I'm very new to using (net/gtk/zero/etc-)radiant... And I want to share some thoughts and problems about it:
1) Linux Support
Well actually not, netradiant runs good and seems to be stable, but there are just some really bad shortcut desicions:
ALT+Shift+LMB is used for tunneling select:
*) which is really bad, almost every window manager on Linux uses the alt key, so that wont work. I don't know how to change that key it's not listed in the shortcut list?? And also I don't know how to change that key from the os (with gnome fallback mode) However as a quick workaround i switched from metacity to compiz.
*) Why is tunneling select not the default and why is that shortcut key that complex???, why not just LMB for tunneling select? and shift click to select additional brushes, Could be that easy XD
CTRL+TAB for switching views:
Well actually a good desicion: I like that, but often it doesn't work. The tab key seems to be used by the gtk-interface to switch between menus and stuff.... Not that good^^ so every second time using CTRL+Tab it doesn't work, pressing tab multiple times as a quick workaround.
For deselecting a brush i need to press Escape... two times
Why that??? doesn't make sense to me, one time should be enough, and to switch from texture/vertex/edge mode to the brush It would be nice to have a brush mode (maybe just pressing b)
...aaand of course y and z are switched on german keyboards
Nothing more to say about that, not that important as the other bugs.
2) Game Support is not that good
All path are hard to setup
YES almost EVERY SECOND trouble in forums is about that radiant won't find textures, all games using radiant have that trouble.
*) There is no option in radiant where you can set the texture path in radiant. And no info where it searches for textures you have to know that... But maybe you got a big texture collection on your external harddrive... no radiant just looks in /specified game path/textures/... so maybe you also got several games....
It is really a bit frustrating, also when i imported an .ase file, specified "rock02-rock03" as textureNAME in the ase and used _remap to tell the engine and also set Bitmap for the texturepath in the ase, and also qer_texturepath for radiant in the shader file. Well radiant really used the textureNAME in the .ase as filepath which makes absolutely no sense, so i had to place a texture in /Xonotic/data/models/mapobjects , the same path i put the .ase model in. I almost spent an hour to make radiant to load a texture for an imported model, well it's not that important because it's only for the editor... However that was a very wild guess and shows how static netradiant is.
That applies also for Mapping tools, for q1 for example there are A LOT of tools and it's the preference of the mapper which tool to use... Not only q3map2 ...Not only in the radiant dictionary.
And also for engines, there is usually not just One engine to use for a game... there are quite a lot for quake1 for example... i edited the file games/xonotic.game and set engine to:
engine_linux="xonotic-linux64-glx -basedir /home/rudi/zeugs/Xonotic +map rudi #"
That is a really dirty hack. Radiant tries to execute:
xonotic-sdl +fs_gamedir bla +set sv_pure 0 +devmap rudi or something like that... doesn't work.
And why are configuration files in /games/xonotic.games and /xonotic.game/ ?!?
QuArk Solves the game setup stuff way better and it' doesn't have all that troubles to support games.. it still supports hexen2 nobody still maps for that game... but it works, just set all the paths correct!
Xonotic is not alone with that problems, other games, warsow and ufai might be interested to fix that stuff to, so maybe It's a good idea to contact them.
...Well with all these workarounds I'm finally able to map ^^ and apart from that stuff netradiant is really stable, already prefer it over QuArK.
...Unfortunately I absolutely can't code...
3) And yeah netradiant really needs a website currently still linked to alienTRAP.
Not sure whether i posted this in the right place :/
1) Linux Support
Well actually not, netradiant runs good and seems to be stable, but there are just some really bad shortcut desicions:
ALT+Shift+LMB is used for tunneling select:
*) which is really bad, almost every window manager on Linux uses the alt key, so that wont work. I don't know how to change that key it's not listed in the shortcut list?? And also I don't know how to change that key from the os (with gnome fallback mode) However as a quick workaround i switched from metacity to compiz.
*) Why is tunneling select not the default and why is that shortcut key that complex???, why not just LMB for tunneling select? and shift click to select additional brushes, Could be that easy XD
CTRL+TAB for switching views:
Well actually a good desicion: I like that, but often it doesn't work. The tab key seems to be used by the gtk-interface to switch between menus and stuff.... Not that good^^ so every second time using CTRL+Tab it doesn't work, pressing tab multiple times as a quick workaround.
For deselecting a brush i need to press Escape... two times
Why that??? doesn't make sense to me, one time should be enough, and to switch from texture/vertex/edge mode to the brush It would be nice to have a brush mode (maybe just pressing b)
...aaand of course y and z are switched on german keyboards
Nothing more to say about that, not that important as the other bugs.
2) Game Support is not that good
All path are hard to setup
YES almost EVERY SECOND trouble in forums is about that radiant won't find textures, all games using radiant have that trouble.
*) There is no option in radiant where you can set the texture path in radiant. And no info where it searches for textures you have to know that... But maybe you got a big texture collection on your external harddrive... no radiant just looks in /specified game path/textures/... so maybe you also got several games....
It is really a bit frustrating, also when i imported an .ase file, specified "rock02-rock03" as textureNAME in the ase and used _remap to tell the engine and also set Bitmap for the texturepath in the ase, and also qer_texturepath for radiant in the shader file. Well radiant really used the textureNAME in the .ase as filepath which makes absolutely no sense, so i had to place a texture in /Xonotic/data/models/mapobjects , the same path i put the .ase model in. I almost spent an hour to make radiant to load a texture for an imported model, well it's not that important because it's only for the editor... However that was a very wild guess and shows how static netradiant is.
That applies also for Mapping tools, for q1 for example there are A LOT of tools and it's the preference of the mapper which tool to use... Not only q3map2 ...Not only in the radiant dictionary.
And also for engines, there is usually not just One engine to use for a game... there are quite a lot for quake1 for example... i edited the file games/xonotic.game and set engine to:
engine_linux="xonotic-linux64-glx -basedir /home/rudi/zeugs/Xonotic +map rudi #"
That is a really dirty hack. Radiant tries to execute:
xonotic-sdl +fs_gamedir bla +set sv_pure 0 +devmap rudi or something like that... doesn't work.
And why are configuration files in /games/xonotic.games and /xonotic.game/ ?!?
QuArk Solves the game setup stuff way better and it' doesn't have all that troubles to support games.. it still supports hexen2 nobody still maps for that game... but it works, just set all the paths correct!
Xonotic is not alone with that problems, other games, warsow and ufai might be interested to fix that stuff to, so maybe It's a good idea to contact them.
...Well with all these workarounds I'm finally able to map ^^ and apart from that stuff netradiant is really stable, already prefer it over QuArK.
...Unfortunately I absolutely can't code...

3) And yeah netradiant really needs a website currently still linked to alienTRAP.
Not sure whether i posted this in the right place :/