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Vore Tournament (game forked from Nexuiz)

I have another important announcement to make. I just released a 0.6.1 update earlier. This is because 0.6.0 was totally broken in multiplayer, and basically unplayable online due to many issues. I found and fixed those that I could notice, and the dedicated server seems to be as good and stable as normal bot matches. Some of these issues always existed in VT and were never noticed and addressed till now. This should be the first online stable release of the game. Here are the release notes:

Quote:* 0.6.1:

Bug fixes:

- Fix swallowing not working in multiplayer, due to the predator's angles not being updated properly. This also fixes jittering in bot matches, that has always existed in VT.

- Fix Grabber reload being constantly re-triggered in multiplayer, if reloading with players in your stomach.

- Fix the view weapon model not animating in multiplayer, if having players in your stomach.

- Fix exterior weapon model blinking and attempting to be attached to the stomach model for predators

- Limit how often the Grabber's beam effect is sent (lightning bolt from the weapon to the linked hook). It was being sent each frame, choking the network in multiplayer.

- Tweak Grabber fuel usage and the fuel system, improving some things and fixing minor bugs.

- Fix the server attempting to attach the exterior weapon entity to stomach models. Should fix console warnings and the weapon model blinking for predators.

- Fix the swallow model not showing to spectators when spectating a player. Also do some other fixes to the swallow models.

- Show the proper stomach board color on spectated players, in the case of team mates.

- Disable GLSL color control by default. This MIGHT fix the white screen problem some people have been reporting.

This time, there is a patch available for those who got 0.6.0 last night. The torrent will also be up and seeded soon, as the file is still processing on SourceForge.

Looks like this is really coming along, considering trying from GIT (that will work on a Mac, just like Xonotic right?).

Thanks... glad you like Smile Yes, I have a GIT server for the game, where my latest work is always up to date. git:// Sadly, I don't export the MAC version because I don't know how to brand it properly. So Windows and Linux only, so far at least. Oh, and here's the official 0.6.0 video that I forgot to post last night:


Cloned it from GIT, got into the directory, but when I typed the
./all update -1 best
it said
-bash: ./all: No such file or directory

Xonotic works fine. OSX 10.5.8. Am I doing something wrong?

(07-19-2011, 06:15 AM)nowego4 Wrote: Cloned it from GIT, got into the directory, but when I typed the
./all update -1 best
it said
-bash: ./all: No such file or directory

Xonotic works fine. OSX 10.5.8. Am I doing something wrong?

It doesn't have any GIT scripts like Xonotic does. Not a fan of these scripts, and I didn't test and maintain them. The GIT is updated by running 'git pull' and 'git fetch' and that sort of thing.

Also, I recommend running the branded engine which is included in GIT (I update it once in a while). I have a branding system included however, which can take care of that if needed.

This game seems to by psychedelic a lot Big Grin
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

I think i need a little help, I'm trying to set up the game to play but I'm more than a little computer illiterate, it would be great if someone could help me figure this out.

Note I'm using Jzip to unzip and look at files, i don't no if these programs differ much between them or not but if they do then keep that in mind when talking about folders and files and stuff.

Hi, I'm Captain Obvious. Hint of the day: describe your problem in order to get help.
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If your question is about how to install the game, download the zip archive, unpack it, and run voretournament.exe

Ok, i looked again and found out i was trying to run it with the wrong exe. but i still have an error message saying MSVCR80.dll was not found.

thus explains why i was lost but still won't open without this.

P.S. Sorry Halogene but i didn't know what the problem was, made it hard to share, so until now i was hoping for a support link or something (should have made that clear, oops)

It might be a while until 0.7 is released. But in the meantime, here are some screenshots and a video of some things done since 0.6.1. Some highlights are the new bloom and cartoon effects, improved vixen meshes, and weapon display indicating ammo count... together with other changes that I won't go into listing now. As always, the development version can be tested on GIT. Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions also Smile

[Image: am4iirxzqu9fo7liffq_thumb.jpg] [Image: 2rmtmwxodotrnwcksdm_thumb.jpg] [Image: u6lbca4eb651d7u9of6_thumb.jpg] [Image: denokfz3jvl6pj1v1yj_thumb.jpg] [Image: atwl8wi7wpu4ou9ssecj_thumb.jpg] [Image: fxdovwrrisrdn6wnwl9_thumb.jpg] [Image: k06u38t6vtgvqhglio9n_thumb.jpg] [Image: 8w5mu5flmop6on3u57v5_thumb.jpg]


As of today, Vore Tournament 0.7.0 has been released and is available for download. This is one of the most major releases, with the greatest number of changes, bug fixes, and exciting new features. Release notes and media below. Download available from SourceForge.

