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[WIP][Singleplayer] Xonity

By kaadmY

Hi all, this is my first map testing release, don't expect it to be perfect-- just complain about the bugs you find Wink

It's designed to be singleplayer as part of a longer campaign.

Edit: I'll update this when I have enough to add to the pk3
Edit: Styling and download

Attached Files
.pk3   xonity_v2.pk3 (Size: 681.61 KB / Downloads: 35)

Been waiting for something to speedrun in Xonotic, keep up the work man Big Grin

Didn't find any bugs, but the slime pipes at the beginning looks little too bright and it's kind of hard to read from the bright walls. I thought they were some kind of barrels at first.

    Looks good but i found a little "Bug" its not really a bug and its not awful

The Health is in the Pipe Sad

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I like Bread Smile

Nice concept!

Many yers ago I started doing something like that thing but i lost all the files. It would be epic if You could do something like that in one of your levels...

Of course my track was kind of boring. You could make it very interesting, lots of differently shaped test chambers, continuity, maze kind of thing...
The pipes you can stand on but also shoot through (?) - fix that
Maybe some breakable objects?
Why not using teleporters?
Zombies aren't a threat. You can bypass them easily right now.
Maybe adding arrows on the walls and some text to tell you what you have to do.

Good job! Keep it up!

How do you reduce shader brightness? I just use the lava pipe shader.

The health isn't supposed to be there Sad

I just put common/clip brushes over the lava pipes; do I need common/fullclip to block projectiles as well?
Zombies are the lowest tier of monsters currently Sad
I already use ramps, you can use them to get to a secret Wink
I want non-linearity, arrows won't fit too well, but maybe stuff like blood smeared on the floor, or colors as hints.

(12-29-2015, 07:26 AM)Justin Wrote: Many yers ago I started doing something like that thing but i lost all the files. It would be epic if You could do something like that in one of your levels...

I really like what you've done here Justin. I like the flow and the visuals on your maps in general.

MooKow and I, in the Nexuiz days created a multiplayer training map called "the dojo". With lessons learned from the first revision, we planned the following rooms out for the next version of the map but never finished v2. I started another thread to kick off the discussion of tutorial and training maps if anyone is interested.

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