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[SOLVED] (solved) how to change (twick) the hook in a map?

Is it possible to reduce the usage time on the hook as they gather in a map? I wish that time is of about 10 seconds before disappearing.

Enable the real hook (?).
g_grappling_hook 1

(08-10-2011, 11:26 AM)Mirio Wrote: Enable the real hook (?).
g_grappling_hook 1
No my friend, I mean I am doing a map in which I put a hook as a weapon. I want the player who picks up the hook can use it only for a few seconds. By default the hook can be used more than one minute I think. In this map the function of the hook is just to avoid falling into a deep pit, that's all.

You want to tweak the hook weapon balance settings, the relevant cvars start with g_balance_hook_primary_. I guess you're after g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max.

(08-12-2011, 04:11 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: I guess you're after g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max.
It is probably that.
So do you know how the setting into a map? The only parameters that I can change using the "N" key are ammo_cells, respawntime, respawntimejitter, team, cnt. Do I have to do a script?

You do indeed, in the mapinfo file. I suggest you read Docs/mapping.txt, it's a very important step in mapping, if you want to do things right. What you want is explained in Appendix A.

Now for my opinion in this subject... I would not do this if I were you, modified balance settings is something not everybody likes on their server (be it players or admins), so admins have the possibility to disable map-specific modifications using the g_mapinfo_settemp_acl cvar.
So, don't count on settemp to make your map playable.

(08-13-2011, 02:55 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Now for my opinion in this subject... I would not do this if I were you, modified balance settings is something not everybody likes on their server (be it players or admins), so admins have the possibility to disable map-specific modifications using the g_mapinfo_settemp_acl cvar.
So, don't count on settemp to make your map playable.

thank you, I think I'll follow your advice, it's a shame because in this map there was a place for this tool to use as a portable teleporter. And thank you for that reference it will be very instructive for me to read it.

Hook uses fuel, and you likely have nothing else on your map that provides fuel. So, just setting ammo_fuel low may be good enough. Then the hook itself won't time out, but you can only use it once.
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(08-14-2011, 05:46 AM)divVerent Wrote: Hook uses fuel, and you likely have nothing else on your map that provides fuel. So, just setting ammo_fuel low may be good enough. Then the hook itself won't time out, but you can only use it once.

Thank you, this is what I have done and I put the var in the .mapinfo and it works as I wanted. I did set up the fuel to 30 that give about less than 5 seconds of use.

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