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Re-implemented theme for

Hello all,

I've recently updated the main theme. It's not really a redesign, but rather a re-implementation of what I'd done with the site about 8 months back. The newer version has a couple of things going for it:

- It is based on the excellent roots theme, which itself is based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. This means that I can leverage the eyes and testing of many more people than just me when introducing new features.
- It is more mobile friendly than what I did before. If you visit the site on your smartphone you'll notice the menu navigation is drastically different (in a good way).
- The background image has been optimized.
- I extended the theme's CSS in a way that makes it much easier for me to upgrade Bootstrap in the future. This is a big thing for me.
- The menu is now location-aware. If you're on the same domain (e.g. not going to, you'll see the menu update itself to highlight where you are.
- The menu now supports dropdowns. We don't use them currently, but we can if we need to in the future.
- Comment styles are available. This is another thing we don't use (we send folks to the forums to discuss), but it is good to have.
- Updating the text boxes, images, and download links on the main page is much easier with Advanced Custom Fields support.

All in all I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out, but I would like for you all to be on the lookout for any issues. You can also post suggestions (even for new content or copy changes) here and I'll consider them. If you're extra eager, you can even submit a pull request to me on my github repo for the theme. Hooray open source, right?!?

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

This is awesome.

While there isnt too much that changed optically, I assume that this is a big improvement Smile

This is indeed a big improvement in terms of maintainability. I wanted to make the theme approachable not only to other WordPress developers, but to our community too. This theme is easier for those who want to write blog posts for us (Halogene, Mirio, etc) and those who want to modify page content (Samual, merlijn, divVerent).
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

A little [Image: birdy.gif] told me that this page shows 36 errors and 1 warning in the w3c compliance test.

He later said it shouldn't be a concern, don't overdo it.

Hmm somehow I can't use the middle-mouse button to open the forums or the blog in a new tab in Firefox on the updated site. Any idea what could be causing that?

I guess that´s the fault of some nasty java script. Tongue (I can confirm this issue.)

Both Xon Stats and main xonotic page look very representative. I also enjoyed aprils fool's day joke in Xonotic Stats, for that and everything else: Great job, mate! Well done!

poVoq and maddin: I've fixed the issue. It was indeed a JS bug in one of our upstream libraries. I applied a patch to XonStat some time ago but didn't realize that the stable version of the library (I use a release-candidate version for stats) had the same bug. Applying the same patch to the main website fixed that one too. Thanks to you both!

Justin: glad you like! I had a lot of fun reading the "lol wtf stats" messages on IRC Big Grin

For those that didn't catch all of the lulz on 2013-04-01, the following things were put into stats:

- All requests had a -1.4 degree skew to the entire page
- 50% of requests had player nicknames scrambled or backwards
- 20% of requests had a *really* backwards table design

Happy rest of April, everyone!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Does this have anything to do with the tilted site on april fools?
It reminds me of what the bug used to look like (Normal, but when you try to click a button, the whole site tilts)
FYI the site doesn't exist anymore as of 2013.

Yes, the main site was tilted as well. No fancy request-based stuff was put there, though.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

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