03-19-2012, 10:10 PM
Hi I'm Bolwind and I successfully lead a TF2 for about 2 years and got really good then quit because the competitive scene is dead and the game sucks. I played QL dueling for awhile but eventually got tired of it and gave up, resigning myself to CA all the time. I'm also pretty good at a rhythm game called osu!, although I don't play it as often anymore. I saw a link for Xonotic off the QL forums and found out its probably the best game I've played in awhile, reminding me a lot of my UT2K4 days with mindless fun. I'm a US player and I'd be up to duel with anyone who wants to if you wanna add me on steam, as well as playing any other game type because the game is just FUN. Also would be cool with joining a US team if there are any of them looking. Anyways, hi :>