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Weapon juggling

I noticed, that players who take my breath away when I spec them are constantly changing weapon. Shoot with Nex, switch to other gun, shoot, beck to Nex, swotch to different gun, shoot, back to Nex - all the time.

What's the meaning of this in game?

each weapon has an individual refire timer. so if you switch to and fire something else while, say the rl 'reloads', you output more damage per second. also, its far harder to dodge insta hit mixed with projectiles of different speed then it it to dodge a specific type of fire.

Oh I see. Which binds are best to do the job?

just bind your weapons to keys comfortable to you and/or set up what order weapons scroll if you use the scroller. what weapon to use when and how is very much personal preference, situation dependent and nothing that can or should be automated.

Thanks tZork Smile

Generally, the mortar and RL are great for weapon combos because they throw the opponent around or into the air. That not only messes them up, but if they get thrown up into the air, they are very open to a nex shot. So the typical combinations are nex/mortar/rocket(in whatever order), but I've seen people use the crylink and shotgun very effectively in combos.

But I'm still a noob, so I could be wrong. This is just what I see from hours and hours of watching and playing duels.

These are commonly referred to as weapon combos which plays a major role in this game. Best combos to use vary situation and player to player, most veterans from 2.3 for example tend to go nex and mortar while I myself prefer nex/crylink or hagar secondary followed by a machine gun burst or shotgun blast.

Oh wait.

... is it even possible to combo with the HLAC? ... just wondering

@Majki: and just to complete tzork's post: combos are efficient because the weapon switch time are typically shorter than in other FPSs.
It was one of constituent features of the ancestor Nexuiz.

Actually it's not so much switching time itself, but the fact that you can switch to other weapon before current one reloaded after each shot. Most apparent with Nex, obviously.

For instance, Warsow has even shorter switch time, but lacks that other property, so you can't really combo with rail's equivalent (EB).

(04-25-2012, 03:01 AM)rafallus Wrote: For instance, Warsow has even shorter switch time, but lacks that other property, so you can't really combo with rail's equivalent (EB).

The one thing that Warsow trolls say is broken in this game lol in reality they just suck half the time at this game or think their game has a higher skill ceiling when in reality the two have some major differences in the way they're played, with Xonotic offering you more ways to fight while Warsow gives you wall jumps and sometimes more speed.

Oh wait.

(04-24-2012, 11:33 PM)Rage_ATWM Wrote: @Majki: and just to complete tzork's post: combos are efficient because the weapon switch time are typically shorter than in other FPSs.
It was one of constituent features of the ancestor Nexuiz.

Not quite true since Nexuiz 1.5 had a slow weapon switch rate, most players back then stuck to only using 1 weapon in a situation, so it was often Nex vs Nex or nex vs mortar, RL vs mortar etc. Need to watch some 2.0 demos but pretty sure it was the same in that also. Smile

Although the weapons were very strong back then they worked pretty well because of the slow weapon switch speed, was more akin to Quake II.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


So question is - how to make juggling comfortable? Which binds are best? I play UrT mostly, and in this game I use side buttons on mouse for prev/next and it's okay, since I can have 3 weapons max. How to adapt to Xonotic then?

I can recommend to make binds for every weapon. Preferably around your movement keys. But there is no best way to make binds, you just have to find out for yourself which keys you prefer to have your binds on.

And about using then, just practice a lot Tongue

Most people use seperate key binds for all of the different weapons.

Mother of God. So you say - make "dozen of binds", aye? Seems scary.

(04-24-2012, 10:44 PM)hutty Wrote: ... is it even possible to combo with the HLAC? ... just wondering

I combo off the HLAC on downer. The alt fire is actually really strong and almost instant, without the blooming motion of the primary fire on the plasma. I like it a lot.

(04-25-2012, 08:41 AM)Majki Wrote: Mother of God. So you say - make "dozen of binds", aye? Seems scary.

Essentially. I have 9 different keybinds for weapons.

(04-25-2012, 08:10 AM)kojn^ Wrote:
(04-24-2012, 11:33 PM)Rage_ATWM Wrote: @Majki: and just to complete tzork's post: combos are efficient because the weapon switch time are typically shorter than in other FPSs.
It was one of constituent features of the ancestor Nexuiz.

Not quite true since Nexuiz 1.5 had a slow weapon switch rate, most players back then stuck to only using 1 weapon in a situation, so it was often Nex vs Nex or nex vs mortar, RL vs mortar etc. Need to watch some 2.0 demos but pretty sure it was the same in that also. Smile

Although the weapons were very strong back then they worked pretty well because of the slow weapon switch speed, was more akin to Quake II.

2.0 had the Nex-switch-bug thing. Tongue So Nex Nex Nex all the time.

At first I thought the topic could be about this Wink :

(04-25-2012, 09:32 AM)Mirio Wrote: At first I thought the topic could be about this Wink :

me too
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Pretty sure the Nex nex nex was later version Mirio as it still fired after 1second in 2.0 I believe. It used to refire so quick Big Grin. Put weapon binds near your movement keys is probably best, do you use arrow keys or wasd,esdf for movement etc?

For example I use wasd for movement 1 - laser 2 -shotgun then all my other weapons are around wasd and on c,v and b. Nex is binded on the other side of the keyboard on L Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Look at this thread for a lot of different setups of binds:

Okay I have binded today for tests Nex on E and laser cannon on Q. Just for kicks. TOTAL CRAZY in game Smile I'll try to move towards selection with keys, not mouse.

@Majki: an other less demanding option is not to bind each weapon on a specific key, but rather to bind categories of weapons on specific keys.
e.g., you indeed can bind on lets say X "finishing weapons". So, when you press X, you will get lets say mg , then if you press X again, you'll get sg, etc... according to some priority list you would have pre-defined.

Pros may tell you that it is suboptimal, which is somehow true... but personaly, if i would set a specific bind for the tuba for example, I would never remember it quickly when I would need it...

old-nexuiz-basterd-Nex-mortar-ftw combo here.
laser-nex is good vs nex.
nex-shotgun to finish in close combat too.
those good old days where duel had only 2 weapons, nex and mortar. Now we have to dealing with those crylink-electro-MG-ish ^^
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

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