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Wow, a lot of people playing this evening!

Wow, huge numbers of people playing today (thanks for live streaming)!

Just played a match on Runningman-ctf on a DCC CTF server and that was a lot of fun! Easy frags! Big Grin

It's great to see so many people giving the game a try.

I think MR B said there were >200 people on today.

Yup, we peaked at 220 people according to Samual. Exciting stuff. We'll have news on the blog soon (tomorrow or so).

Some media coverage or other reason for many players being on?
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

(09-07-2012, 01:10 PM)edh Wrote: Some media coverage or other reason for many players being on?

Gronkh and Sarazar, Germany's most famous "Let's play" youtubers (more than 600.000 subscribers) decided to play some Xonotic with their fans. Their impression of the game seems really great, looks like they had their fun (especially on Nexball). Here you can watch the trailer for the show and the VoDs:



Click me (Let's play together #14 part 1-3)

Thanks again to them, really cool initiative. Thumbs up to the Germans Tongue

I started playing when I noticed this masswave of players. But stopped when I got stats like 30-0 on dm server and people ragequitted... :F

I didn't understand much and third part is missing but seems nice, it was unexpected to see all servers populated, even though people went away after a while, but that could have been because it was 2 in the morning.

It was actually around 7 pm in Germany when the stream ended. It is now 11 pm.

I've never been convinced of these Youtube channels myself, I'm really surprised so many people 'tune in' to watch someone else play a game. If for some reason that I can't quite fathom lots of people actually watch these things and want to play Xonotic then good.

Things still are above average activity right now and there's quite a few good people too.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

Yeah, I have just realized it, I was fixing my computer and the BIOS time was reset. I thought it is weird.

It will be interesting to see how many new players we got after the first wave (players who stay with the game I mean) Big Grin
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

Gronkh is the famoust person on youtube in Germany so it isn´t a surprise that so many people follow this.

Edit: LOL have a look at the first comment of the inofficial Xonotic trailer!

(09-07-2012, 04:22 PM)edh Wrote: I've never been convinced of these Youtube channels myself, I'm really surprised so many people 'tune in' to watch someone else play a game. If for some reason that I can't quite fathom lots of people actually watch these things and want to play Xonotic then good.

Things still are above average activity right now and there's quite a few good people too.

It's the same thing as reading someone who talks about playing a game, except in video form. Can't you fathom that either? And before you say people are too lazy to read, live unscripted speech is quite different from written prose.

Also, it lets you discover some games, see what somebody else thinks about it, watch how they play it, and in some cases have a good laugh since some "let's play"ers can be funny.

Livestreams are nice in general because you get to interact with the audience and sometimes with the streamers themselves. It's like watching TV with someone else (assuming there is interesting stuff on TV, that is), it can be more social than watching it on your own.

(09-07-2012, 04:25 PM)Maddin Wrote: Gronkh is the famoust person on youtube in Germany so it isn´t a surprise that so many people follow this.

Edit: LOL have a look at the first comment of the inofficial Xonotic trailer!

First comments change over time. The first one is currently "Gronkh <3".

EDIT: Oops, it's the trailer, not Gronkh's video. Welp, at least people in the future will know what the first comment was.

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