* Bug fixes:

- Fixed a major bug which caused the engine to crash if loading a new level after the intermission song stopped playing. This was caused by attempting to free a null song. Debugged and fixed with LordHavoc.

- Fix the stomach board showing the wrong player (predator) when spectating someone in multiplayer.

- Fixed a bug causing Grabber recoil to not work.

- Prevent bots switching to weapons they don't own in order to reload them, causing weird animations.

- Fix health rot not pausing when gaining health from digestion.

- Fix a few divisions by 0, specifically those that would take place constantly.

- Holding the Regurgitate button down would cause the process to loop infinitely, which could also cause bots to get stuck trying to throw up.

- If holding the alt fire button while reloading, the grabber would fire the hook (and take ammo) after reload, but the hook would not spawn.

- Fix floating player names showing for prey, which was both wrong and caused overlapping.

- Fix prey showing on the radar.

* Features:

- There is no longer a player swallow limit. Players have a stomach capacity (for predators) and a mass (for prey), both based on player scale. As long as your mass is not exceeded, you can keep swallowing players. This affects your weight and overall player capacity based on player size as well. eg: You might be able to eat only one large player, three tiny players, or two normal sized players at the same time. Stomach size will also reflect your capacity, not the player count, being bigger or smaller based on the prey inside and their size compared to yours. By default, a macro can swallow up to 15 mircos and a micro up to 1 macro.

- Fire button functionality has been reworked. Both the grabber primary and secondary modes use the attack2 button, the bolt attack automatically replacing the hook if looking at a surface in its range (crosshair changes to indicate that). The primary fire button is used for swallowing prey only, and to perform stomach kick. You can still hook to a player while swallowing them, by holding both firing buttons. This will take some getting used to, but I find it best to keep vore functions on their own button than weapons.

- Prey can now be digested when dead. Previously, prey would be instantly regurgitated (or fakely kept in the stomach) after it died. Now dead prey will show on the stomach board and load the predator's stomach just like live prey. Dead prey can be digested down to -100 health by default, and cannot respawn while digesting. Once dead prey reaches -100 health, it's automatically regurgitated. Note that you cannot eat dead bodies from the ground, just keep your prey for longer.

- Dead predators can keep their prey until they respawn, as long as they aren't gibbed. Prey needs to kick as usual to get out of a dead predator, or wait for them to respawn.

- Picking up health items no longer increases your health immediately. Health is now eaten and digested like players, and increase stomach load while carried. Players inside the stomach will also be able to see the food inside. Health items can also be thrown up at their existing consumption and eaten by other players, as unpleasant as the thought might sound to some Smile

- Grabber alt fire barely deals any damage now. However, it will heavily decrease the victim's armor, and also stun them (making it difficult to walk for a few seconds).

- Helper system. A voice will talk in the background when the player is in a dangerous situation (similar to the suit in Half Life, which warns you when you're low on health).

- Footstep sounds accommodate to player size. A micro player will have no footstep / landing sounds, while a macro will have additional walking sounds to simulate that giantess effect. The ground will also visibly shake when a macro walks nearby.

- Voice pitch depends on player size, using a recent engine feature which allows changing pitch by code. Micros will have high-pitch voices while macros will have lower pitch sounds.

- Bootable subsystems. The crosshair, HUD, and helper voice will take 2 seconds to startup when the player spawns. Also, if armor (now considered charge) is below 5, you will not have enough energy to run your subsystems, and must wait for your armor to recharge.

- Skill based damage for bots. The higher the skill, the more damage bots do and the less they take. At the highest skill, bots are extremely difficult to defeat. Does not apply to campaign.

- The Grabber now has a screen which displays ammo count as well as weapon load.

- Improvements to the vixen mesh. Models have been switched from zym to iqm (better and newer format), polygon count has been doubled, stomach bulges are more detailed, and the vixens are a bit more chubby and fluffy.

- 8 new Nexuiz maps, including Race and CTF.

- Post-processing: Add a permenent cartoon effect to the menu, previously visible when having the Strength or Shield powerups. Instead, the effect is always visible now, but the cartoon lines are white instead of black while you own a powerup.

- Post-processing: Much higher quality bloom, using r_viewfbo by default (looks similar to that in UT3 / GTA4).

- Visuals: Cubemap reflections on several map textures. You'll commonly see them on metal surfaces, but also on some stone floors.

- Character portraits, which show when getting fragged or shooting team mates.

- Improved radar (minimap), which shows in both team games and standalone games by default.

- Added settings for anaglyph stereo in the Video menu, so people with 3D glasses can play Vore Tournament in 3D. Includes settings for any type of glasses.

* Known bugs:

- When players die, they occasionally keep throwing gibs and blood infinitely from their death spot. The reason for this is still unknown, and the bug will also decrease performance, although it doesn't happen too often.

