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[SUGGESTION] New movement type

So, there's a console-only game called Vanquish; haven't played it personally, but what i've seen of it was relatively good; but what stuck with me was the boosted crouch a player could shift into to move quickly around a map (which turned out to be the only reason the game is said to be fast and frenetic, without it, its just as plodding as gears of war, youtube walkthroughs to prove this). The game doesn't have a multiplayer.

Xonotic, that speaks for itself ...

I was thinking that Xonotic could benefit from having the same kind of movement, being fast as it is. It would another way of getting around the map quickly apart from the usual bunny hopping, and i'm thinking it would add something more to engagements. It could be a twist on the crouch mechanic by being the loudest kind of movement (seeing as it is assisted by propulsion jets) to off-set its potential.

What do you all think?
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You mean those rolls? Looks not much different in principle than dodging which already is in the game as a mutator (eg. on Overkill servers).

I personally dont think it would fit in Xonotic. Xonotic is simple and allows the player develop tactics and skillz not the game providing "skills and tactics" for him.

I like the current movement. If you wan't to move faster, get good at laser movement, it works just as well.

(06-09-2012, 04:48 PM)rafallus Wrote: You mean those rolls? Looks not much different in principle than dodging which already is in the game as a mutator (eg. on Overkill servers).

No not the rolls. The ones where he goes to his knees, or one his back and zips around on the boosters.

(06-09-2012, 09:24 PM)K__ Wrote: I personally dont think it would fit in Xonotic. Xonotic is simple and allows the player develop tactics and skillz not the game providing "skills and tactics" for him.

It is not a skill or tactic. it is a mechanic; how, when and where you use it is the tactic, how well you use it is the skill, the feature in and of itself provides none of these. I can't quite understand how it wouldn't fit in Xonotic, care to elaborate.

(06-09-2012, 09:45 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: I like the current movement. If you wan't to move faster, get good at laser movement, it works just as well.

I too like the current movement and was not suggesting that we replace, only expand it.
How long is a piece of string?

If you are crouching this also makes you harder to hit and thats a problem. When Nexuiz 1.0 was released crouching had no impact on player movement speed, after a week, everyone was crouching all of the time! Bad for gameplay.

I really don't see this as being a good idea.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

One could make it harder to aim and turn while moving this way to counter spamming it.
How long is a piece of string?

But this begs the question: what exactly would it bring to the game? Maps aren't designed with this move in mind.

i have a feeling it wont work out well, handicapping turning and aim to compensate sounds rather irritating to me.
but you can make a mod and try it if *you* still believe it would work.

(06-10-2012, 06:40 AM)rafallus Wrote: But this begs the question: what exactly would it bring to the game? Maps aren't designed with this move in mind.

Should they be? The move is not supposed to viable option for every situation, just as bunny hopping isn't always the way to do it.

(06-10-2012, 07:57 AM)tZork Wrote: i have a feeling it wont work out well, handicapping turning and aim to compensate sounds rather irritating to me.
but you can make a mod and try it if *you* still believe it would work.

Scratch my last suggestion for a handicap against spamming the move. Moving faster than the player is currently able to move should make it plenty hard enough to aim; it is augmented movement after all. Which, if you think about it, is why the crouch was never going to work out so well in Nexuiz if it didn't affect player movement speed. I'll try implementing it as a mod then, thanks.
How long is a piece of string?

I don't think it would work that well, but you never know, it could be added as a mutator?

If crouching made you faster and harder to hit, and the only drawback is whether or not you can handle the speed, then everyone would be forced to do it. Otherwise, players that didn't do it would be at a huge disadvantage and may as well not play the game.

We'd effectively have a game full of people crouching constantly, which would both be dumb looking and annoying to learn. All for no real reason, just so people can beat off to "advanced movement" and get easier kills on new players.

Guess that makes sense. Although, I'd argue that it's case is the same if you're a new to the kind of gameplay that Xonotic already has. Thanks for pointing out the flaws in my suggestion, though, I'll just test it as a mod for now, maybe give it charge (non-regenerating) to offset spamming (it is in fact not something achievable through normal means).
How long is a piece of string?

