Before NAMING weapons let's try to figure out how they should integrate.... Starting with a list of Nexuiz's weapons:
Weapons with few current problems:
laser - keep
shotgun - keep
machine gun/uzi - keep
mortar - keep
rocket launcher - needs to be in every game or n00bs would quit the 1st day
Weapons that could be improved slightly:
rifle - keep, need to make it not have to reload or make other weapons match, also the headshot 1-shot kill is cool but it's the only weapon with that too so probably add headshot to more weapons
electro - I miss the old electro balls

we don't have enough ammo that sits still and blows up at short range since the attack 2 was changed
nex - too many people complain about it for little reason other than they aren't as good at using it as other people
Weapons that need to be rethought:
crylink - people complain about its functionality, we may think of slimming this down
hlac - people complain it's a spam weapon, slowing the refire rate makes it completely useless
crylink fire 1 is cool, crylink fire 2 is ok, hlac fire 1 is too powerful if fast and too weak if slow, fire 2 is too slow even if it does that much damage
solution = eliminate hlac, change crylink fire 1 to speed of hlac fire 1 with only 1 stream of purple instead of 3, eliminate crylink spread and hlac fire 2, make current crylink fire 1 the crylink fire 2. This would leave us basically an electric machine gun with a slower more powerful fire 2.
Weapons that should be eliminated:
hagar - just plain not right, only good use is frag-thru-floor anyways
flamethrower (whatever it's called) - doesn't fit with other weapons well, should not cause damage for the length of time it actually does
tag seeker - I never did figure out how to use it properly, wtf does it do?
about generic names: people from other games will be far more confused at the introduction of strange weapon names for common weapons
non-generic names:
crylink - wtf is a crylink? I like Eru's idea, but change the crylink to the pulsar, or make crylink the laser and laser the pulsar
nex - obviously needs a change, xon is crap for a weapon name, keep ideas coming