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[SUGGESTION] graphical interface for vcalls

There's so much wrong I won't even comment on every mistake.

rainerzufalldererste, TL;DR is to get a vague idea. Read the whole comment please *before* replying with such foolishness which is again not even remotely correct. Or just leave and don't bring your useless spam into the discussion.

Minkovsky, I guess most FPS players are aware that there are consoles in such games but still most (non-Xonotic)players consider it a configuration tool. Nobody would think of using it every day or every game. So thanks to Quake it's ok to have some features console-only but noobs will search for votes somewhere in the GUI. And that's where they should be.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

(04-27-2011, 12:27 AM)naryl Wrote: Minkovsky, I guess most FPS players are aware that there are consoles in such games but still most (non-Xonotic)players consider it a configuration tool. Nobody would think of using it every day or every game. So thanks to Quake it's ok to have some features console-only but noobs will search for votes somewhere in the GUI. And that's where they should be.
I would even add: there is a whole category of players who does NOT want to open the console.
Guess what.... they are here to play a game.


What's the status of the Akari's nice contribution?

Bumping it again, since the linkage from the other thread didn't quite help.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(04-27-2011, 12:27 AM)naryl Wrote: I guess most FPS players are aware that there are consoles in such games but still most (non-Xonotic)players consider it a configuration tool.

Why do we care what non-Xonotic players think?

rainerzufalldererste: I know it's faster for me to type in the console than to use a GUI, and I'm not even a fast typist... take FruitieX for example...

Also, if we're addressing newbs, they're going to have to look up what chmap means anyway... vcall gotomap is relatively self-explanatory IMHO.

So what it comes down to for me is, even if this was added, I would still use the console.

(07-30-2011, 02:44 PM)nowego4 Wrote: Why do we care what non-Xonotic players think?
because non-Xonotic players represents 99.99999999999999% of the overall gamer population.
For the 392th times, let's recall that Xonotic is not developped for the only 50 posters of this forum.

Jeez, I am endlessly stuned that some posters as smart as nowego still don't get the importance of a friendly-user interface.

It's official now: GUI vs. CLI is the new balance.

But seriously: you talk about promoting the game, so that new people (or newbies, this is important, often abbreviated as noobs) will play it. And enabling them to call votes with ease will encourage them to experiment, ie. stick around and play the game, and maybe invite some friends. Who also will be new players, or noobs.

GUI is for noobs, true. But the more stuff for noobs, the more regulars Xonotic is likely to get.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(07-30-2011, 03:33 PM)Rage_ATWM Wrote: Jeez, I am endlessly stuned that some posters as smart as nowego still don't get the importance of a friendly-user interface.

It's not important to _me_ because _I_ find _I_ can type it faster than _I_ could click and scroll. I'm just saying _I_ wouldn't use it, but if some else thinks that it would be used by others (not me), and they want to develop it, great! Go for it! It's open source!

This is just my vote in the poll "Would you use a GUI voting interface?" That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.


I agree with Minkovsky. If someone would create a GUI then this would be great and those who still want to use the console could use it, so there isn´t any problem.

(07-31-2011, 01:35 PM)nowego4 Wrote: It's not important to _me_ because _I_ find _I_ can type it faster than _I_ could click and scroll. I'm just saying _I_ wouldn't use it, but if some else thinks that it would be used by others (not me), and they want to develop it, great! Go for it! It's open source!

This is just my vote in the poll "Would you use a GUI voting interface?" That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the poll is not "Would _you_ use a GUI voting interface?" at all.
You won't use it. Ok fine. Probably just like 95% of current readers. But again, it's not whether the small xonotic community would use it.
The thing is to be aware that GUI is the first sailent thing when you use the game for the first times. It's part of "marketing" stuff.
Getting some more appealing graphics follows essentially the same approach. And I bet you will anyway play with graphical details set to minimum, right? Same for ingame musics.

An other error is to think that marketing stuffs are bullshits meant for assholes only.

Peace my friend.

Consider stopping the drama please.

For a 1.0 trailer, you'll need a "selling point" list, or highlights of features that are likely to pull users to the game.

So, what's it?
"It's free!", with a montage showing downloading the package from the site and unpacking it. DO NOT SHOW GIT.
"Amazing graphics even on old computers!"
"Modern engine", showing graphics on maximum.
"Best game modes", highlighting stuff like freeze tag, minsta, etc.
"Democratic configuration", showing... someone typing "vcall" into the console? Really?

(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.


GUI for Votes is a must.

Option in server config for:
limiting number of votes per X seconds
Limiting next vote for X seconds if last one failed.

