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XQC #81 (4v4 TDM/Draft)

4v4 TDM is back! Wink

It will be a draft cup, which means there gonna be a captain for each team and they pick players one by one (similar to #xonotic.pickup). This way balanced teams should be created and bring some fun for any skilled player.

Anyone across all skill levels is obviously allowed to take part in this!
I would recommend to at least install TeamSpeak for this event, even if you don't have a microphone.

Quick facts:
- 4v4 TDM (XPM)
- Servers: WTWRP, pacman, FPS
- Timelimit: 20
- Fraglimit: 0
- Modus: Round Robin or Double Elimination (depends on amount of teams we can get)
- Mappool: Atelier, Bromine, Deep Inside, Dreadful Place, Grudge, Monstrosity, Rush
- Date/time: Friday, 9th December 2016 19:00 CET [UTC+1] (9:00 PM MSK; 1:00 PM EST; 5:00 AM AEDT) //
- VoIP: (TeamSpeak) [each team will get a protected channel]
- Admins: Mirio, packer, thearcoN
- Skill level: any

Just join #xonotic.cup (IRC, QuakeNet) at the given date if you want to participate. No registration somewhere needed! //

If you wonder where to practise 4v4 TDM, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC, QuakeNet - ) and play with us. Everyone is welcomed. Smile

gl hf

- I will create some backup plans in case we won't get enough players for a reasonable amount of teams (2v2 TDM Draft is on the list; DM or Keepaway), so we will have a cup FOR SURE.

[Image: tdm.png]

Big Grin
[Image: 38443.png]

I'll probably participate =)

With teams being picked by captains, is it possible to join later on in the evening (say, 21:30 or so CET)?
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

\o/ i'm in.
[Image: 65153.png]

(12-04-2016, 02:33 PM)Halogene Wrote: With teams being picked by captains, is it possible to join later on in the evening (say, 21:30 or so CET)?

I guess you could join to sub eventually, if someone has to leave or w/e but originally captains pick teams and it stays like that for the whole tourney.
[Image: 9214.png]

(12-04-2016, 02:33 PM)Halogene Wrote: With teams being picked by captains, is it possible to join later on in the evening (say, 21:30 or so CET)?

Unfortunately not, because we would need to delay the matches of that team by at least 2 hours.

But, as Islinn pointed out, it is possible that we need some subsitutes later on. Smile

I will be a captain and team will be called - SWAG, who wants to be in my team?!

Ok, I will try to free some time in the evening and be in standby in case a sub is needed.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Oh shit I thought this was on a Saturday. Well, its gonna depend on whether or not I can get out of work on time. So my attendance is not guaranteed.
[Image: 38443.png]


It starts in 6 hours and 40 minutes from now on! Wink Make sure to join.

1. Taleb, Freddy, Dodger, thearcoN
2. Mosspeo, proraide, shogun assassin, SpiKe
3. Islinn, SilenceKiller, dekrY, Mirio



[Image: 65153.png]

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