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(06-08-2010, 11:20 PM)DiaboliK Wrote: Nexgun(Name being changed probably to Xon? Not official yet)

Don't like the name Xon at all...

Yeah, not the same ring as "nex". However, model is very good.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

[Image: cpjqpxmck338y1wuqdaq_thumb.jpg][Image: cxu8f429vacczysd2x9j_thumb.jpg][Image: lt7yvew6cqu0f1n0kglt_thumb.jpg][Image: jt5i59newy31fm0xl8s8_thumb.jpg]

any suggestions for a high res skybox?

(06-08-2010, 05:36 PM)Roanoke Wrote: Frutiex, will the texture/borders of the hud be configurable?

Yes. Why do I feel like I have to explain this over and over again Big Grin

Here are the cvars that you can configure:
// hud variables
set _hud_configure 0 "1 = configure the HUD"

seta hud_skin old "skin folder where to look for images"
seta hud_bg 0 "default background for the panels, file must exist in gfx/hud/[skin name]/, 0 = disable background by default"
seta hud_bg_color "0 0.6 0.9" "default background color for the panels, accepts \"shirt\" and \"pants\""
seta hud_bg_color_team 0 "default setting for overriding panel color with team color in team games, 0.5 = less saturated"
seta hud_bg_alpha 0.8 "default alpha of the background"
seta hud_bg_border 10 "default border size for the panels"
seta hud_bg_padding 0 "default padding of contents from the border"
seta hud_fg_alpha 1 "alpha of the foreground"
seta hud_progressbar_alpha "0.5" "alpha of progressbars"

seta hud_configure_checkcollisions 0 "check for collisions against other panels when in hud configure mode"
seta hud_configure_bg_minalpha 0.5 "minimum panel background alpha when in hud configure mode"
seta hud_configure_grid 1 "snap to grid when moving/resizing panels"
seta hud_configure_grid_x 10 "snap each X pixels"
seta hud_configure_grid_y 10 "snap each Y pixels"
seta hud_configure_grid_alpha 0.15 "alpha for visible grid when in configure mode"

seta hud_dock "dock" "enable a fullscreen background for the hud, useful for creating artificial docks, \"\" = disable"
seta hud_dock_color "0 0.6 0.9" "dock color, accepts \"shirt\" and \"pants\""
seta hud_dock_color_team 0.7 "override dock color with team color in team games"
seta hud_dock_alpha 0.8 "alpha of the dock"

seta sbar_info_pos 50

seta hud_weaponicons 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_weaponicons_pos "-0.635295 -0.134116" "position of this panel"
seta hud_weaponicons_size "0.352942 0.064845" "size of this panel"
seta hud_weaponicons_number 1 "show number of weapon"
seta hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow 40 "percentage at which the accuracy color is yellow"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_inventory 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_inventory_pos "0.179783 -0.092189" "position of this panel"
seta hud_inventory_size "0.174227 0.092189" "size of this panel"
seta hud_inventory_onlycurrent 0 "1 = show only current ammo type"
seta hud_inventory_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_inventory_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_inventory_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_inventory_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_inventory_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_inventory_bg_padding "" if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_powerups 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_powerups_pos "-0.311922 -0.084896" "position of this panel"
seta hud_powerups_size "0.086719 0.077084" "size of this panel"
seta hud_powerups_flip 1 "flip strength/shield positions"
seta hud_powerups_mirror 0 "mirror alignment of panel items"
seta hud_powerups_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_powerups_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_powerups_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_powerups_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_powerups_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_powerups_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "0 0 0.6" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.6 0 0.6" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"

seta hud_healtharmor 1 "enable/disable this panel, 2 = combined health/armor display"
seta hud_healtharmor_pos "-0.627451 -0.066667" "position of this panel"
seta hud_healtharmor_size "0.291174 0.066667" "size of this panel"
seta hud_healtharmor_flip 1 "flip health/armor positions"
seta hud_healtharmor_mirror 0 "mirror alignment of panel items"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.6 0 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0 0.6 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.6 0.6 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"

