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[SUGGESTION] some kind of system to schedule matches/meetups

Nice work guys, i'm very impressed with Xonotic. Unfortunately it looks like Xonotic has the same problem Nexuiz has.. no players Sad

I wonder if some kind of system could be created where players could agree to meet on certain servers at a certain time. Or something like "check back every hour on the hour for a match". Of course we all need to join the server and hang out at least a few minutes so that people can see that other people are there.

I not sure if you should try to implement this in game, or just as a website. Or we could even just get server operators to put MOTD as to when to look for a match, like "Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 Pacific time!"

There is a system: irc.

It's probably another "geeky linux-ish" thing you might have to learn, but irc gets you in touch with xonotic/nexuiz people as well as devs and other things.

And...nexuiz does still have players *ducks rotten fruit*
bye / bad luck and have boredom

to put it short, #xonotic.pickup channel at
Get some IRC client, join this channel (via client GUI or /join #channelname command), read welcoming message from xpickbot and you're ready for matchups.


xpickbot also *can* have a web interface. (actually it has one already but it's not for users) Somebody just needs to write it.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

With a lot of experience from other FPS games, some tips:
- Forget IRC for gaming, its 1990s
- Make pickupsystem like tf2lobby
- Better, make it in-game

Yeah, a while ago we discussed a web interface thingy for browsing games, creating matches, etc. in our sh.nexuiz irc channel. I think one hurdle was to make the browser actually start the game and make it connect to a server. We thought about writing wrappers around nexuiz, but i guess the most simple thing would be to have xonotic itself understand some special URLs like xonotic:// Then users could just make xonotic itself the handler for these types of URLs in their browser.
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?

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