This is a great idea, some thought does need to go into how we would replicate the "chess" dynamic.
My ideas:
The king is started with 200 health and 0 armor. His health equalizes to 200 and his armor only starts to go down when it's over 200 (the default is 100). He is given every weapon except the laser :O (to simulate the "lack of mobility" that the king has in regular chess). I've also been thinking of only giving the king a shotgun and the tuba... To rally his troops of course!
The queen is given the Nex, Hagar???, shotgun and laser. Default health and armor.
The Rook/Castle is given the Rocket Launcher, machine gun, shotgun and laser.
The Bishop is given the Electro, Crylink, shotgun and laser.
The Knight is given the Mortar, Hagar, shotgun and laser.
The Pawns are given the Machine Gun, shotgun and laser
All weapons on a map are replaced by their respective ammunitions. And pawns cannot use megas or stack health beyond 200 or armor beyond 100.
Sounds brilliant don't you think?
![Tongue Tongue](
The scoring for the game mode would go like this.
Play to 8(maybe 5 depending on the speed of play)
When your team wins and you're the king you receive 20 points
When your team loses and you're the king you recieve 0 points
When your team wins and you're the queen you receive 10 points
When your team loses and you're the queen you receive -10 points
When your team wins and you're anyone else except pawns you receive 2 points
When your team loses and you're anyone else except pawns you receive 0 points
When your team wins and you're a pawn you receive 5 points
When your team wins and you're a pawn you receive 0 points
Killing the king gets you different amounts of points depending on who you are:
King: 10(if you get all weapons) 20(if you only get the shotty and tuba)
Queen: 2
Anyone else except pawns: 5
Pawns: 10
Killing someone that, in the same life, has put damage on your king nets you an extra point. (Defense bonus)
I'm actually super excited about this idea, anyone know how to code game modes or would be happy to push me in the right direction?
Each role would be randomized on each round start. The screen would flash "You are ______" while it counts, "3...2...1... Go!"
Hopefully the spawns could be manipulated for each role, pawns on the front lines, king and queen farthest back in their base.
I can't think of anything else to add... Suggestions would be nice...