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XQC #94. League-based vanilla TDM

Xonotie I had a dream /o/, (sorry Antares)
the league-based idea from XQC #92 and #90 was fun, so let’s mix that with teams now.

The XQC #94 will be a 2vs2vs2 TDM league cup.
Quick facts:
- 2v2v2 TDM
- Vanilla ruleset (everything like on WTWRP votable except disabled spawnshield and enabled teamkills)
- Servers: TBD
- Timelimit: 10
- Fraglimit: 0
- Modus: Multi-round, multi-league (see below for full description)
- Mappool: Atelier, Bloody Run, Dismemberment, Minibromine, Opium, Sinister, Trident, Xoylent (see below)
- Date/time: Saturday, March 14th 2020 20:00 CET [19:00 UTC] //
- Admins: SeeK-y, Mirio, morosophos
- Skill level: any


Check-in starts at 19:00 CET(18:00 UTC) at the #xonotic.cup channel on quakenet. Please notify about your participation by saying something like "Me and 2# Teammate want to check in as ‘Your Teamname’". Also if you have any preferences to be assigned to a higher (to be more competitive) or a lower (just to play some relaxed games) league, you can tell about that too. Admins will try to fulfill your request, but no guarantee that they will be able to.


After the check-in all teams are sorted by the strength and assigned into leagues, each league consisting of 3 teams. Teams #1 to #3 form the 1st league, teams #4 to #6 the 2nd league, and so on.

Then we play 8 rounds, where each round is the following:

 1. Each league plays Bo1 game (timelimit 10, fraglimit 0) (*) on a random map, which hasn't yet been played. Every league plays the same map during each round, there will be a separate server for each league.
 2. The best team of each league except the highest one is promoted to the upper league.
 3. The worst team of each league except the lowest one is demoted to the lower league.
 4. Team #2 will stay in the league they played.
 5. Round tiebreaking order: number of frags (kills-suicides), number of deaths, number of kills, damage difference, damage dealt, the time needed to reach the number of frags (less time better), random.

This format will ensure that noobs don't get stomped by hardcore veterans, veterans get their fun for playing against similarly skilled opponents, and players from the lower leagues still get their chance to fight their way to the very top.

For each round every team get their score, which is calculated as follows:

score = frags * 1.15^(log(1.5 * number_of_leagues) / log(1.15) * (number_of_leagues - league_number) / (number_of_leagues - 1))

This formula ensures that teams in the higher leagues get more score for their frags and the more you stay in higher leagues, the more chances you get to win the tournament.

Total team score for the tournament is the sum of the scores the team earned during each round.

(*) - i.e. each game lasts 10 minutes and you can score as many frags as you can. 


Vanilla balance: no weapon recoil, shootfromeye, you can't pick up health/armor if you have 200 of that corresponding resource. No spawnshield. Enabled teamkills.

Players are allowed to customize client-side cvars per their liking. r_sky, gl_picmip, crosshair, etc - no restrictions.

Map pool:

First we play 2 warmup rounds which affect league placement, but don't affect final score. Then we play main map pool in random order

Warmup maps: Atelier, Trident
Main maps: new! Bloody Run (AriosJentu’s remake of Blood Run), Dismemberment, new! Minibromine (smaller version of bromine), Opium, Sinister, Xoylent

There will be 5 minute break after the warmup rounds and a 15 minute break after 4th map of the main pool.


There will be a website with current league distribution, current map, and current score. Before each game teams should check the website, find their league and join the server for their league. Improper games (when teams/players joined a wrong league or played a wrong map) don't count and have to be re-done. Note, that servers will have warmup enabled, don't forget to press F4 to start the game (or vcall allready).

After the round ends, teams should re-visit the website, wait till the round results appear there, check the new map for the next round and check if they are relegated or promoted. In the latter case, they should join the server of their new league. The website address will be announced during check-in.

The final scores will be published on the website and forums.

Demos will be recorded on the server per each client.

Rage quits:

If some player of a team can't play the whole cup or rage quits, the other team member must have a replacement ready or get an replacement as fast as possible. (if this repeats or doesn't get a Teammate in reasonable time the team is disqualified)

Connection problems:

If a player disconnected from an active game he may ask other players of the league to restart the round. Other players decide to agree or not agree for the restart by voting. (please use timeout for discussing). Note, that repeated offenders (3 disconnects or more) will be disqualified.

Practice server:

XQC #94 | 2v2v2 Team Deathmatch 
or type in console: connect


IRC: #xonotic.cup at quakenet. Discord:
[Image: 110074.png]

Is modifying in_pitch_* allowed?
[Image: 30381.jpg]

<packer> when i see martin-t's name my blood pressure increases

<[BOT]Hоtdоg> anyone here lives near martin?
<[BOT]Hоtdоg> will pay monies for shooting him

This time I should be able to participate ))

Thank you Martin, 
this is a really good question, my boy. 

You may use in_pitch_min or in_pitch_max to help yourself for example with blasterjump (forward + up movement), but that on a reasonable level ( for example not more than 100 degrees).

The reason: 
First if we may want to use your demo for a fragmovie, it would introduce unneeded confusion (IS THAT A CHEAT!! or IS THAT A BUG!!11!!) /motion sickness. 

But more important, if some player wants to use a kill against you in his/her video and your playermodel looks distorted (because 180 degree) it would break the aesthetic of the game and now he/she doesn't want to use this otherwise beautiful piece of fragery. And we don't want to harm the player experience, no? 

Thanks for your understanding (if you want to discuss the pros and cons of in_pitch_*, please move this to another thread).
[Image: 110074.png]

(02-24-2020, 01:25 PM)SEEK-fried Wrote: - Date/time: Saturday, March 14th 2019 20:00 CET [UTC+2] //

Sign me up for the laid-back group. I will take a time machine to 2019 and participate.

EDIT: Also, my calendar says CET = UTC+1 at that date. Considering this is a global event, could we stick with UTC time so there's less confusion?

Ups, thanks for pointing this out Big Grin
[Image: 110074.png]

(02-24-2020, 06:06 PM)SpiKe Wrote: This time I should be able to participate ))

As an old tdm fan, i plan to play in this cup, and im gonna team up with Spike.
Team Baguette and Vatrushka ready for action!
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

Don't forget about the cup today. Wink

Draena and me are entering as "Los susurradores de insectos"

ggs, thanks for organizing this event!

Was fun to shake off rust from fat old body. Thanks all who make this evet, and Spike for carrying me Wink
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

ggs. Thanks for making this happen. Great fun!

ggs Smile

Thanks for playing.
Good games and really was fun Smile
[Image: X8vfw27.png]
[Image: 110074.png]

Advanced stats of the tournament. well played everyone.

[Image: BnfNhvm.png]

[Image: QEcZoKh.png]

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