seta hud_notify 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_notify_pos "0.1 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_notify_size "0.1 0.1" "size of this panel with all notifications on"
seta hud_notify_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_notify_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_notify_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_notify_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_notify_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_notify_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_notify_flip 0 "order the list top to bottom instead of bottom to top"
seta hud_notify_print 0 "also con_notify print the messages that are shown on the notify panel"
seta hud_notify_time 5 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
seta hud_notify_fadetime 2 "fade out time"

seta hud_timer 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_timer_pos "-0.213725 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_timer_size "0.212735 0.054427" "size of this panel"
seta hud_timer_increment 0 "show elapsed time instead of remaining time"
seta hud_timer_bg border "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_timer_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_timer_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_timer_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_timer_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_timer_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_radar 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_radar_pos "0 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_radar_size "0.215687 0.266667" "size of this panel"
seta hud_radar_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_radar_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_radar_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_radar_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_radar_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_radar_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_radar_foreground_alpha 0.8    "alpha of the map"
seta hud_radar_scale 4096 "distance you can see on the team radar"
seta hud_radar_rotation 0    "rotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north"
seta hud_radar_zoommode 0    "zoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out"
alias hud_radar_rotate "toggle hud_radar_rotation 0 1 2 3 4"

seta hud_score 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_score_pos "-0.225469 -0.084404" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_score_size "0.225469 0.075156" "size of this panel"
seta hud_score_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_score_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_score_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_score_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_score_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_score_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_racetimer 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_racetimer_pos "-0.614706 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_racetimer_size "0.231373 0.077124" "size of this panel"
seta hud_racetimer_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_vote 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_vote_pos "-0.321140 -0.268230" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_vote_size "0.320156 0.106719" "size of this panel"
seta hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha 0.75 "alpha of the vote dialog after you have voted"
seta hud_vote_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_vote_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_vote_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_vote_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_vote_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_vote_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_modicons 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_modicons_pos "-0.571569 -0.265625" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_modicons_size "0.145098 0.114105" "size of this panel"
seta hud_modicons_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_modicons_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_modicons_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_modicons_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_modicons_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_modicons_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color "0.7 0.1 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"

seta hud_pressedkeys 1 "enable/disable this panel, 1 = show only when spectating other players, 2 = show always"
seta hud_pressedkeys_pos "-0.571569 -0.265625" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_pressedkeys_size "0.145098 0.114105" "size of this panel"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"

seta hud_chat 1 "enable/disable this panel, 1 = show only when spectating other players, 2 = show always"
seta hud_chat_pos "-0.571569 -0.265625" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_chat_size "0.145098 0.114105" "size of this panel"
seta hud_chat_bg "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_chat_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_chat_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_chat_bg_alpha "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_chat_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_chat_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

(06-09-2010, 03:37 PM)Cortez666 Wrote: [Image: cpjqpxmck338y1wuqdaq_thumb.jpg][Image: cxu8f429vacczysd2x9j_thumb.jpg][Image: lt7yvew6cqu0f1n0kglt_thumb.jpg][Image: jt5i59newy31fm0xl8s8_thumb.jpg]

any suggestions for a high res skybox?

Is it just me or does it look really similar to q3dm17 from Quake 3? (a great map nonetheless) ;-)
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

pretty hard to see that its q3dm17 right? Tongue


I'm working on a minsta mod, what u see is a very early model of ammo dropped when u die.
I just learned how to model, so I know it doesn't look nice Big Grin

I'm re-texturing an old favourite of mine, if you ask me it was never really textured in the first place Big Grin
[Image: 58x9ku70hb25dn899li_thumb.jpg]
[Image: pyht50ihfosnkxxu6mvl_thumb.jpg]
[Image: eyc9cke30i9xflrrjkpd_thumb.jpg]
"the best trolls are indistinguishable from idiots"

Oh, that map. Lost dungeon or something, right? I like what you've done with it.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

That's nexdmlc2 iirc. A good tdm map, was always a bit dark. This version is definitly better!

