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I played a bit Nexuiz (the orginal) back in the not all that long ago, and I thought I'd check out Xonontic. It's quite impressive what you guys have done with it! I'm terrible at arena shooters, as you would expect, though I've played quite a bit of doom, so I've at least got some background to go on.
I go by qwertyuiop924 most everywhere. Don't ask why. Not because it's bad, there just really isn't a reason.



Hi and welcome! If you would like to get more insights into gameplay mechanics, check out the Newbie Corner!
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New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!



(04-26-2016, 03:39 AM)Halogene Wrote: Hi and welcome! If you would like to get more insights into gameplay mechanics, check out the Newbie Corner!

Actually, I've already looked at the newbie corner. Good job: it tells newbies like me essential information <rant> that is never documented in many shooters because they assume you've been play online arena shooters since the days of quake one. The fact is, arena shooters have never been the friendliest of genres to new players, but not telling people about the kind of moves that are everyday in online just makes it worse. The Newbie Corner does a good deal to make sure this doesn't happen.</rant>

The actual reason I suck is poor reflexes, and lack of familiarity with the controls. But both come in time, I suppose.

As for "the newbie experience" thus far, it's been surprisingly good. All the weapons are documented, as are a lot of maneuvers and tips, in the Newbie Corner, which is more than many shooters do. Also, a good percentage of servers online are (m)instagib, which gives newbies an opportunity to learn the controls and and fire off a few killing shots, rather than being shot to oblivion by an old hand who already has all the best weapons: Plenty of time for that once you know how to avoid it. Big Grin

I do, however think that changing the default weapon switch bindings, or at least providing an alternate set, is worth considering: they're unusable, and mousewheel is too slow. I've already made a set, but having something to get off the ground with for newer players would be nice.

Also, in bindings, fov, and all else, if somebody argues to change the default to something more newbie-friendly/sane, there are plenty of good arguments both ways. But, "We must keep it the same as the standard set down by our Dear And Glorious Leader Quake. Play Quake, and its brilliance will make you understand *genuflect* *genuflect*," isn't one of them: even if the person who you're talking to goes and plays Quake, and then actually agrees with you, your adherence to inscrutable, awkward, of otherwise bad defaults in the name of Quake will lose you a ton of players who assume the defaults are reasonable, missed thd link to the newbie corner, or haven't RTFM. If you don't want those players, that's one you.

Apparently, I'm angry today. For some reason.

Welcome to Xonotic!

(04-26-2016, 09:10 PM)qwertyuiop924 Wrote: I do, however think that changing the default weapon switch bindings, or at least providing an alternate set, is worth considering: they're unusable, and mousewheel is too slow. I've already made a set, but having something to get off the ground with for newer players would be nice.

This! is actually a very good point.

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