Well, I've been trying to rebalance things so that they'll work with vehicles, although I've been aiming toward a Tribes 2 type system. Unfortunately, I was trying for too much and things didn't pan out at all, and probably few Xonotic players would even like a Tribes 2 type game change. So I got as far as I could and then hit a wall, and stopped.
Well anyway, here's what I managed to do. First of all, due to the increased range and mobility that vehicles permit, weapons and players need equivalent boosts. I made the weapons much more accurate and longer range (might have missed some of the range variables), and thus much more effective against vehicles from long range. It's hard enough to aim as it is without your weapon missing from even a short distance. Besides, vehicle weapons are much longer range and effective than player weapons. They shouldn't be equal, but they should still be closer (vehicle weapons do as much damage as they should, not less to make them equal). Damage was increased accordingly, but from some tests so far, they might need tweaking. The grapple and jet pack were intended for use in this mod, fully like in Tribes 2, but I haven't tweaked the limited energy usages.
Some specifics: the grenade launcher has been turned into a wide-area mortar, but secondary fire is an implosion mortar that can be used against enemies (pull them off the edge of a map or slam them into a wall) or can be used to zoom yourself across the map (might need less damage, but get on higher ground, like the top of a ramp, and fire lower nearby). The hook has been turned into a spider-man hook, and works very much the same if you try Top of the World or similar maps. It should run out though, like it does for spidey, but only after a while of extensive use.
I haven't finished all the weapons and I don't think I'll try much anymore, so if you find any of it useful please go ahead and use it and change it for anything you want. Please try it out in a live vehicle game plenty before saying it's crap ... it's a different game entirely, as it should be and has to be with vehicles, and hopefully NOT at all a spam arena like non-vehicle Xonotic is.
g_balance_hagar_primary_spread 0.01
g_balance_hagar_primary_speed 4200
g_balance_hagar_secondary_spread 0.01
g_balance_hagar_secondary_speed 4200
g_balance_crylink_primary_spread 0.09
g_balance_crylink_primary_refire 1.7
g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces 5
g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread 0.01
g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 3200
g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.4
g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces 10
g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.01
g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 5
g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 5
g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.1
g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.2
g_balance_laser_primary_refire 0.1
g_balance_laser_primary_damage 10
g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 20
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 500
g_balance_uzi_spread_min 0.01
g_balance_uzi_spread_max 0.02
g_balance_uzi_spread_add 0.001
g_balance_uzi_burst_spread 0.01
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_ammo 1
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force 550
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius 500
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire 2.3
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_animtime 2
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed 2500
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type 0
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage 25
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_lifetime 10
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_ammo 1
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage 50
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force -1000
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius 500
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_refire 2.3
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_animtime 2
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed 2500
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_type 0
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage 25
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime 10
g_jetpack 1
g_jetpack_fuel 0
g_grappling_hook 1
g_grappling_hook_tarzan 1
g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 5000
g_balance_grapplehook_stretch 1
g_balance_grapplehook_length_min 1
g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction 0.2
g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull 1000
g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_fuel 0
g_balance_hook_secondary_ammo 5
g_balance_hook_secondary_damage 25
g_balance_hook_secondary_force 1000