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[SUGGESTION] Community Design Workshop: singleplayer weapons tutorial

Hello everyone and welcome to the first of several community discussions shaping the design of the X single player experience. This week we'd like your input on how to demonstrate weapon abilities to new players. The areas that we're struggling with are as follows:
  1. Rocket launcher guiding/detonation
  2. Crylink's negative force
  3. Crylink primary's functionality when mouse1 is released
  4. The electro combo.
  5. Melee
  6. Mortar secondary
but suggestions for any weapon are welcome!

We would like to keep this discussion constructive, so please don't argue against somebody else's idea. Try suggesting your own instead. We are eager to hear what you have to say!

For the rocket launcher and mortar, I'd suggest adding a deathmatch level in the campaign against maybe three lower-difficulty AIs in a map with both tight corridors (for the mortar) and more open spaces (for the rocket launcher). It might make sense to make it a rocket & mortar (& maybe laser because that weapon is bloody useful) arena because those are the weapons to focus on and it'd also help teach a player how NOT to blow themselves up.

I'd also add in a note in the level description about the rocket's homing ability, because I can see newer players missing that. The mortar secondary is something that IMO just requires practice.

heavy_metal could be a perfect map for that, actually.

You could take a look at the Nexuiz tutorial map, it's very nice.

Maybe a level like the break the targets mode in the super smash bros series, but with targets of various amounts of health? Depending on the placement of some of the targets you could teach the player most of the aforementioned without direct telling them. (Also, to get a good time they may search online for a fast run, which would ofcourse show this off Wink )
As for reference, the super smash bros melee brak the targets mode:

(07-03-2013, 05:02 PM)freefang Wrote: Maybe a level like the break the targets mode in the super smash bros series, but with targets of various amounts of health? Depending on the placement of some of the targets you could teach the player most of the aforementioned without direct telling them. (Also, to get a good time they may search online for a fast run, which would ofcourse show this off Wink )
As for reference, the super smash bros melee brak the targets mode:

I used to hate Jigglypuffs level in Super Smash Bros. ;_; Could use the platform thing too. Tongue

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