I got some shadow issues on the model. How to avoid those? Is the overlaping texture map affects lightmap? Am I suppose to add second UV channel for lightmap specificly?
Aa: How are you doing with your models? I am waiting for your model so I can release them all. I also wanted to make sure they fit together and I have some pipes model to go along...
12-31-2015, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2015, 09:41 PM by Justin.)
Any advice, aa? I reworked the mesh... but made everything on your base (and didn't have to start UV mapping from scratch) Thank you a lot! I will post more information soon.
I'm not sure they would fit, Beagle
Alien life would better fit on some kind of alien surface maps... most of our maps are tech facilities (which is a nice theme, but it can get old fast).
01-01-2016, 08:45 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2016, 06:32 PM by Justin.)
The high poly model you sent didn't want to open. Low poly was good but the textures I planned didn't work. So I had to improvise. It's still your base and your doing, so stop piting and cheer up. You are very good modeler but probably a little lazy (then again every artist is in a way) I am opened to suggestions and the pipe connector we have been talking about. Just send it to me when you feel its ready and we can work it out.
Mario: I am not sure we will be doing this sort of alien stuff. We already have 3 models What do you think, aa? Is it worth a shot?
This is a video of how I created material for this model:
01-01-2016, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2016, 08:37 PM by aa.)
The .OBJ probably refused to open because it had actually contain multiple objects. I have tested importing it back into blender, and it actually worked just fine, but it may not be the case with Max.
Yes, I am certainly I am quite last, and with the added effect of stress I experience, it foes halt my productivity. I tried to get as relaxed as possible over the Christmas, but I am not good at that.
Yes some organic sculpted alien stuff should be cool I think, but there is the question of matching Xonotic theme. We should only consider it after the generators.
OK, here come the big turbine model. Named turbie, as all other models in this cute way.
I have spilt the model into 3 parts - the main turbine (1), the exhaust and heat recycling system (2), and a removable filter block (3). A few spare ones could be added lying around on a map.
Texturing advice: Make sure to put lots of bright yellow lines around the turbine air intake, and around the exhaust grids at the second unit.
I also exported the high poly modles as .3ds files, maybe that will be better.
Iirc their content is CC, so you can use them if you want, but they have no chance of going into Xon
Actually the CC-by-SA 4.0 is now one way compatible with the GPL, so you could in fact use Unvanquished assets in Xonotic (just not the other way around).
I dont know what i did and not did, but this time i have took extra care exporting, read and ticked all the right boxes and stuff. Hopefully this will work.
01-17-2016, 05:08 AM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2016, 05:11 AM by Justin.)
I am very sorry about what you are about to read and the lack of progress in this matter lately. I am super busy having exams and projects on my university, I dunno about aa but I hope we will finish this thing at some point. To be honest: Generators are ready but I really think they aren't what we have planned at all. They just won't fit a single map.
Hmm. I changed the approach. After testing these models in action, in the map I decided that there is no use for stand alone generator models like that. But worry not. I thought it would be better if we transformed those models to become more 2D kind of wall decoration. This way mappers could add them as interesting variation for the walls instead (walls seem to be the most important geometry in mapping).
Why did I change my mind:
1. We don't need high poly stand alone models like generators, If we place some sort of blocking thing its usually a column or something simply like boxes, debris, barrels, concrete blocks or metallic things. Or just wall.
2. Its impossible to make modular piece like that, since you can go around them freely and realize how repetetive they are
3. They are not as optimized as the brushwork or a custom mesh could be.
4. If we cut planear surfaces from them and try to compose them on the walls it could work as a decorative element for mappers, not too high poly but much more interesting effect.
Tell me what do you think. I am pretty sure I am making the right choice here however I was wrong before and I rly want to do this stuff some time. Even if this going to take weeks
01-31-2016, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2016, 06:11 PM by Justin.)
Sorry again for slower progress on this but I had and still have plenty to do on the university (although not as much as previously). I am making wall pieces from previous generators, changing the textures slightly and using aa's fancy model (the white one in the screenshot).
Shot from 3dsmax. No rendeing just screenie. Don't hate, pls. I am going to make this work. We went so far that giving up on this would be a shame...
So far I tried reading one tutorial on modular assets and it seems like those models are as little modular as possible. I will have to rework some things... I do hope that in the end they could fit within most maps as a nice detailed walls with simple clipping on top of them.