I would either use the gui or the console ... depending on what i'm voting for ... and how hard it is to type

I also would like a gui to learn what I can vote for ...
iv'e been playing nex/xonotic for over a year and just leaned how to use vcall last week ...

the only commands I know are
minsta 0
dm (and other game types)
map ---

i probably could figure out kick on my own ...

but I don't know where I would find a list of available vcalls (it could be in the gui)
a google search for "xonotic vcall commands" leads me to a dead end

so ...


vhelp. That tells you everything you need to know.

Quote:"It's free!", with a montage showing downloading the package from the site and unpacking it. DO NOT SHOW GIT.
Everything but a convenient installer (and support for package management on main linux distros) wouldn't be something that I personally would advertise a 1.0 version of anything with tbh.

Quote:"Amazing graphics even on old computers!"
On 5 fps.. Smile

Quote:"Democratic configuration", showing... someone typing "vcall" into the console? Really?
That would be a very strange thing to put into a trailer anyway.

Quote:Option in server config for:
limiting number of votes per X seconds
Limiting next vote for X seconds if last one failed.
sv_vote_timeout is "30" ["30"] a vote will timeout after this many seconds
sv_vote_wait is "120" ["120"] a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted
That does the trick mainly.

A gui for voting would be nice but isn't really needed for casual players (with the exception of being able to mute/remove trolls) as long as the server admins delivers a reasonable configuration. Most people just want to play when entering a server and those vote-calling, sometimes socially awkward nerds can be quite annoying (if 10 people are having fun, it's not nice to try to interrupt their game because you want to play something else..). I would rather love to see more extensive after-endmatch voting. In other games you can pick not only the map but also the gamemode and mutators which would be fun in xonotic considering how many different modes and mutators there are.

I like the idea. I see no harm in having a graphical interface for voting(along side console voting, of course). I think the console is intimidating for casual players, and should not be required to do basic functions.

(04-18-2011, 05:40 AM)Akari Wrote: I was bored

[Image: xonotic001022.jpg]

Available in akari/vcallgui branch @ xonotic-data, some stuff is untested.
Where can I get this, I'd like to try it on my server? The last part about where to find it is unclear to me.

That's a git branch. You need to get a git clone.

(04-16-2012, 04:00 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: That's a git branch. You need to get a git clone.

Aw nvm, i don't even know what that means lol

It means you need to clone an unpleasant or contemptible person and ask him for instructions.

(04-17-2012, 12:42 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: It means you need to clone an unpleasant or contemptible person and ask him for instructions.
Oh. Now that makes more sense......


I remember seeing a quite extensive (but not too fast to use though) voting menu in open arena.

Anyway I don't understand why would anybody be against a voting gui? It's not like suddenly the console would stop working, right? ;-)
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

(04-18-2012, 11:50 AM)Cyber Killer Wrote: I remember seeing a quite extensive (but not too fast to use though) voting menu in open arena.

Anyway I don't understand why would anybody be against a voting gui? It's not like suddenly the console would stop working, right? ;-)

I'm sure there are many reason. One is probably the "well I had to learn it, so should they" mentality. Obviously, that logic is flawed and I doubt anyone that believes that would even admit to it.

Another would likely be that they believe everyone should learn to use the console because it comes in handy. There is truth to that, though it's not realistic to expect someone that just wants to play a game to learn numerous console commands in this day and age. If someone leaves Xonotic because of the reliance on cvars, it hurts us all. I know, it hardly has a reliance on cvars. But the voting is an important function in online play, so it would be logical to make it easy to use.

And I'm sure there are elitist nerds that look down on anyone that doesn't care to use the console. They probably have a Matrix screensaver and beat off to 3D porn too Tongue

And there are people who have raised concern that, by making votecalling too easy, there will be more vote spam. The concern is legit but as an argument against voting GUIs, it's a bit dodgy.

(04-18-2012, 06:22 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: And there are people who have raised concern that, by making votecalling too easy, there will be more vote spam. The concern is legit but as an argument against voting GUIs, it's a bit dodgy.
I think a 90 second voting time out combined with disabling spectator voting would do it. I don't think a troll will get kicks from voting every 90 secs. But if that isn't long enough 180 secs would be fine. And I haven't messed with it, but i believe there's an option to increase the number of votes needed for it to pass. The really annoying ones, kick, kickban, ect., could be left in the hands of trusted community members and server admins.

This is all assuming that troll voters becomes an issue. Also another idea I have is maybe if there's an option to have a 1 minute warmup period before matches where voting is allowed, but after that minute voting is disabled.

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