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[WIP] Arena

[Image: W9Y4qkI.jpg]

Making a new map that came to my mind.
It's designed as simple map that quickly gets you fighting by letting you surf* in when you spawn and having 4 centered jump pads.
Also to let you jump around and maintain high speeds.

I intended it as map for 1v1 or 2v2 initially but it got a bit bigger than that I fear.

The health and armor spawns should keep you laser jumping, while it's mostly armor you can pick up.

Rocketlauncher spawns at 1 of 4 locations randomly as well as the mega health.
Else health can only spawn at 4 locations where it has a chance of 1/7 to spawn else you'll get ammo.
Small armor gives 10 but stacks just up to 100, medium 25 and stacks up to 60.
Center spawns Strength/Invincible/Jetpack.


I hope you enjoy and let me know if you got feedback and/or suggestions.  minstanex

All images (3 more):

[Image: uEEZ7my.jpg]

[Image: VeumVeQ.jpg]

[Image: sRvMlPz.jpg]
(*steer against the slope and try sliding forward)

Beginning (spawning and surfing) is a little confusing but other then that: Great job! The map brings  pure joy of movement! Players in DM wouldn't even shoot each other being too busy surfing and flying around! Thus maybe adding checkpoints and turning it into running map?

I know it requires a little getting used to. (I didn't know how to surf as well - but my maps are also made to teach our community some tricks they might not were aware of existed within xonotic)
So i tried keeping the first part simple but still a little challenging thus rewarding.

Yeah cts/race actually was on my todo list as it's a great way to show some mechanics that aren't obvious but possible. (at the moment I'm a little busy and distracted with real life... more than i'd wish to)

Hehe I'd say goal achieved in terms of putting some fun and minimal disturbances into the movement part of the map. I think players will learn a good dm strategy over time and in the beginning they are playing around till someone gets serious and forces everyone to do so as well.

Anyways thanks for your feedback and please if you wish to you could also be brutally honest(but on a respectful level ofc; not suggesting otherwise). I mean I achieve nothing if I produce a map the community silently hates. I'd still take your feedback as serious. (at some point I thought to add a handle and let the map look like a giant mug kinda self ironically^^)

So how well do you think I achieved my goals?

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