12-12-2011, 12:30 AM
Hey everyone,
I'm sure some of you know about a previous thread where Antibody asked for help with getting some icon artwork done for game modes and such... Well, i've got some other tasks to do... Actually, four in total. Below I have them listed, sorted in order from highest priority to lowest priority:
That's pretty much all i've got for now, really i'd like people to concentrate on the first two.. ESPECIALLY for before the end of January or such so it can potentially get into the next release.
Let me know what you're interested in doing if anything -- If you need more details about how to accomplish some task, let me know and I can try and give you that extra information.
I'm sure some of you know about a previous thread where Antibody asked for help with getting some icon artwork done for game modes and such... Well, i've got some other tasks to do... Actually, four in total. Below I have them listed, sorted in order from highest priority to lowest priority:
- Create a new "network" image (a clock in the top left)
There is a clock which is displayed in the top left corner when there is network lag (e.g., server is changing maps and client is waiting for server) - Right now (and since Nexuiz SVN) we have this very ugly blue clock made for the old Nexuiz 2.5.3 release which never happened. We removed the Nexuiz logo from it, but it's still a terrible image (seen below) -- What I need is for someone to completely make a new clock based on the Luminos style.... but really even if it isn't perfect, ANYTHING is better than what we have now. Really though, this shouldn't take long to complete.. Maybe a few hours for even only a slightly experienced artist.
- Create a whole new set of crosshairs
How many of you have noticed that the crosshairs in Xonotic are GENERALLY very boring and shitty?... and ESPECIALLY lacking in variety.. Aside from the per-weapon crosshairs (which, by the way, those are great) it seems that the default packed crosshairs are for the most part disliked in general. I mainly don't like that they lack any variety, it seems to be all the same thing (multiple little circles) with some minor variations. Whatever happened to normal crosshairs? -- Anyway, this one would require quite a large amount of work... I'd certainly like to have it done by 0.6 though if possible.
- New "missing preview" images for the menus
Taoki has coded new functionality which allows all of the various "preview" image areas to have "missing preview" images when for example a mapper forgets to pack his map with a screenshot of it. You can see the status of it here: http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/834 -- Now, the images he made are okay as placeholders, but we all know that Taoki is not the best of artistsI'd like just something simple for these preview images, e.g. xonotic logo + "missing preview" text which is faded into a black background. This shouldn't take too long either I would think, the trick here is just making sure the different aspect ratios look right for the different images.
- Forum icons for read/unread/sticky/etc that match Luminos theme
This one isn't really necessary yet, but in the future we WILL be replacing the main forum website theme with something that matches luminos much better... And one of the things we'll need for this is a set of icons for all the various forum categories and thread statuses and such. - I can definitely see this being a massive amount of work though, and again it's not necessary at least until we truly plan the date of this template update.
That's pretty much all i've got for now, really i'd like people to concentrate on the first two.. ESPECIALLY for before the end of January or such so it can potentially get into the next release.
Let me know what you're interested in doing if anything -- If you need more details about how to accomplish some task, let me know and I can try and give you that extra information.