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Hey im new there so i have to introduce myself.

I'm 18, i'm french.
I started to play Xonotic 2 days ago, so i'm not really good, it's why i took rape vs ZeRoQL on duel ( 35-0 or somethink like that Big Grin ).

I also play Urban Terror, i play in 1st division (to 4) with dyNasty clan, started UrT 4 years ago.

hum i think it's enough, if you have any questions ...
sorry for my english

bye have a good day !


Hello there.

You leave UrT in favor of Xonotic? :o

Welcome to Xonotic!

Don´t be sad to lose some duels with such a score, it´s hard for beginners (and intermediates too) to play against pros like ZeRoQL. I still struggle to get some confident scores, some time ago I had like -2 | 50, that´s bad! Big Grin

Anyway, good luck and have fun playing Xonotic!

thx guys
Actualy playing xonotic for fun. Maybe after the clanbase urt season (in 4 or 5 weeks around) i will stop urt and play xonotic seriously. Wink

Welcome to Xonotic!

i'm looking for a clan, mature and using comunication software (teamspeak3, mumble, ventrilo).

Hi and welcome! For clans, check out . You might also find interesting stuff about Xonotic gameplay in my Newbie Corner or the basic basics thread.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Hi AyZeN, enjoy your time here. Ask any questions even in game also as loads of experienced players to help!
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Hello AyZeN & welcome to Xonotic! Be sure to stick around in that pickup channel, often there are nice games going on! Smile
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

Urban Terror clanbase season is now finished, me and my clan are not enough good to be in 1st div playoff Big Grin
so, i'm going to play xonotic seriously, and own you easy soon ; prepare your ass.

gj Serena Williams

My body is ready!

Haha, welcome AyZen, I'll see you through my aim Tongue
XMPP Conferences → General discussion → Spanish-speakers
I pronounce it Shonotic.

Welcome! It's nice to see a new player taking the game seriously.

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