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Xonotic Pro Mode - part 2

Here it comes: The Second part of Xonotic Pro Mode movie.

Ofc, I suggest watching in HD. Great thanks to Chooksta, It's me

Any feedback? Should I continue movie making in this style?

yay! , good work mate

and yes , keep making these vids how you like!




He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?

Very nice, awesome soundtrack and running skillz!
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Damn I love watching defrag movies.
Only criticism: its too dark, especially the first 2 minutes.

nice but too dark and not enough contrast

You can turn off the watermark with menu_watermark "" btw

nice video Justin. But, coming from you, nothing too surprising.
And big up for the heavy massive big beat of the second track. I'd would love to hear in-game something of this quality.

It doesn't show your map times!
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

No times...

I could even make myself look godlike in race without showing times.

But still a nice video Smile

Nice video Justin Smile ... as always

and thanks for credits Tongue

I apreciate that it is a kind of gift for me to watching your videos. Thank you Justin.

Stop hacking man, no one can go that fast.
Noobing around since three hours ago.

Stop making it look so easy. But seriously, awesome music, nice work on the effects and add some map times for the next vid.

Who of you that request map times are actually able to finish a single one of the maps in the video? Big Grin I know everytime I connect to the CTS server I'm happy if I manage to reach the FIRST checkpoint, and I am not sure I ever finished a map on that server.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Thank you all for your comments.

You wouldn't be probably surprised if I told you that the times aren't world records. However they are very, very good. I'd written them down but later I ve lost them all. I hope I will find out where are they and make a description below the video on YT so everybody could know the times. Because I can clearly see Its necessity for you, mates.

Also the movie is mainly about the beauty of strafing. I created it to show how nice the mode is (and it exists at all). I thought the times wouldn't be necessary at all.

(10-31-2011, 08:39 PM)Infofoed Wrote: Stop hacking man, no one can go that fast.

I can. Everybody can. Big Grin

Hope this movie will advertise a bit this mode, make it more popular.

Quite obvious for me the majority of the times are going to be pretty quick, you can see that on some of the maps.

Nice video, some nice maps there, and some nice editing and good runs.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I want to add that runs 'd been made just before the physics has changed! So it means now they all were removed by XPM moderator, cause they were out of date.

The physics changes were done generally in weapon settings and u can easily notice Im not a weapon runner (most of the maps the movie contains are simply strafe maps; only two of them are weapon maps and in fact - not at all)

I assure you that map times, as Kojn said are good. Don't worry. Big Grin

Yes, it's pretty obvious (to me) that some of the run's are very fast. Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


It'd be even better if the maps would be much brighter. Next time, fiddle about with the brightness settings on each map before recording a take Wink
Especially on defrag maps that have some very varying brightness, often downright awful lighting :>
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

Nice Video Justin ;D (but it would be nice if it would show your times... But like kojn said most of the runs seem pretty fast)
the strafing looks very nice too...
You became a very good defragger ;P
Unfortunately i dont have a computer on which I could play xpm...
Maybe in about 2 months ;P
Could you tell me if there are still some old nexrun players (huh good old times =)) out there? (bulletproof, vaan, sev etc.)

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No trees were destroyed and no animals were harmed.


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