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Screenshots of what you're doing.

1000 posts ftw!

congrats nerds Smile



(08-13-2011, 12:21 AM)chooksta Wrote: 1000 posts ftw!

congrats nerds Smile



[Image: lendk23tae24o0nztse_thumb.jpg]

<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

.Danny. Wrote:I vant to vuck vour vlood!
Sorry, what do you want?

cortez :p , i was posting AFTER THE FACT :p



@ Lord Canistra: Looks like possibly one of the few "Large scale" maps that will look nice. Most use some concrete texture that looks like a checkered pattern when it's repeated that many times. Did you use detail brushes? If not, that could be an issue with compiling.

Maddin: I like the arches and domes, but why no textures? I think the arches could look good with a brick tex and the dome with a concrete/sandstone type.

Happy 1000th Tongue

Well it´s a kind of technique. First you only build your map with brushes and monotonous colours and after you have finished the COMPLETE level you start texturing. This way you avoid that your map will look blocky and boring. You gain a very high rate of detail, and after you have added textures it will just look amazing realistic. Smile

I'm working on my first proper map right now Smile

It's a small-ish dm map, with the key feature being warpzones.

[Image: h09694ecm8hfwup8zb6_thumb.png]

[Image: lcruxfzawanutnb7mfii_thumb.jpg]

[Image: liugi1wsjdcboyotcvtt_thumb.jpg]

[Image: qyvrbztbgqkjzspxs6ru_thumb.jpg]

Textures are placeholders at the moment, but I'm going for the Tron look.
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

you may have to make your own textures for that. I would use lots of glossy black, with blue and orange (or red, if it's team based) glowy lines.
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

[Image: tgom9oj28cqg4q5ydjw_thumb.jpg]

[Image: 88zb6gx7gdxp9nj8etw1_thumb.jpg]

Is that Silvercity? I like Big Grin

Yes, but I'm sure it'll be a great FPS hog (maybe due to size and overuse of pathes?).

(08-10-2011, 04:14 AM)Lord Canistra Wrote: (...)

Wow! This looks really good! And unique! Where did you get those textures? It looks really refreshing Smile
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

nowego4: Here you can see how a part of map looks with detail brushes hidden. Hex panels are models and the remaining detail you see is a patchwork. Don't worry, I've been working with Half-Life/2 engines for quite a time (Source engine is somewhat similar to Xonotic in it's optimization capabilities) and I know what BSP is and how it's used by the game. Once all the decorations are added, the main shaft might be a bit of trouble to make it run smooth and fast, but I'll surely do my best there.

unfa: I don't really like the idea of using existing Xonotic textures, since they have already been overused in lots of maps. Moreover, only few of them might fit to what I'm doing. I made those textures with .werkkzeug 3 TE, liek this. It's a procedural texture generation tool from a certain demogroup called Farbrausch.


[Image: 00c1e7if7dk422jwac8_thumb.jpg][Image: hm4tyzzkeikl9yqi8fwd_thumb.jpg]
[Image: 5scnektmhpoisdoy1qvr_thumb.jpg][Image: 0qq3dlqqgyfyiuvyucqa_thumb.jpg]

small improvements
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Keep it up! I already wondered why the texture alignment is so bad in warfare.

I really like the ground in the second screenshot, looks very realistic. But how about the teleporters? They could also have another texture than this weird square pattern.

[Image: r2i77svab97cd06m5di_thumb.jpg]

New map in progress: bio_labour
Enjoy! Cool

@ Cortez, very nice! But... the texturing just makes me really think of other maps, like Red planet and g-23. I think it would be nice to just change the theme of the map, otherwise, what Mircea Kitsune already said, all maps are just going to look the same.
Just some examples of other themes:
Hell, just a lot of lava, rocks, big gates, could look very nice on Warfare.
Ice, just make it one big frozen map.
aand you can think of thousands of other things, you are an exremely good mapper, maybe the best, but things are just going to look the same.

maddin: that first screenshot reminds me very much of part of a halo map. (not that thats a bad thing.)

looks really nice.
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

o.O Never played Halo and won´t play it... nevertheless thank you!

I once played Halo, and in my eyes it was just an other version of Xonotic, about the same multyplayer, only way better singleplayer. It's just Xonotic except that you need to pay for it.

So you like my new map or not? I have to know that to decide whether I should continue building it.

Oh, yes you should, I like it very much! Especially nice lighting in tbe first video. But it does make me think of Solarium. Try to not let it look too much like it.

But I would very much like to see something really new and different: Maybe you (or Cortez) can make a reload of the Nexuiz map ons-reborn. It is the only ons-map you can find in Nexuiz and I like it really much. It is a huge outdoor map in the mountains, so big that I think you would need about 20 players to be normally able to play it.
But if you have that amount of players, I think it would be amazing! Ons-reborn might also be suitable for vehicles.

Anyway, you can really do a lot with that map, I think it would be fun for You to remake that map. And Xonotic also just needs a good ons-map, and this map is Perfect for ons. And does absolutely not look like any other Xonotic map.

I guess you understand what I would like you to do Wink

But feel free to first finish that other map!

P.S. As you can see, I stopped just spamming arount a bit Big Grin

Ok, I understood you, although this map won´t be an onslaught map I think.

Btw: I made the grass out of scratch! Cool

I didn't mean that you should make this new map an onslaught map! That map in the screenshot just looks like a normal dm map. Of coufse that won't be an ons-map!

I asked if you could make a remake of ons-reborn, and that map is only suitable for ons.

BTW, nice grass Big Grin

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