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That one seems fine to me. The green-blueish color fits better to the gray background also.

Yes, yes! That's It! It look very good now. One thing I can say is that those cactus look too bright, Saturation can be lowered. I think you can try put the bush in as well.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

ooh ... very nice ...

the one thing thats bugged me is the sand (assuming it is sand) ...
sand doesn't like to sit in one place ... it finds ways of scattering itself into corers and low places ...
did you have any plans to make the edges/corners of you map have some sandy grains/mini piles in them?
(possibly with decal textures)

No, it´s not sand. It´s soil, very fruitful soil.

then why are you not growing carrots in it
especially the purple ones you dont find in stores

Even Though It Is Soil, It does not mean it is fertile, and you can grow Vegetables in it.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

+1 for vegetable garden on warfare

But then the map will have to be renamed into DrugLord, asyyy. Oh and yes, the name Warfare does not seem to suit the map, there is too little war in it. More of Fair.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

Update! Warfare version 4 is finally out!

[Image: warfare_v4.jpg]

  • made big terrain part at the balcony being better passable while bunnyhopping
  • new possible trickjumps
  • finished adding clipping brushes to all locations, you won´t get stuck now anywhere!
  • made middle area slightly less dangerous by placing cargo boxes
  • better visuals and details everywhere!
  • tweaked lighting
  • added a sort of color correction to the map
  • expanded the top area at the rocketlauncher a bit
  • fixed some misaligned textures
  • added location points for better indication while playing team modes or while coaching a player

To all server admins: Please update this map!

Download now!


Have fun playing it and leave some comments! Wink

Yay, good job! Smile Hope this get merged in master before 0.8.

Yay, my favourite map has been updated Big Grin
I hope it finds it's way to the pickup servers fast!

Good point! The map is in the repository maddin/map-warfare in xonotic/data/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/. Though apparently the map doesn´t compile properly via the autobuild server. It says that the sky shader is broken but on my local machine I never had any problems with it. Also the fog and the dotproduct2 keyword on the terrain parts don´t work.

Any help is really appreciated!

yey - very nice work maddin ... Big Grin

map uploaded to server - it is very good playable ....

Here some screenies:
[Image: warfar11.jpg]
[Image: warfar12.jpg] only only one suggestion by following the thread: Why not adding some plants at least? stolen a version from you here:

[Image: warfar10.jpg]

And I like the plants on the maps very much Cool
This version running also on my server.

GreetZ Su

The whole design of the map seems to be better without the plants, at least for me. The ground texture doesn´t really allow any usage of plants, this place is just too dry. If the majority thinks differently about this though, I can include them again.

The plants gave it some personality and made it look less empty in my opinion.

edit: Also about that hanging crate, I think you should have a slight playerclip on the side somewhere which would allow handy jumps between those upper areas. It would be better than only being on the way.

[Image: crate.png]

I knew this would come up. Big Grin So, why not allowing that jump? Because, and that is again my opinion which can be different, it brakes the map layout and does the exact same opposite of decreasing the dangerous middle area. As I mentioned in the changelogs the purpose of this crate is to make the upper parts a bit more "devided", meaning that it is more difficult (but not impossible!) to frag someone at the Mega Health shooting from the Rocketlauncher´s Health Shards or vice versa. Now if you make that jump possible you simply brake that mechanic and can jump from one end of the map to the other. Another change which helps decreasing danger of the middle area is the possibility to trickjump onto that create at the floor (lower left corner in your screenshot) and directly access one higher platform (if you proceed bunnyhopping on you´ll reach the Crylink).

About the git version and the autobuild problems with this map: The sooner we find the fixes for these problems (no skylight, no dotproduct/alphablending on terrain) the sooner the map has the chance to be included into the main game.

I never even played v3 before, a lot of servers out there need to be updated.
How to Englich?

So, the crate is supposed to block your path? That explains it Dodgy. Very nice improvements and stuff btw.
Btw. if you decide to add plants, could you make them without collisions?

frostwyrm333 Wrote:So, the crate is supposed to block your path? That explains it Dodgy.
It is not supposed to block your walking path which it never did but rather block some areas visually. For the reason see my post above and the changelog.

frostwyrm333 Wrote:Btw. if you decide to add plants, could you make them without collisions?
When have they been solid? Of course the plants will be nonsolid! Wink

moar plants - moar plants - moar plants - please please please

[Image: ipad_c10.jpg]

GreetZ Su

The textures of the hanging crate are very blurred btw.

@Mirio: Uhm ok. Is this happening with the other crates too, Mirio? Probably you are seeing the LOD model because your settings enforces to use them at a closer distance. Go and check that out!

@-maniac|Su-: Woooaaat! Cats! Omg! Plants! Fast! I need to include them! Big Grin Tongue

Hi, how do I install this map? It's not a PK3 file right?

(05-07-2014, 04:48 AM)zwz Wrote: Hi, how do I install this map? It's not a PK3 file right?

(08-09-2012, 08:33 AM)Maddin Wrote: Download: warfare_v4.pk3
(licensed under GPL_v2)


Update! Warfare version 5 is out!

This is pretty much the final version now. If you think that this map lacks anything important then tell me right away! Otherwise it will be uploaded to a git branch soon and I try to push it forward so it hopefully can be included as an official map.

[Image: warfare_v5.jpg]

  • Moar plants! As Promised! Big Grin

To all server admins: Please update this map!

Download now! warfare_v5.pk3

Have fun playing it and leave some comments! Wink

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