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[SUGGESTION] Weapon names : general discussion

There are two threads created for submitting ideas for weapon names.

Weapon names STEP 1 - brainstorming words
Weapon names STEP 2 - contributing names

Those threads follow specific guidelines.

For general discussion about the weapon names, and to keep the other two threads on track, you can post your discussions here. Feel free to rant or do whatever on this thread.

I have a suggestion for people that come up with weapon names. Please look at step 1 and choose prefixes or suffixes from there, or else that thread is useless.

Also, when making up names, think of the projectile/beam of that particular weapon to find the right name.

These are some weapon names from various people on this forum I think sound good:

Laser- Pulsar (Erusavion)
Uzi / Machinegun - Repeater (EvilSpaceHamster)
Mortar/Grenade Launcher- Pinball Launcher (Myself)
Camping Rifle- PR-1 (paperclips)

I personally try to think of how a weapon feels in addition to how it functions when coming up with names.

I agree with these two:
Laser- Pulsar (Erusavion)
Uzi / Machinegun - Repeater (EvilSpaceHamster)

As unfortunately my posts got removed, I just can only to the name-giving, that we shall also try to make contact with real soldiers, or look inside weapon-books or look for references/materials about real weapons. For example how soldiers used to call their weapons in certain periods of time. Fractions could also have their own naming for each of the weapons, based on their cultural differences, ways how they talk or what experiences they had with each gun.
This could give this small plus to the game, which would not make it more real, but would spice up it's mood a bit.
Üdvözlettel / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards:

[Image: 34581.png]
[Image: 14909.jpg]

I think most of the community has already agreed not to have different weapons/names for different factions.

(03-26-2010, 08:04 AM)Erusavion Wrote: I think most of the community has already agreed not to have different weapons/names for different factions.
Too bad, tough I can understand, but if we already would have a fixed storyline or background story, that could help creating maps and the weapons around the whole concept. Without a base it's real hard.
Üdvözlettel / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards:

[Image: 34581.png]
[Image: 14909.jpg]

If it is really necessary to create new weapon names (why ? someone pls give me a hint Confused )
we should maybe have one weapon name that stays in relation to the new game name, like nex in nexuiz (sorry) ....
the relation is an important factor maybe to enjoy the game (we all are used to such relation).

example: the "xon" , "xon" someone , get "xoned"
... ok that sounds in the first sight a bit unusefull but maybe someone got a better idea

or maybe "xon" is a usefull weapon name, I dont know - Dodgy

I just had this thoughts and wanted to tell them here Angel .

cya hf

eh !

(03-26-2010, 04:17 PM)eh ! Wrote: example: the "xon" , "xon" someone , get "xoned"
... ok that sounds in the first sight a bit unusefull but maybe someone got a better idea

or maybe "xon" is a usefull weapon name, I dont know - Dodgy

I don't really like the name "xon". It sounds kinda... awkward.
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

Neither do I. And I'm pretty sure everyone had the name Xon in their head. I think we were making jokes about it on IRC earlier this week.

yay PULSAR instead of LASER sounds really good. Simple name for a simple weapon. And `pulse jump` sounds also good instead of `laser jump`. Nice idea Erusavion.

About nex, xon is maybe not the best name, but anyway, nex is that one which needs a name change in a first place Smile
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

Not xon, axon! Smile)

I agree with Eh. Why change the weapon names at all? I mean, of course for the nex, but why change the Rifle or the mortar or the rl or anything else?

It's just an idea. Some of the names may not change at all. The point is to change anything the community wants changed in the new Xonotic. That includes names of weapons. We're just gathering opinions.

Before NAMING weapons let's try to figure out how they should integrate.... Starting with a list of Nexuiz's weapons:

Weapons with few current problems:
laser - keep
shotgun - keep
machine gun/uzi - keep
mortar - keep
rocket launcher - needs to be in every game or n00bs would quit the 1st day

Weapons that could be improved slightly:
rifle - keep, need to make it not have to reload or make other weapons match, also the headshot 1-shot kill is cool but it's the only weapon with that too so probably add headshot to more weapons
electro - I miss the old electro balls Sad we don't have enough ammo that sits still and blows up at short range since the attack 2 was changed
nex - too many people complain about it for little reason other than they aren't as good at using it as other people

Weapons that need to be rethought:
crylink - people complain about its functionality, we may think of slimming this down
hlac - people complain it's a spam weapon, slowing the refire rate makes it completely useless
crylink fire 1 is cool, crylink fire 2 is ok, hlac fire 1 is too powerful if fast and too weak if slow, fire 2 is too slow even if it does that much damage
solution = eliminate hlac, change crylink fire 1 to speed of hlac fire 1 with only 1 stream of purple instead of 3, eliminate crylink spread and hlac fire 2, make current crylink fire 1 the crylink fire 2. This would leave us basically an electric machine gun with a slower more powerful fire 2.

