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[SUGGESTION] xonotic bots

salut tout les gens Smile

je trouve que les bots de xonotic qui sont pourtant bien réalisés en mode
death match et team deathmatch sont en mode freeze tag,"football", domination, capture the flag sont mauvais ,très mauvais...

Ils s'arrêtent à 2 mètres de la zone à capturer, ne capturent aucun drapeau (restent dans leur base), ne marquent aucun but...

Autant pour moi xonotic est l'un des meilleurs FPS réalisés, autant c'est dommage que tous ces modes de jeu soient inutilisables hors ligne à cause du niveau des bots(les seuls types de partie où ils sont fort c'est le deathmatch ou team deathmtach.

Xonotic 0.8 prévoit-il d'améliorer le niveau des bots ?

It would be very nice if you´d speak English since not everybody can understand French plus this is an English forum. Wink Thanks!

sorry Smile


TRADUCTION(with google traduction)

hi all people

I think bots Xonotic which are however well made ​​fashion
death match and team deathmatch are freeze tag mode, "football", domination, capture the flag are bad, very bad ...

They stop at 2 meters from the area to capture, not capture any flag (remain in their base), not score any goal ...

Xonotic is the same for me one of the best FPS made, as it is a pity that all these game modes are unusable offline because of the level of bots (the only game types where they are strong is the deathmatch or deathmtach team.

Xonotic 0.8 plan to improve the level of bots?

Unfortunately the bots are not very bright, but the entire game is designed around online multiplayer. There is no real application for bots except for giving you something to shoot at when you're overly bored. Programming artificial intelligence for bots' movement is a highly complex task. Since the result would be something that most of the people that play this game regularly will not really benefit from (they play it online against other people), it is hard to find someone that is willing to put the time and effort into improving bots...
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Given the ..confusing.. Google translation, I guess we just have to rely on halogene's language skills for now Wink
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup


I think u're right.

i have a question :Halogene ,do u play to xonotic with this name?
I think i have play with u yesterday(i was lady gaga).

Sure I play with this name. I never saw the point in fakenicking. I remember your nick :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


OK Wink

OK luckily I used to study in France for 2 years so I know what he means. He is complaining about the AI in CTF, Nex Ball and Freeze Tag mode. The AI always stops moving and does not know anything to do.

I have noticed the same problem and I also want to change it with may hands, if possible, because it seems there aren't so many volunteers. I haven't any experience with quakeC. I used to use a lot C++ but I don't think they share the same logic and syntax.

The bot is using Dijiskra Algorithms for path finding. That may be the source of AI bugs.

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