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[DUEL] Graphite (WIP)

This is a duel map I've been working on for a while. It's still a work in progress, so any feedback is welcome.

License: GPLv3+

Current version: graphite_b2.pk3
Version b1: graphite_b1.pk3

[Image: DLYOI.jpg]
[Image: 4Eke5.jpg]
[Image: sNz9z.jpg]
[Image: jvug9.jpg]

Nice work!
The map geometry is simple but looks effective.
It looks like there are enough items for the down player (2x50a + shards) to collect, but it needs playtesting to confirm Smile
A few suggestions:

 - Maybe add some trickjump to get to the 100a here:

[Image: 1505574702.jpg]

 - From here, you can view through all the map width on both the left and the right:

[Image: 1505574920.jpg]
It looks like a good spot to camp :<

The map is available for playtesting on PsyX duel servers.

So far i got nothing to complain about.
It just needs some texture so you can orientate better.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Thanks for the feedback guys.

(09-16-2017, 10:18 AM)SpiKe Wrote:  - Maybe add some trickjump to get to the 100a here:

You're not the only one that's suggested I add some sort of trickjump to get to the armor. I'm on the fence about adding one, since the idea was to force the use of the blaster to get there.

(09-16-2017, 10:18 AM)SpiKe Wrote:  - From here, you can view through all the map width on both the left and the right:

I hope this doesn't turn out to be an actual problem. I guess we'll find out once more games have been played on it.

Maybe add a couple angled walls at some of the corners? So you can do 90 degree ricochets with mortar.

EDIT: I agree with you on 100a, it's fine without a trickjump. The platform could be a bit higher though so it wouldn't be as easy to reach from the bottom level (25hp).

Download: graphite_b2.pk3

  • Redid the lighting.
  • Added a teleporter in the 50a room above the Mega Health, making the lower teleporter in the Mega Health room a two-way.
  • Made one set of two-way teleporters glow red for easy identification.
  • Added angled walls at some corners for mortar bounces.
  • Added a small ramp jump to the Mega Armor.
  • Made the side path to the Mega Armor slightly bigger.
  • Changed the lower 50a to a 25a.
  • Added a small ramp jump to the 25a.

I would like to thank everyone that gave me feedback in-game and on IRC.

Hi t0uYK8Ne, Just had a quick run around the map - the layout seems to be a good size for deuling or small DM games. In general I liked what I saw, however I'm not a fan of the Mega Health location, I prefer placing all Mega items in challenging locations - if you like that location, keep it there, it's your map.

It'll be interesting to see what the map looks like after you've started to doing the final texturing...

Thanks for the feedback munyul.

I do really like the location for the Mega Health; before releasing b1 I never considered moving it. The only reason I started the map is because I had the idea for the room (the placement of the Mega Health was an important part of it) and wanted to see if I could make it look as good as I imagined. The rest of the map only exists because it felt incomplete.

As for texturing, I'm not really sure what I will do, but I hope I can come up with something nice.

Map walkthrough of graphite. Enjoy!

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Hi Antibody, as always nice walkthrough - one comment, that small trim at the Mega Armor can be used to ramp-jump to the MA, infact I made it the first time I tried and I'm not all that good at Xonotic movement, however I haven't made it a second time and I've tried a few time Wink

Thanks for taking the time to make the video Antibody.

I had the same concern about the distance between the two megas until I started looking at other duel maps. I found that most (if not all) maps with both megas have a similar situation.


I really like the simple yet very attractive design of this map. In fact, I have gone to the bother of porting this map to run on ancient versions of Nexuiz (Nexuiz-2.3), including converting the textures in to Nexuiz 2.3 compatible format and creating a shader for the “heaven” skybox.

Bots play in this map just fine.

One issue is that, since Nexuiz only has a small and big armor, and no medium armor, there is no real mega armor, but instead three medium armors on the map.  This makes the part of the map leading to the megaarmor, accessible only via blaster or rocket jump, somewhat pointless.

Because graphite_p2 is GPLv3 licensed, the attached file (EDIT: Removed and updated; see below) has only the converted map (with source, as per GPL). The textures are under a different license (GPLv2+, i.e. GPL version 2 or any later version), so need to be separated from the GPLv3 mapdata. I hope to be able to post the converted textures (and shader, for the skybox) over the next couple of days (EDIT: Done); in the meantime, they can be looked at here:

I am sure that t0uYK8Ne meant to release it as GPLv2+ (EDIT: Incorrect, see below), but since it is GPLv3 licensed, I will treat it as such unless t0uYK8Ne de-lurks and clarifies if it’s OK to relicense this map.

Thanks again for the excellent game and for the hard work making this excellent map.