- Sometimes the swallow model gets bumped, causing the camera to see outside of its bounds. This happens rarely and was no longer noticed, so it might have been fixed. I remember it was related to weapon display digits and changing the scale of the view weapon.

- When players get stomach kicked or grow, weapon reload keeps resetting and starting over again. I'm not sure if to fix this or if it's better this way (since it simulates loss of handling).

- Some bots still don't select the Grabber gun when they have it.

- Respawn ghosts don't fade smoothly, and disappear instantly instead.

- There is still an issue with the weapon model attempting to attach to the stomach model, which is configured per-player. This doesn't cause any visible problems but still shouldn't happen.

- Several divisions by zero still exist in the code (visible with developer 1). They doesn't cause visible issues but should still not happen.

[Image: 87y28dibiwa0nobprx_thumb.jpg] [Image: 17a89akpz0g51qo9sdlp_thumb.jpg] [Image: w5b1bmj2r73eb9b5mxm9_thumb.jpg] [Image: qe25d8v9ed7nqgm7quk8_thumb.jpg] [Image: ds801pu39184nljypt5y_thumb.jpg] [Image: 5fo3qcso6rn9wgdvx67_thumb.jpg] [Image: f8ugk2b68k0n8p01if7q_thumb.jpg] [Image: gzkhlgkud0cleyqmfi8l_thumb.jpg] [Image: 83513jacw55k41yydp8d_thumb.jpg] [Image: zk7lybo78at9s00a3372_thumb.jpg] [Image: g175exvsiffzp9zvtnj4_thumb.jpg] [Image: cjim6yn9kgvclm9bh6u2_thumb.jpg] [Image: ve3y9507qra3uz6tpfiz_thumb.jpg] [Image: msyxb170cxkkxkdh5t4i_thumb.jpg] [Image: 8ukm8zm590qmb3ktmhk5_thumb.jpg] [Image: x7p4t2n2tahoe6rvd59_thumb.jpg] [Image: etaos4d8s6g66osyn8es_thumb.jpg] [Image: 3okwy08jp9bdjzz6ms72_thumb.jpg] [Image: 34kdknmgdzsilggve4ta_thumb.jpg] [Image: 3pry06ug0sni2zphbyxb_thumb.jpg]

Что делать если вместо файла voretournament.exe запускается файл voretournament-sdl.exe?

(07-02-2012, 06:34 AM)astral0pitek Wrote: Что делать если вместо файла voretournament.exe запускается файл voretournament-sdl.exe?

Sorry, this is an english forum. I can't understand that.

Google translate says "What if instead of a file is run voretournament.exe voretournament-sdl.exe?".

Use the one that works the best for you. (Используйте тот, который работает лучше для вас.)

What if instead of a file is run vore tournament.exe vore tournament-sdl.exe?

More precisely what to do if, instead of the file is run the file voretournament.ehe voretournament-sdl.ehe?

You can run the one you want. They do the same thing. Maybe one works better than the other. You can choose.

(07-02-2012, 06:47 AM)astral0pitek Wrote: What if instead of a file is run vore tournament.exe vore tournament-sdl.exe?

More precisely what to do if, instead of the file is run the file voretournament.ehe voretournament-sdl.ehe?

The SDL version uses SDL for input. It's just an alternate implementation... normally you use the original exe.

The SDL version uses SDL for input. It's just an alternate implementation... normally you use the original exe.

I wanted something else! Can I make a multilingual interface with the next update, that in Russia, too, played the game?

And one more thing! Will there be a server in the game?

Just when it becomes boring uncompensated play!

(07-02-2012, 07:27 AM)astral0pitek Wrote: I wanted something else! Can I make a multilingual interface with the next update, that in Russia, too, played the game?

Sorry, no translations available. Xonotic has that, but VT was forked before translating was added to the code.

(07-02-2012, 07:45 AM)MirceaKitsune Wrote:
(07-02-2012, 07:27 AM)astral0pitek Wrote: I wanted something else! Can I make a multilingual interface with the next update, that in Russia, too, played the game?

Sorry, no translations available. Xonotic has that, but VT was forked before translating was added to the code.

What is the code?

Can you make one version with the Russian translation, and another with an English translation?

At about what time to be released new version of vore tournament?

Which version of the multiplayer work?

(07-03-2012, 04:23 AM)astral0pitek Wrote: At about what time to be released new version of vore tournament?

Which version of the multiplayer work?

Not decided. It takes a lot of work and I'm slower on it now. Hopefully during or until the new year there will be a new version.

I just have a bad translator, so you can some of the nuances neponyal!

He has not decided yet. He hopes he can release in january or earlier.

MK, write your messages with easy translation in mind Wink

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