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Exploring Ubuntu 12.04

So well, as some of you may know, my primary hard drive failed this week meaning I lost my main install (Windows 7) -- I had backups of all my data though, so no worries.. but i'm still without a primary operating system since then.

Now, i've used Linux for years and years on the side (and several times as my primary operating system) but it usually didn't work out due to my multi-monitor situation and nVidia sucking balls... however, I found a solution to that.. switched to ATi. Long story short, Linux is now a viable option again for my 4 monitor setup.

I decided to check out Ubuntu 12.04 for the lulz... because really, I hadn't given it any hope for at least 2 years... Right now, i'm actually writing this from a Live session, while the operating system is installing. So far i've got to say, the whole experience is a lot more slick than anything I remember in the past, and although Unity is an unviable solution for my "power user" purposes, I can certainly see that it has made progress and would work well for a new Linux user... that being said, i'm installing GNOME 2 as soon as this install finishes.

Anyway, the install just completed... i'll be back in a few hours or so perhaps to report any failures or wins. BTW, MrBougo told me to write this forum post.

Interesting! I´m still using Ubuntu 10.10 as Gnome 2 was/is way more appealing for me than Unity on 11 and 12. I would like to know how you use Gnome 2 on 12.04. This would be a really nice option for me, also because 10.10 isn´t supported with updates anymore whereas 12.04 is LTS.

So, I´m looking forward to your report! Smile

PS: Do you mean Gnome 2 or Gnome 3? I only knew about Gnome 3 being available as an extra package for Ubuntu 11 and 12.

PSS: Ubuntu rocks! Big Grin

Thanks for the post! Can't wait to read more.

Crashed on boot up due to Unity bug, had to fix it by entering failsafe video mode... THEN, networkmanager also had a bug with ethernet, so it took a while to get that working as well....

I now remember why I disliked Ubuntu... *sigh* whatever, I shall move along- stay tuned.

Piece of shit.

2 hours between OP and

(04-21-2012, 05:43 PM)Samual Wrote: Piece of shit.

Big Grin

Why don't we all jump on this thread and tell Samual how superior the particular operation system is that we personally use over what Samual is trying out, even if we happen to use Ubuntu 12.04 ourselves? Gee this community is too darn mature... *sigh*


sry someone HAD to start this. Smile
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(04-22-2012, 02:51 AM)Halogene Wrote: Why don't we all jump on this thread and tell Samual how superior the particular operation system is that we personally use over what Samual is trying out, even if we happen to use Ubuntu 12.04 ourselves? Gee this community is too darn mature... *sigh*


sry someone HAD to start this. Smile

Good morning! You must be the internet?

(04-21-2012, 05:43 PM)Samual Wrote: Piece of shit.

lol. I'm not a fan of Ubuntu either. Having a Linux PC is awesome when you find a distro that clicks, but even then sometimes I pull my hair out trying to get things to work. And Ubuntu is probably the most user friendly distro, aside from Linux Mint(which is just Ubuntu with more features and a green theme).

And watch out for GRUB2. It has(or maybe had) a fatal error that would come at random and the only way to fix it was to use a GRUB2 repair disk. Happened to me and it was a pain. You might consider swithing to GRUB legacy if this error hasn't been addressed(I can't remember the name of the error though).

I also had trouble with Ubuntu 11 and 12 (whereas 10 works perfectly) but that´s mainly because of the hardware. Hardware is optimised for Windows OSs and that´s why Linux distros have problems with it. The computer hardware industry mostly gives a s**** on the Linux users as there are still less of them than Windows users. Dodgy

@Halogene: Who wants to use an OS which is slow (and getting even slower after some time), has eye candy to the hell that it burns your eyes, pops up thousands of windows, is extremely unsafe and costs money?! At least I don´t. - Forgive me! Blush

(04-22-2012, 04:41 AM)Maddin Wrote: @Halogene: Who wants to use an OS which is slow (and getting even slower after some time), has eye candy to the hell that it burns your eyes, pops up thousands of windows, is extremely unsafe and costs money?! At least I don´t. - Forgive me! Blush

You're so silly, Ubuntu is free! And relatively safe too!

Mr. Bougo: Lol, I was talking about Windows, wasn´t he too?

