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Newtonian Nightmare - Playtest and suggestions thread

Mirio told me about that. I'm not sure what's going on there, because that was a bug in the game that was fixed long ago, so it's either the server is very old, or you've been playing an old pk3, as that problem is now fixed since a month or so.
You can check very latest version from here:
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

It is fine now.

I just found out that you can drop through the warpzone on your base onto the moving platform and laser yourself up through the warpzone of the enemy base and pass the laser field without harm in that direction. You get fried if you try it the other way of course. Is this intended? It would allow for unusual twists in gameplay, but doesn't seem very logical to me.

Oh, and I noticed these warpzones show up as the grid thing until I was rather close to them (I was falling down from the platform above, not using the stairs, dunno if that's related in any way, maybe it is related to this: ).
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The first one needs lot timing, however, interesting find. Also, the killer laser should cut you down entering the enemy base. However, sometimes you can just slip through, and that is intended. Destroy the generator under the base, and the laser will be deactivated.

The second is more like a technical problem. It comes from the entity itself: to prevent rendering from high distances (eating up resources) it unrenders after a few qu. We can set a distance where this fading out starts, and where it ends. This distance is calculated in a spherical shape from the center of the warpzone brush.

On NN vis is somehow very bad, I simply can't get that warpzone make disappear from looking at the main platform. I have to set a fade distance smaller then the direct line form your viewpoint to the warpzone from the platform. And givrn from the geometry of the map, this results very small distances.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

(01-15-2011, 05:58 AM)C.Brutail Wrote: The first one needs lot timing, however, interesting find. Also, the killer laser should cut you down entering the enemy base. However, sometimes you can just slip through, and that is intended. Destroy the generator under the base, and the laser will be deactivated.

Do I understand you right that even when the laser was not deactivated, you can sometimes just slip through it? Because I was playing alone on that map (trying to break Mirio's flag run record on PlanetXonotic Green's CTF server, which I eventually managed to do YAY). The laser was not disabled, and I slipped through.

I tried it only once, though.
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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(01-15-2011, 09:01 AM)Halogene Wrote: Because I was playing alone on that map (trying to break Mirio's flag run record on PlanetXonotic Green's CTF server, which I eventually managed to do YAY).

w00t! Sad How actually? Via the warpzone?

(01-15-2011, 09:01 AM)Halogene Wrote: Do I understand you right that even when the laser was not deactivated, you can sometimes just slip through it? Because I was playing alone on that map (trying to break Mirio's flag run record on PlanetXonotic Green's CTF server, which I eventually managed to do YAY). The laser was not disabled, and I slipped through.

I tried it only once, though.

Yes Smile It was one of the early "bugs" we've discovered with FruitieX, months ago. We decided to keep it in as "feature", because that could be only fixed by one way, making the laser go up and down even more fast, and that'd look stupid.
Now you have to be realy careful (or lucky) to pass through the killer laser - I can do it in 1:5 ratio. That's just too risky I think.
So the trick is: deactivate the laser by destroying the generator, and you're free to pass through for 60 seconds. Or, try to slip through, take risk, but probably the laser will cut you down Wink
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

(01-15-2011, 04:15 PM)Mirio Wrote:
(01-15-2011, 09:01 AM)Halogene Wrote: Because I was playing alone on that map (trying to break Mirio's flag run record on PlanetXonotic Green's CTF server, which I eventually managed to do YAY).

w00t! Sad How actually? Via the warpzone?

Nope, I just waited there for the strength and discovered that out of curiosity. Hadn't thought about the laser, and thought, this could be an interesting jump to do. I didn't get killed, wanted to go back onto the platform again and there you go, bzzzd.

I managed to break some records of you on Planet Xonotic CTF already Big Grin don't even dare to try to break my ones, or I'll need to spend another five hours on that server !! Wink

@C.Brutail: ok, well, interesting feature then. I didn't know it is actually the laser killing you, I always thought it was a "kill" trigger doing that. Cool.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

I really love the work you have done on this level Smile Why is it not in the master yet?
There's nothing better than getting off you butt and contributing to a community. There is no excuse when it comes to computers. Spend a little of you playing time, giving back Smile

Since Friday it is Smile
Take a look:
Squashed commit of the following:
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Fantastic work C.Brutail, this map is so far much more playable than the original was in Nexuiz. And the generator things make it big fun!

Just a tiny bit sidenote: maybe those ammo boxes shouldnt be needed to the middle of the map for the sniper rifle? That weapon is HUGE on this map and maybe those boxes would encourage camping a bit much.

Also it has always felt for me that there are too few weapons on this map, basically either you get crylink thats not effective due the open spaces, or electro that has limited range. How about addig Hagar somewhere? Or even the T.A.G? I dont like that weapon but it would work well on this map.

Another idea: the platform of the camping rifle could be much thinner, and this way more through-surface damage would be dealt by rocket launcher if you guide them from the middle platform around the shields to take out a guy there. Also generally that platform could be narrower so its harder to "hide" against rockets. It would be fun to see how RL guys counter the snipers on the top platform Wink

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