(04-29-2020, 03:59 AM)samiam Wrote: Because graphite_p2 is GPLv3 licensed, the attached file has only the converted map (with source, as per GPL).

I don't see the source for the compiled map in the pk3. I do see it in the GitHub repo, so I assume this was merely a packaging mistake.

You also called it _p2 in the README.TXT instead of the correct _b2.

(04-29-2020, 03:59 AM)samiam Wrote: I am sure that t0uYK8Ne meant to release it as GPLv2+, but since it is GPLv3 licensed, I will treat it as such unless t0uYK8Ne de-lurks and clarifies if it’s OK to relicense this map.

Since you are asking for clarification: the map is licensed GPLv3+ and I'm against relicensing it as GPLv2+. I hope that's not a problem for you.
I just realized I should have included a README stating as such when I released it.

(04-29-2020, 03:59 AM)samiam Wrote: Thanks again for the excellent game and for the hard work making this excellent map.

I'm glad you like it!

(04-29-2020, 11:07 PM)t0uYK8Ne Wrote: I don't see the source for the compiled map in the pk3. I do see it in the GitHub repo, so I assume this was merely a packaging mistake.

You also called it _p2 in the README.TXT instead of the correct _b2.
Thank you for clarifying the license and making it clear the map has always been intended to be GPLv3 licensed.

I have updated the package to include the .map file in it. In addition, I now have a separate file with the needed textures and shaders to make the map playable in Nexuiz 2.3 and Nexuiz 2.5.2. The music is different in Nexuiz, and the map plays differently (it’s possible to directly jump over the blue portal in the mega armor room to get to the platform under the mega-armor, for example), but it’s perfectly playable and bots handle the map just fine. The map is credited to t0uYK8Ne in both Nexuiz 2.3 and Nexuiz 2.5.2.

To play this map in Nexuiz (2.3 or 2.5.2), take the two attached files and place them in the Nexuiz/data file. (Edit) These two files are now also available here:

I think the map is perfect as is. I like the minimalist adobe (concrete?) theme of the map, and it’s well lit and quite attractive. It’s a really fun compact dual map, and it has been a pleasure back porting this map to old Nexuiz.

The .pk3 files are automatically generated using a script I have added to my fork of Nexuiz:

Look at the script

(Edit 2020-05-01: Medium healths were not in the Nexuiz converted map; fixed)

Attached Files
.pk3   graphite_b2_Nexuiz_textures.pk3 (Size: 1.23 MB / Downloads: 0)
.pk3   graphite_b2_Nexuiz_map.pk3 (Size: 107.73 KB / Downloads: 0)

As an aside, the webpage says that Xonotic is GPLv3+, and the current Git COPYING file says this:

All source files (as defined by the respective license) in scope of this
document are under the GPL version 3 or any later version, at your choice.

However, the same COPYING file in Xonotic 0.8.2 (which I got the textures from) has this wording:

All source files (as defined by the respective license) in scope of this
document are under the GPL version 2 or any later version, at your choice.

Which is why I have licensed the textures as GPLv2+ instead of GPLv3+; they come from Xonotic 0.8.2 with the GPLv2+ wording in the COPYING file.

I saw a complaint above that, since the map has a single concrete/adobe theme to it, it can be difficult to navigate. To help with this, I will explain the map’s layout.

Since the map is mostly two-dimensional — we could make this a Doom map by moving the high orange teleport destination, and replacing the lower hallway between the mega health and the strength (containing the vortex) with another two-way teleport — we can look at a blueprint of the map to get a sense of its layout (see below).

In the blueprint, gray is impassible; white is lower level. Yellow is upper level. Blue is the blue teleporter; orange is the orange teleporter. Green is two-level, where it’s possible to walk on both the lower and upper level. Purple is the jump pad. “MH” is the mega-health. “MA” is the mega-armor. “Str” is the strength.

The map has four rooms here:
  • On the upper left, we have the “jump pad” room, which has a crylink and a rocket launcher, in addition to an orange teleporter.
  • On the upper right, we have the mega health room, which has both the orange and blue two-way teleports, not to mention a machine gun right in front of the blue teleport. As mentioned before, there is a vortex on the lower hallway between this room and the strength room.
  • In the lower right of the blueprint, we have the strength room. In the bottom left of this room, we can jump up in to a hidden hallway which leads to the mega armor.
  • The lower left room has mainly the mega armor and the other blue teleporter.
To go from the lower level (white) to the upper level, we can use the jump pad, go up stairs, or, in the strength room, go up a ramp.

The entire contents of this post, including the attached image, are public domain, insomuch as it is possible to make a drawing and description of a GPLv3 licensed map public domain.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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