I don't know! Nobody knows!

I know you were talking about Windows. I was just poking some fun at Ubuntu because my distro is obviously superior in every way.


oh the irony
[Image: signature.php] [Image: DVlpo.png]

Eh? What's ironic there? :o

Update: Seems to be working a bit better now... what happened was: I threatened it with a format while shouting obscenities, and suddenly it started to function properly.

Running updates right now, hopefully that'll fix any other issues I had with it... then I will install gnome-panel, set up my xserver, etc.

actially win ME wasn't that bad ...or pretty ...

note it was also the last version of windows to not come with registration junk ... so you could install it on as many computers as you like ...

I would suggest kde ... I turn off the eye candy and find it very powerusery ... but installing it on ubuntu might just cause more problems for you

Ok, here's a serious post of me. I was an Ubuntu user for several years, and it left me with the feeling that I was running a linux which is, by itself, something I considered cool. But eventually I was getting annoyed by version updates that almost every time broke something, and in some cases led to a totally unusable system altogether. It also left me wondering a lot of times how the hell some things work and why they won't. I really never quite understood what the system is actually doing. At some point I got frustrated about software not being up to date at a new release date and having to wait for half a year to have Canonical fix that if I didn't want to install from source (and consequently miss any updates for that package lateron). So I switched to a rolling release distro and am quite happy now (I also am under the illusion that I understand better how the system works due to editing configuration files instead of using guis for configuration).

I picked Windows Me in my previous post because it was the worst system I remember having used.
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(04-23-2012, 12:57 AM)Halogene Wrote: Ok, here's a serious post of me. I was an Ubuntu user for several years, and it left me with the feeling that I was running a linux which is, by itself, something I considered cool. But eventually I was getting annoyed by version updates that almost every time broke something, and in some cases led to a totally unusable system altogether. It also left me wondering a lot of times how the hell some things work and why they won't. I really never quite understood what the system is actually doing. At some point I got frustrated about software not being up to date at a new release date and having to wait for half a year to have Canonical fix that if I didn't want to install from source (and consequently miss any updates for that package lateron). So I switched to a rolling release distro and am quite happy now (I also am under the illusion that I understand better how the system works due to editing configuration files instead of using guis for configuration).

I picked Windows Me in my previous post because it was the worst system I remember having used.

That's exactly why Ubuntu left me disappointed after a while and I moved to Arch. What's your distro, Halogene?

Haha I didn't want to turn this into a OS advertising thread but yeah, I'm happily using Arch now, too.
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Yeah, the good thing about Arch is that it is configured differently that it exactly fits each system. Gentoo (which I used a year ago) also does this in a similar way and it´s quite fine when you know what you´re exactly doing. But if you don´t (and haven´t enough shell knowledge) you´ll fail on these distros and probably brake it in some way. There, Ubuntu seems to be more newbie friendly but has the disadvantage that the configuration doesn´t always fit the hardware (which isn´t only the failure of the Ubuntu devs imo). One of my brothers used Ubuntu for his Laptop and after he made an update the WLAN was not working anymore. He was disappointed and uninstalled it. :/ So I would say everything is fine as long as everybody finds his/her distribution which then works. It obviously that we aren´t using the same, and it´s also obvious that it won´t help which distribution is the best.

Ok, back to the original topic, I wanted to ask Samual something:
- Did you mean Gnome 2 or Gnome 3? If it is really possible to use Gnome 2 on Ubuntu 12.04 then that would be pretty nice!

I am going to have to use ubuntu, because next year I will be taking a class which is taught on Ubuntu. I installed it in a partition on my macbook so I wouldn't have to use the school systems.
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The number of 'known issues' seems to constantly rise with each new release of Ubuntu, and the devs don't seem to care too much about those bugs. It seems all they want is to release on time no matter how broken the release would be. This and other Canonica's antics led me to leaving *buntus (I was using Kubuntu) last year, and now I'm using OpenSUSE, which seems to care more about fixing bugs and testing.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

(04-22-2012, 09:23 PM)Samual Wrote: threatened it with a format while shouting obscenities, and suddenly it started to function properly.
If only more distros had that feature....

Notice how quiet Samual is now since "it started working" - he probably has no access to the forums anymore right now.
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