LOL I didn't expect such a big feedback for this one

I'm pleased with it, feedback keeps me wanting to do this stuff!
Thank you guys!
@Maddin: Cool to hear that

I wouldn't want to put more bass, could make the mix disbalanced, if you want moar you can still just EQ it (low shelf filter with +3~6 dB gain somewhere around 60 Hz should do the trick, of course it depends on the hardware you use)

(or I could release a special -
unfairly EQed version with more bass to it for the bassoholics

@Chooky: Well I don't see anything I could make better in this track right now so I temporarily consider it a final shot. It took em.... probably 5~6 hours of work total + 5 years of gathering experience

If you have some thoughts on how I can improve it further - let me know

I might be deaf to some problems, because I got used to them. I just hope it's mixed well and the sub basses are not too loud and not too quiet (this is problematic for me most of the times). If you'd like to learn some stuff about making sounds like theese - I'll think of some way I can help ya
4m Wrote:Hey! unfa! Can't You keep your stuff just a little shorter? And convert it to M4A, so that people can put it on their older cell phones, carry it home and plug it into their DolbySurround-enabled system? Eh?
Shorter? I could cut off the second bass drop but that would be a pain ;(
I most of the times try to keep it as short as possible, but sometimes I need to add some duration in there to let the things properly unwrap themselves and to build a tension. But yeah - I think I still have these things a bit too long. Maybe. Or maybe not

Could you write some more on why do you think it should be shorter?
4m Wrote:The "You're awesome!" sounds (for headshots, airshots, etc.) should be replaced with just effects instead of text.
Sounds interesting! Do you think some sounds form my tune could work? Like an angry dubstep bass squeak for headshot? And a quickly LFO-ed dubstep bass for airshot?
Is that what you mean?
Btw: If we did so, we'd need a tutorial in the game to make people know what those sounds mean.
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Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain