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Poll: Should Xonotic create a media kit?
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[SUGGESTION] Press Media Kit

I am taking Public Relations (at college). Something I ran into was a Media Kit (MK). A MK basically gives "stuff" to the media (on-line magazines that review games, newspapers, etc.). What do MK's give? Press releases, good quality pictures, among other things that people can use.

So, my point: what if Xonotic created a MK? Not that this hasn't been done in some form or fashion.

The MK could be accessible from Xonotic's main website -- so if an interested party heard about this free game, the hard work has already been done for them. All they gotta do is use our press releases to write articles and pics to show the game 'n stuff.

If Xonotic did this, I sense it would have to distinguish itself (not that Xonotic hasn't!) from other open-source and free first person shooters. That's a discussion perhaps for a different time. I want to keep this brief.

But perhaps I'm getting my target audiences confused. Sorry, it's late as I type this.

-- Ubiquitous Dirigbles

Hold up. There's already a media kit!

Sounds good, now who is gonna do it?

I´m all for it, but I would prefer that this Media Kit is released when the game actually reaches version 1.0 (as Xonotic is still in its beta phase, right?). A lot of things may change during this time.

As long as the one that is doing the MK is updating it with every release, yes Big Grin
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If I understand currectly what a MK is, I could possibly put toghether one when. Smile

Just to make sure I get this right, it should include official logo and screenshots in difference sizes simply?

I would at least wait till samual is done mucking around with the balance though ...

i agree with hutty.

There has been a lot of emphasis in the past about holding off on the publicity until we reach 1.0. I still think this is a good idea.

well ... 1.0 ... not really ...
xonotic is in ALPHA right now ... not beta ...
and alot of the weapon models ... and other visual things will get changed

(11-26-2012, 08:13 AM)Maddin Wrote: I´m all for it, but I would prefer that this Media Kit is released when the game actually reaches version 1.0 (as Xonotic is still in its beta phase, right?). A lot of things may change during this time.

(11-26-2012, 11:52 AM)s1lence Wrote: There has been a lot of emphasis in the past about holding off on the publicity until we reach 1.0. I still think this is a good idea.

This makes perfect sense. Media Kit(s) prior to Alpha would be premature, I think. Plus, we can give newbies a warm welcome with the community that Xonotic has.

Then comes the next question: how often ought a Media Kit be released? That's a question I'm not sure, even though I am taking Public Relations now. Anyone know what's a smart release rate? I can ask my ex-journalist professor, if need be.

(11-26-2012, 10:02 AM)machine! Wrote: If I understand currectly what a MK is, I could possibly put toghether one when. Smile

I am willing to do it, too. We must play rock, paper, scissors!

Just kidding. Big Grin I don't care who does it, I just want to help in some way!

I find AP style difficult (cause I haven't done it for long), but its doable. Some may find it easier than I.

A Media Kit often has a
  • backgrounder (historical info on Xonotic)
  • press release (current doings and dealings along with past info)
  • fact sheet (Xonotic facts and details)
  • pertinent, high-res photos (enough to please but too much and you'll overwhelm. Or mebbe that's just me?)
  • etc.

The writing style holds great importance! If whoever writes it writes sloppily, people's minds will wander. They'll lose interest. However, if they use:
  • tight sentences
  • active verbs -- no passive!
  • as few prepositional phrases as possible
  • gets to the point, quickly!

...chances will fly high that economical writing keeps our target audience's attention.

Of course, we're talking English here. Me being a native English speaker, I'm not sure how it would work for other languages. I'm not sure if other languages suffer an attention problem that English has a notoriety for.

OK, rant mode [OFF] ON.

I think it's a good idea, but should be done in sync with the Media page:

Waiting until 1.0 seems silly to me, the more players the sooner the better. Smile

for you history questions ...
wiki to the rescue

(11-26-2012, 08:13 AM)Maddin Wrote: but I would prefer that this Media Kit is released when the game actually reaches version 1.0 (as Xonotic is still in its beta phase, right?).

haha 1.0 will take ages. get over that dream
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Xonotic is too ugly right now to go out and see the public, and all of the work on weapon models seems to have stagnated. ;_;

@undone -- OK, I see

@hutty -- Thanks bro.

@Cortez666 -- Hmm, I guess so!

@s1lence -- Does weapon model work require someone to code?

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