Weapons that should be eliminated:
hagar - just plain not right, only good use is frag-thru-floor anyways
flamethrower (whatever it's called) - doesn't fit with other weapons well, should not cause damage for the length of time it actually does
tag seeker - I never did figure out how to use it properly, wtf does it do?

about generic names: people from other games will be far more confused at the introduction of strange weapon names for common weapons

non-generic names:
crylink - wtf is a crylink? I like Eru's idea, but change the crylink to the pulsar, or make crylink the laser and laser the pulsar
nex - obviously needs a change, xon is crap for a weapon name, keep ideas coming
[+] MaKR [smooth+o]

I disagree with eliminating the hagar. I think it would be better if we found a way to improve it.

(03-28-2010, 02:08 PM)Roanoke Wrote: I disagree with eliminating the hagar. I think it would be better if we found a way to improve it.

Üdvözlettel / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards:

[Image: 34581.png]
[Image: 14909.jpg]

(03-28-2010, 02:08 PM)Roanoke Wrote: I disagree with eliminating the hagar. I think it would be better if we found a way to improve it.

That's my feeling as well.

I disagree with removing any of the weapons outside of the incomplete fireball. They can all be balanced against one another with the right tweaking. If anything should change with the weapons it should be balance, look, and maybe the addition of a super shotgun similar to the one C Brutail thought of that I spammed all over the place.

(03-28-2010, 10:44 AM)MaKR Wrote: Before NAMING weapons let's try to figure out how they should integrate.... Starting with a list of Nexuiz's weapons:

Weapons with few current problems:
laser - keep
shotgun - keep
machine gun/uzi - keep
mortar - keep
rocket launcher - needs to be in every game or n00bs would quit the 1st day

Weapons that could be improved slightly:
rifle - keep, need to make it not have to reload or make other weapons match, also the headshot 1-shot kill is cool but it's the only weapon with that too so probably add headshot to more weapons
electro - I miss the old electro balls Sad we don't have enough ammo that sits still and blows up at short range since the attack 2 was changed
nex - too many people complain about it for little reason other than they aren't as good at using it as other people

Weapons that need to be rethought:
crylink - people complain about its functionality, we may think of slimming this down
hlac - people complain it's a spam weapon, slowing the refire rate makes it completely useless
crylink fire 1 is cool, crylink fire 2 is ok, hlac fire 1 is too powerful if fast and too weak if slow, fire 2 is too slow even if it does that much damage
solution = eliminate hlac, change crylink fire 1 to speed of hlac fire 1 with only 1 stream of purple instead of 3, eliminate crylink spread and hlac fire 2, make current crylink fire 1 the crylink fire 2. This would leave us basically an electric machine gun with a slower more powerful fire 2.

Weapons that should be eliminated:
hagar - just plain not right, only good use is frag-thru-floor anyways
flamethrower (whatever it's called) - doesn't fit with other weapons well, should not cause damage for the length of time it actually does
tag seeker - I never did figure out how to use it properly, wtf does it do?

about generic names: people from other games will be far more confused at the introduction of strange weapon names for common weapons

non-generic names:
crylink - wtf is a crylink? I like Eru's idea, but change the crylink to the pulsar, or make crylink the laser and laser the pulsar
nex - obviously needs a change, xon is crap for a weapon name, keep ideas coming

Reading this post reminded me about [MiT]Ares's server. He made some serious changes to both weapon balance and functionality as well. For example, your idea that "change crylink fire 1 to speed of hlac fire 1 with only 1 stream of purple instead of 3" was something he actually implemented as its secondary function. Its primary fire was changed so that I guess the shot traveled faster, making it more accurate and easier to use. I liked what he did with the hagar too because it became a somewhat decent and usable weapon. He changed the speed of the rockets in primary fire so that they fired at a faster velocity. The secondary he changed to a TAG Seeker short range, high rate burst function. This I thought was a very good idea, or maybe just highly preferred over its original secondary. Overall I agree with your post, especially the idea about throwing the fireball out. Terrible weapon imo Big Grin
[Image: panzersig.png]

I remember that! I did agree with some of the changes to the weapons like panzer said.

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