Hey, that's that map where you totally owned me just a couple of days ago! It must have been the bad textures that made me play so bad. Good, that you are fixing this! :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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[Image: top8yztyviaowexjgmx8_thumb.jpg]
[Image: s74ktwvr3hhlh2gv2hx6_thumb.jpg]
[Image: z6b6oyxem3r3kmudwx6e_thumb.jpg]
[Image: wmj68u2vewwglril5nk8_thumb.jpg]

Is that a CTF map? It looks like it could make a good ONS map (control point is under attack!)
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

(06-14-2010, 06:32 PM)Roanoke Wrote: Is that a CTF map? It looks like it could make a good ONS map (control point is under attack!)

Yea its ctf.


I'm currently learning how to model, maybe I can contribute something.

as a practice, I'm trying to model a rifle I have at home, this is an early wip Big Grin :

[Image: img1yz.jpg]

MintOX, any chance of making a nicely sized DOM map next, with 3 DOM points?
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I have finished my little practice Tongue I think:




maybe I should work on something useful now, but I don't have concept art, it would be nice if I can find a good concept art for the minsta nex.

any comments Big Grin ? btw, this is my first model ever, I have just learned to model.

sorry I posted an old render, here is the right one:

can u actually see the difference Big Grin? there is a part that was missing

A little test: What do these notify events mean? Are they obvious enough?
[Image: 5g2uk9762gsowa3z3fa_thumb.jpg]
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

(06-17-2010, 08:42 AM)FruitieX Wrote: A little test: What do these notify events mean? Are they obvious enough?
[Image: 5g2uk9762gsowa3z3fa_thumb.jpg]

  1. you took the flag
  2. you fell to death
  3. the flag has been dropped
  4. you took the flag
  5. bot killed you whit rocket launcher

I'm not sure what the black ones do.
Am I correct?

I have no idea what the first four mean.
5. Bot fell in void
6. frutie got rocketed by bot
7. frutie pushed bot off side

Be careful with using words in icons though - hard to internationalize.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

I understood for sure only that a bot killeds you with a rocket launcher. The rest is for me undiscovered.

Maybe some more in-game tutorials to explain stuff like that would be a solution. I always love interactive tutorials in games by the way.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Instead of in game tutorials, perhaps we just need logical icons Tongue
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

(06-14-2010, 06:18 PM)MintOX Wrote: [Image: top8yztyviaowexjgmx8_thumb.jpg]
[Image: s74ktwvr3hhlh2gv2hx6_thumb.jpg]
[Image: z6b6oyxem3r3kmudwx6e_thumb.jpg]
[Image: wmj68u2vewwglril5nk8_thumb.jpg]

holy crap, this is epic -- I want this in the game!

well, from experience lately it seems like people aren't immediately recognizing the _FLAG_ icons Wink Wink
I myself like them a lot, and the way sev did them (cloth simulation in blender) xD

1. bot fell in void
2. means i got the flag
3. means i suicided (iirc wasnt careful enough with the RL, maybe i should just show the weapon icon there)
4. i dropped the flag as a consequence of 3.
5. i pick up the flag again
6. bot fell in void
7. bot frags me with rl
8. i push bot into void
(06-17-2010, 06:05 PM)-z- Wrote:
(06-14-2010, 06:18 PM)MintOX Wrote: [Image: top8yztyviaowexjgmx8_thumb.jpg]
[Image: s74ktwvr3hhlh2gv2hx6_thumb.jpg]
[Image: z6b6oyxem3r3kmudwx6e_thumb.jpg]
[Image: wmj68u2vewwglril5nk8_thumb.jpg]

holy crap, this is epic -- I want this in the game!

Second that!
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

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