without
any problems.
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)
The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
My music on Google Play and SoundCloud
The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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