Personally, I think if a dev team were to take many of the game changing suggestions from this forum and build a new open source game around them, they would have something very special(probably a huge pain to balance though). I definitely don't support any huge changes to Xonotic, unless they are addressing a gameplay flaw.

Also, I think the idea of using crouch for fast movement is not only odd to see and do, but very narrow minded as well. The same thing could be done with a "stride" key, but with a more graceful animation.

It's not exactly a crouch, it's just the type of movement i have in mind results in a low profile, like a crouch. Have a look at some Vanquish gameplay vids to get an idea of what it is I want to achieve, as seen here.

As for Xonotic staying the same, there's a whole lot one can say for and against it, but that's for another thread. Thanks again for engaging.
How long is a piece of string?

(06-10-2012, 05:56 PM)anark10n Wrote: It's not exactly a crouch, it's just the type of movement i have in mind results in a low profile, like a crouch. Have a look at some Vanquish gameplay vids to get an idea of what it is I want to achieve, as seen here.

Ah that's just a dash. I was picturing this:

I consider laser movement to be kind of the same thing tbh. I know the dash is definitely not a new thing, they are common in fast 3rd person shooters. One that comes to mind is Transformers WFC. Also, UC2 had a pretty cool dash, but it would be closer to the laser idea because you had to pull out another weapon to do it. I'm interested to see a mod for this though,

I actually like this idea ...

but the jetpack seems to do a similar thing (no ducking ... and not as fast though)

go ahead and make a mod ... although I have no Idea where anyone would find information on how to do so...

Hmm make a mod and test it out. I think its a very cool idea and original too. I have no idea how you would go about implementing it but give it a shot all the same.

(personally would love to see wall jumping like in Warsaw but we have essentially an equivalent with jump gunning the walls.)

Quote:personally would love to see wall jumping like in Warsaw

We don't want to incorporate too many features that are similar to other games in Xonotic now do we?

Quote:but we have essentially an equivalent with jump gunning the walls


I'd like to see a dash mechanic tested and possibly used as a mutator. But with laser jumping and bunny-hopping (new animations have been considered, which is cool), do we really need dash?

The thing is though, is it worth even making a test/demo? How much work is it? I remember asking MicreaKitsune to make a demo of his new damage system, but Mr B told me that it would be too much work to make a demo for something that probably won't be very popular.

(06-12-2012, 01:15 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: I'd like to see a dash mechanic tested and possibly used as a mutator. But with laser jumping and bunny-hopping (new animations have been considered, which is cool), do we really need dash?

The thing is though, is it worth even making a test/demo? How much work is it? I remember asking MicreaKitsune to make a demo of his new damage system, but Mr B told me that it would be too much work to make a demo for something that probably won't be very popular.

Busy learning animation at the moment, so when i get it right, i plan on animating it myself as well. nice to see i managed to work interest in the idea; whether it becomes popular with players; well that depends entirely on my implementation, also answering the value of it worth. if nothing else, it can remain as a mutator. this will take a while for me, just started learning netradiant, so don't hold out for anything soon though.
How long is a piece of string?

By all means, if you want to do that yourself, I'll be interested in seeing results as well. Just not enthusiastic about making it default behaviour.

Quote:Busy learning animation at the moment, so when i get it right, i plan on animating it myself as well.

Nice! The hoverboard idea (I made a link to the thread in an earlier post) is kind of dead, but I still believe that new bunny-hopping animations (that you could help create! Wink) are needed by v1.0.

Oh and yeah, fyi, I'm against the Dash becoming default behaviour too.

How about an offhand item, or even a "weapon" which gives the player an instant boost forward, rater than having it a default mode of movement or mod? It could compensate for its utility by disabling the ability to fire any weapon while using it. It would help escaping vehicles on open terrain somewhat, making vehicle game play on larger maps more viable for people without vehicles as well.

Let it do a little damage! That's a great idea. We can call it "laser".

On open ground the laser is way less effective if you haven't already build up speed than when you have a wall nearby. I though of it more of an alternative to the hook, which works wonders on my new map in terms of momentum, but also has the disadvantage that the player can literary grapple everywhere. But yea, I get your point.

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